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2.6 and old mods

Guest Morgoth

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Guest Morgoth
Guest Morgoth
1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

Use the version in Klatu Tweaks, it's the best one around at the moment.

I remember to have compared Miloch with Klatu, and Miloch was the vision I had for Free action. I wonder what are the differences, it's been so much time. Maybe I'm misremembering. Well, back to reading readmes, I guess.  Thanks for the heads up!


43 minutes ago, Gwaihir said:

I got it right now in an EET 2.6 install. Tried rushing to high hedge and Thalantyr seems to work fine. Dialog works as intended, even that relating to upgrades. It wasn't a very extensive test, though.

Will try then and let others know.

17 minutes ago, Graion Dilach said:

OlvynTweaks works with 2.6. The Infravision component seems buggy though last I tested.

thanks - hopefully one day the infravision component will get fixed.

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Guest Morgoth

So what's left:
1) Expanded classes: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/77859/expanded-classes-and-kits-massive-kit-compilation-mod
2) Jimfix: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/66358/mod-jimfix-ascension-scs-fixes-general-tweaks-updated-for-scs-v33

And a few more questions - has anyone tried Tresset tweaks with 2.6? https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/61898/tressets-choice-tweaks Namely:
- Infinite algernon cloak
- old poison weapon
- Bigger bard songs

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I've used Thalantyr item upgrade for a full EET playthrough with just that and a couple other mods, as well as on my current mega install with about 10 other mods that add dialogue/quests/interactions to Thalantyr - still works like a charm, and no problems detected (all on 2.6 EE).


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1 hour ago, Guest Morgoth said:

I remember to have compared Miloch with Klatu, and Miloch was the vision I had for Free action. I wonder what are the differences, it's been so much time.

It's been a while since I looked, but the code for Klatu's seems better. I recall that Miloch's was overbroad - stopping movement effects that should not be stopped, like effects that could be applied in cut scenes. I looked at Klatu's code fairly recently and I recall thinking it is basically perfect.

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On 1/28/2022 at 8:41 PM, Guest Morgoth said:

3) Works as far as I can tell, did not use/check all its components (the Infravision one for instance) though.

  • Enemy Random Targeting: no idea whether sensible to use with SCS
  • Ad: Area Transitions: I sometimes encountered a bug, where I got the "You must gather..." message, even though it was gathered. This might be due to an "invisible familiar" bug or something else, couldn't pinpoint. Mainly happened after Beregost. An idea was to counteract this issue with this component - never tested though.


4) The spell-related message components work in my installs. "Reveal Hidden Doors" installs but I never checked whether it works. The animation fixes installed and fixed a select few spells - never checked their animation.


5) Works flawlessly, from what I can tell.


Ad klatu's Free Action: I'm not entirely sure, but I think it is (partly?) included in SR(R) - that's also why it didn't install for me, iirc. If memory serves right, this might also be an option to consider.

Edited by Gordian
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SR’s Free Action blocks Haste IIRC, like the normal game - it’s interpreted as the intended behavior of the 2E rules, a rather reasonable trade-off. IIRC there was some talk about having Free Action block Haste, but not Improved Haste... but it never got implemented. 

Dunno if Bartimaeus may have borrowed Klatu’s approach in his personal version. And while SR+Klatu is a known, tested combination, I don’t know if combining Klatu with Bart’s SR would be harmless, or would cause problem’s. I’d say one would have to look at the code to tell, but unfortunately the code in both SR and SRR* don’t really permit such evaluation. 

* (This example makes clear why saying “does this work with SR(R)?” can be problematic. SR and SRR are really two different mods, with different compatibility issues.)

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I was quoting SR's (that's why I assumed SRR as well) readme from memory. This is a clear deviation from its vanilla description, hinting at (to me at least) not blocking Haste. I never tested the interaction, as I mainly playtested early-mid BG1. I do know that the klatu component didn't install, but this can have a gazillion of reasons, so one would have to test.

Reasonable, but annoying when it comes to having to switch items. That's what my younger self thought about it when trying to move the party quickly from A to B back in ~2000. Now with tweaks that allow for faster OOC movement, I might prefer the nerf to Free Action myself.

I see where you're getting at when it comes to generalising SR and SRR.

Edit: I just tested it, as I still have an install (without the klatu component): SRR's Free Action doesn't block Haste. Can't say anything about SR but I would expect it to behave the same way in this regard due to its description.

Edited by Gordian
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1 hour ago, Gordian said:

Reasonable, but annoying when it comes to having to switch items.

Eh, I never switch items, I just  play that anyone with Free Action just never gets hasted, end of story. I'm 3/4 through SoA right now and I'm not sure I've ever cast Haste, at least not since the early chapters. BUT, that's just me! And anyway I wasn't really stating my opinion, but my vague recollection (and possibly false) of what Demi's opinion was. My personal stance is, this is a good convenience tweak but has been hard for modders to get just right. Now that Klatu's does it right, I install it in my own games.

1 hour ago, Gordian said:

I was quoting SR's (that's why I assumed SRR as well) readme from memory.

Eh, nothing against Demi, or Miloch, but even if that's true, I don't trust their implementations to be perfect. It's a hard thing to get just right, and IMHO Klatu's is the gold standard. It installs over SR - I'm playing with both right now - so there's no need to worry about whether they are duplicative. If you want it, and you want the gold standard version, then you can install Klatu's.

I think it's more likely that SRR gets it right, only because I think there's an even chance Bart just lifted it straight from Klatu's  :laugh: 

EDIT - having said that, I just looked at Klatu's and I realized it still doesn't get it right. It's better than most, but I still don't like the way it handles opcode 176. Sigh. Maybe one day I'll tackle this myself...

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2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

Eh, I never switch items, I just  play that anyone with Free Action just never gets hasted, end of story.

I ever was, thus still am, too impatient for that - BUT, that's just me. ; ) (And I kind of never wanted to CTRL+J through the game unless a bug mandated it.) +150% OOC MS are a very neat alternative, I think - might break the immersion for others. But then again, I'm actually considering playing at 60fps.

Must admit that I only tested the arcane version of Haste with the divine version of FoM and nothing else but this combination seems WAI.

I will look into this for my next install (one I might actually end up playing, but it'll be a while...) Then again, this would only be relevant for fights and I'll have to debate this with myself, heh.

I can imagine it being hard to implement but would be interested in what nuances you're alluding to specifically.

Edited by Gordian
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