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kobold groups?


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I'm pretty sure SCS introduces the various kobold kinds, such as chieftain, guard, elite, captain, shaman, scribe, etc. What I'm finding a little odd is that the most common kind of kobold constellation I'm encountering seems to consist of something like three chieftains, one captain and one shaman or scribe. It's a little strange that there's a bunch of boss kobolds hanging out together, but without any common, "grunt" kobolds...don't you think? I feel the captains and chieftains should be preserved for special encounters, not just randomly scattered everywhere, and they should be leading groups of common kobolds, not team up with several other badass kobolds of their own kind. Making them a little more rare would add to the specialness of such an encounter, instead of having kobold chieftains as the most common type of kobold you see.


Also...kobold scribes? To me, scribe and kobold together is a very odd combination in the first place (what do kobolds need to scribe?). But more importantly, a scribe usually denotes a fairly lowly type of non-martial profession. Yet here, kobold scribe seems to equal "super badass kobold archmage". What gives?


(Yes, I'm a little cranky after being killed - repeatedly - by kobolds.)

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