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weidu to show you what mods are effecting a particular resource


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Hi I remember that there's something you can do in weidu I believe that can give you feedback on the mods that are affecting a file (a creature or item or whatever). I've forgotten what the command was and didn't find it looking at the weidu readme, I guess because I can't think of the right phrase to look for.


Anybody remember the command?

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Hi I remember that there's something you can do in weidu I believe that can give you feedback on the mods that are affecting a file (a creature or item or whatever). I've forgotten what the command was and didn't find it looking at the weidu readme, I guess because I can't think of the right phrase to look for.


Anybody remember the command?

You mean changelog?

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You mean changelog?


e.g. WeiDU.exe --log nul --change-log SPIN476.SPL >change-log/change-log.txt --out change-log


(which you created).

I run it from a bat file (as you can do multiple searches at once.

WHERE did you say you created the change-log folder ?

Cause you forgot the whole code line:

mkdir change-log

Which means that the logs won't show up at all ...

Roxanne, try to learn to link to the instructions.


Also it should be taken notice that the change-log only records changes, that is if a non existing game resource was copied to the game from a mod, it won't show up, as it is not technically changed, just copied. Wisp hasn't been able to command it to do this, cause the files don't make backups etc. Or whatever. I don't even pretend to know the details of this.

Which will leave things such as the Wheels of Prophecy (v4) file(dw#melri.itm) being broken from showing up in the change-log's of the file cause it was copied to the game from the mods own resources, and you can only see it to fail in the BG2Tweakpacks modified SCS as... the file is copied as both c!pp29.itm and cdpp29.itm which fail the SCS's install.

But ... because the SCS knew that the file was broken and overwrites the WoP item, it only fails to know that the erroring file is just a replicate of the dw#melri.itm .

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