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EE 2.5: EET_End Refused to Install. Wuh?

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My EET_End isn't installing and I'm unsure why.  EET is 1.0 RC12, the newest one for 2.5, and I'm installing onto 2.5.

Is it a WEIDU 2.47 version problem?  Seemingly not because I reran Setup-EET_End while offline using Weidu 2.46 and got the same result.

Relevant Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YXdaxHVHovcDZOpcCeSQleFIWZH3P7Lr


Edited by Endarire
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If the name of the dialog file contains the symbol "!", its name in * .d files must be enclosed in "~". Otherwise, there will be an error. EET_end doesn't seem to do this when generating * .d files.

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If the name of the dialog file contains the symbol "!", its name in * .d files must be enclosed in "~". Otherwise, there will be an error. EET_end doesn't seem to do this when generating * .d files.

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[_!MG1.DLG] created from [_!MG1.DLG]

[_!MG1.DLG] LEXER ERROR at line 47 column 1-16
Near Text: -
	invalid character [-]

[_!MG1.DLG]  ERROR at line 47 column 1-16
Near Text: -
ERROR: parsing [_!MG1.DLG]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: [_!MG1.DLG] -> [override/_!MG1.DLG] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error)
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [EET end (last mod in install order) -> Standard installation], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/end/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "EET/backup/end/0/OTHER.0")

The problem is not with exclamation symbol "!" or with _! prefix, reason why _!mg1.D mg2.D compiles with errror is, WEIDU removes or does not use ~~ after EXTERN so if value has negative symbol - it will give error


when weidu decompiles "_!mg1.dlg" file -1 value remains without ~~ so possible fix is change value -1 to positive eg. 0 or Termination dialog is also possible so replace whole EXTERN ~None~ ~-1~ with EXIT


Original _!mg1.D ~-1~ is enclosed by ~~



when weidu decompiles dlg



replace files _!MG1.D _!MG2.D in the folder and uninstall/install mod:
...\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\Dimension_Gate\NEW\DLG\


Edited by Gamemacik
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