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ADD_CRE_EFFECT - Visual Effects


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I am trying to use WeidU to patch an Item Ability (usable, not an on-equip) on an amulet that in vanilla BG does not have one.

That's when I put Weidu down, and pick up NI or DLTCEP. Different tools for different jobs. (That "add/clone header" function is interesting, though.)


It does exactly what I needed it to do (the function).

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I mean to say, at some point I stop trying to patch the existing file, and instead make a new file and just overwrite the existing one.

Yeah, let's all do that to the baldur.bcs ... after all, the whole thing is mostly useless anyways, ouh and it can even cause lagging that can't get ridd off(yes, if you are really bad mod maker that is true).

Really the only reason to overwrite files is to fix them in the BG2Fixpack, aka the first mod that should be installed. After that you should be patching. Or expect the spanish inqusition, aka write to the mod readme and download tool that the mod needs to be installed right after the BG2Fixpack, for compatibility's sake.

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Well, there's a subset of things... see it's true that it's sometimes better to overwrite and other times it is a very much better to patch.

See the IR's "copy - patch" -approach for example. The main component copy'es, the minor ones patches all. So you can install 10 000 differerent mods in the middle and likely have all the minor tweaks applied to all items at the end, recardless of their origin.

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