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weapon animations


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clipped this from bgtweaks. i've looked and studied and can't find the highlighted info. i want to add other weapon types, specifically 2H & long & bastard swords and katanas. thanks in advance.


COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // animation adjustments

PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN // protects against invalid files

READ_BYTE 0x18 "flags"

READ_ASCII 0x22 "anim" (2)

READ_BYTE 0x31 "prof"

READ_LONG 0x64 "abil_off"

READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"

PATCH_IF ((("%prof%" = 100) OR ("%prof%" = 101)) AND ("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "ms" = 0)) BEGIN



PATCH_IF ((("%flags%" BAND 0b00000010) = 0b00000000) AND // one-handed...

(("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "cl" = 0) OR // club

("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "mc" = 0) OR // mace

("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "ms" = 0))) BEGIN // or morningstar

FOR (index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN

READ_BYTE ("%abil_off%" + ("%index%" * 0x38)) "type"

PATCH_IF ("%type%" = 1) BEGIN

WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x2C + ("%index%" * 0x38)) 50 // Overhead

WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x2E + ("%index%" * 0x38)) 50 // Backhand

WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x30 + ("%index%" * 0x38)) 0 // Thrusting




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Info link... so long swords and katanas are easy.


That's chancing this:

("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "mc" = 0) OR // mace
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "ms" = 0))) BEGIN // or morningstar

To be this:

("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "mc" = 0) OR // mace
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s1" = 0) OR // 1 handed long sword
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s3" = 0) OR // katana
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "ms" = 0))) BEGIN // or morningstar


With the two handed part, the whole thing should look like this:

PATCH_IF (((("%flags%" BAND 0b00000010) = 0b00000000) AND // one-handed...
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "mc" = 0) OR // mace
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s1" = 0) OR // long sword
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s3" = 0) OR // katana
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "ms" = 0))) OR // or morningstar
((("%flags%" BAND 0b00000010) = 0b00000010) AND // two-handed...
("%anim%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "s2" = 0))))) BEGIN //th-sword

But ...

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Keep in mind that some animations are shared between weapons; S1 is used by long swords, bastard swords, and ninja-tos. You'll have to check additional characteristics (like proficiency type) if you want to differentiate between them. In addition, you may need to account for the different animations used by flaming swords.

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