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[Mac OS X] Errors prevent mod installation


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I thought we were discussing whether or not you should specify the name of the destination file.
And we still are. As this all follows from not being very specific and maticulaus about things...

When the file in your mod folder is named properly, you already know what it will be called when you copy it into the override. Writing it twice doesn't make it any clearer (and distracts from instances where a file is actually being renamed).


COPY ~*modname*/SPL~ ~override~

Why, well, if you haven't named the spells in that folder as their own, and as there is no backups made from the overwritten ********.spl files, ... you end up cheesing the whole BiG World install that way... easy as a piece of pie. Yes, it's was an SPL folder, not just a file.

I'm pretty sure WeiDU backs up files in situations like that, but if you've experienced otherwise, you should report it as a bug.

I think I actually did to a mod that you at least partially coded.

So it might be good if you weren't just pretty. :lol: Sorry about that, if it insulted you.


Edit: Yes, the linked archive I made for the linked thread is gone, but it only had 13 .spl files and a few .bams, and 2 .eff files.

The SR v3 backs up 43 .spl files on near vanilla BG2 ToB setup... ???

I misread your post. I'm 100% sure that WeiDU will make backups when overwriting existing files one at a time. Your low count of backed up files was probably due to a mod biffing your files before SR was installed.

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