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How to add an unique entry to IDS


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that will just skip if there's such entry already. So my scripts will use this shared shout. I need a new, unique shout.
Erhm, it will skip if the UNLESS statement is true within the line... this allows you to build up a nearly endless of possibility ... say you wish a simple QHELP as the shout in your scripts, you can:


APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~131 QHELP~

UNLESS ~131~


Now then if the case is that the 131 is already occupied, you just...


APPEND ~shoutids.ids~ ~171 QHELP~



Cover it... ETC.

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You can use LOOKUP_IDS_SYMBOL_OF_INT to determine if any identifier is associated with a specific value. This will only guarantee you get a unique shout if you assume every mod that uses shouts actually adds an identifier to shoutids.ids.


SET val = 0
LOOKUP_IDS_SYMBOL_OF_INT identifier ~shoutids~ val
PATCH_IF (~%identifier%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%val%~) BEGIN
 // no identifier assigned to val


Combine it with a loop to keep searching until you find one that's unused.



Edit: Keep in mind that you'll need to recommend installing your mod after mods that are less careful about this sort of thing.

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