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No talk of Bhaal's heritage besides Jaheira?


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One thing I really didn't like in BG1 was a lack of character interactions. Nobody would say anything upon finding the protagonist's identity in Candlekeep in vanilla BG1.


With NPC project installed, I finally reached that part where I read Gorian's letter but only Jaheira spoke to me on the matter. I'm literally quite shocked that Imoen wouldn't say a thing on the subject.


Could I learn who else has a comment in the event beside Jaheira?

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I really think Imoen should say something, but she does it if the PC finds the letter, so if you don't sneak up to Gorion's room I am not sure the talk triggers.


Ajantis comments in any case (but you have to have the letter or get the news from Sarevok's (ex?)-lover exolicitely in the dialogue.)


Dynaheir should comment, but I am not sure whether it was only for the romance case.

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Or if you could paste the Bhaal revelation dialogue of Imoen for me I would be grateful.


The first reason I took Imoen is out of curiosity of what she would say when she finds out about Bhaal's heritage! :p I spent literally 10 min staring at the monitor , waiting for Imoen dialog to trigger in the library when I read the letter.

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It would be kinda crowdy, though. I mean, imagine that after losing your soul Keldorn, Imoen, Cernd, Edwin and Viconia all start telling you their opinions.


... actually, that would be damn great, anyhow. But too much dialogue.

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Sorry for resurrecting this topic, but I'm kind of curious about this as well.


I read Gorion's letter, and only Xan had something of a reaction ("A Bhaalspawn? Oh seldarine... I was about to make the greatest mistake of my life"), referring to the fact that our romance ended.


I've finished romancing Coran (exchanged vows and everything), and Imoen is in my party...but out of the three, Xan is the only one to say something? I can understand if my other party members (Viconia and Kagain) stay silent, but I'd expect Imoen to say something at least. Seems a bit odd.

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My memory may be faulty, but I think it was just as I've written above: would be too annoying if all NPCs had something to say at once. I recall we talked about it, and at the end only Jaheira+Khalid and romance interests had something to say. I think the same goes for the Undercity moment: it's Kivan, romance interests, Jaheira+Khalid.


With Imoen, I understand it is connected to her author: it so happened that Imoen had a lot of interjections and things to say at the very beginning, but not as much later in the game - only Xan's pink cutscene and the birthday gift celebration in the Elfsong come to mind. Perhaps the lack of the Bhaalspawn talk is due to the author disappearing way too early, I'm not sure - when I came to the project, I think Imoen's caretaker was already gone, and since the majority of Imoen's content was done, no new caretaker was appointed. In any case, this is it. :)

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Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I guess it makes sense, since it's not like this revelation just suddenly came out of nowhere...there were plenty of hints along the way about bhaalspawn abilities and such, and my party members could have just figured it out beforehand.

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