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BG1 NPC / Gavin music conflict with vanilla music


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Hey, this may not be local to BG1 NPC or Gavin, but these are the only two NPC with music mods I have encountered in my game so far. This is a BWPv11 BGT installation, as well.


If the pc custom music starts up, the vanilla background music does not stop playing, resulting in unpleasant cacaphony.


installation details here, first post:


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Vanilla music is controlled in area files. Not sure if there is a command to disable it. In theory you could StartMusic() to a slot in the area file that has no music track, but that will vary from area to area. The "win" and "lose" slots tend to be vacant (set to -1) in many vanilla area files, whereas "day", "night" and "battle" song slots tend to be populated fairly often (and thus also depend on what time it is or whether battle is occurring).

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Both mods use PlaySong(0) before they start their mod music via PlaySound(0). Both mods also set line 0 in songlist.2da to a blank MUS, but if you've got something in your installation that reassigns that slot, these changes will be overridden. I'm not really sure what the definitive solution would be here. I'm no expert on large installations. Perhaps it would make sense to add the mod music to the songlist (including a check for ToBEx) and just call it with PlaySong("mysong"). It woud involve a recode, but cacaphony is not phun.

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PlaySong() directs the engine to run the MUS file with that name and run through it once. After that, it reverts to the area music. You're good for about 30 seconds of silence with G3BLANK, which is shorter than most NPC music tracks, but most areas have spacers in their MUS files, so you can count on a total of 45-75 seconds of silence after your PlaySound() begins.

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