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A mechanism for planting items

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I made this setup for rogues' (thieves' and bards') item-planting. The Fallouts have a handy interface for putting items on creatures, but here one has to improvise. This arrangement works, and it could be contained in a special ability, patched into thieves' CLAB files for the 1st level. It's not far from here to a ready mod, all it would take is an ability icon and some TRA strings, but, as the British say, when leaving, leave. Anybody who wants to make the mod is welcome, though.

The hypothetical special ability is non-combat and invokes two Summon creature EFF files on NOTEVIL targets: one invisible minion (A) is summoned on Self, the other (B) on the creature to be given the item - the stooge. For this script the rogue has put the item in the first quick item slot, SLOT_MISC0. But since many items can't be put in quick item slots, one may instead focus on the first inventory slot - SLOT_MISC3, I think. Then it becomes a problem how to take that particular item with the script action that is used here, but with some ingenuity it can be done. Here I have a sort of tested prototype.

The script for A:

    Heard([ANYONE],15665) /// the "Item Bein Taken" shout from B
        SmallWait(5) /// During the transfer
        DropInventory() /// A safeguard for worst-case scenarios

    ActuallyInCombat() /// In case fighting broke out while it was materializing
    Global("HAS","LOCALS",0) /// Has taken nothing yet

        DisplayString(LastSummonerOf,@X)  /// Where did I put that thing? - It's always better to write engine strings in-character, if possible

        TakeCreatureItems(LastSummonerOf,QUICKITEMS) /// Another check would be needed above to make sure only the leftmost slot is occupied
        Shout(56651) /// Signaling to B

        Shout(56651) /// Continue to yell to be heard for certain

The script for B:

    Heard([ANYONE],56651) /// A is loaded
        ActionOverride(LastSummonerOf,TakeCreatureItems(LastHeardBy,ALL)) /// The stooge takes the stuff
        Shout(15665) /// A is free to disappear

These minions need to be furnished with a bunch of immunities it always makes sense to give in such cases - to Damage and Slay so they don't accidentally die in a Cloudkill, to visual effects and so on, but especially to deafness. Deaf creatures don't hear shouts. As far as representation goes, the only weakness here is that the stooge will visibly strain after being made to take the item, when he should be pleasantly ignorant of the deed being done to him, but I don't think that can be avoided. Maybe it can be covered by making the creature turn around or something like that.

These scripts are for instant success, but because planting should work as a reverse of picking pockets, A's script should really be more complicated than I wrote and include Pick Pocket checks for the rogue. It's not necessary to count every point, increments of 5 points should be enough. No points would mean automatic failure, anything higher would involve checks like this:


CheckStatLT(LastSummonerOf,PICKPOCKET,6) /// Under 5%


SetGlobal("HAS","LOCALS",1) /// And so on


B would, of course, have




DisplayString(LastSummonerOf,@Y) /// Plant Item failed


Another reason why I'm not making such a mod myself is that, alas, there is no point to planting items on NPC. In the Fallouts you could equip people who had to go away with ticking dynamite stacks, there might have been one or two times when planting something on someone was involved in a plot, but it wasn't commonly called for even there. In the fantasy games there is nothing of that sort. Still, inventive modders could come up with items for assassination, planted evidence and so on.

Edited by temnix
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On 6/6/2022 at 3:49 AM, temnix said:

As far as representation goes, the only weakness here is that the stooge will visibly strain after being made to take the item, when he should be pleasantly ignorant of the deed being done to him, but I don't think that can be avoided. Maybe it can be covered by making the creature turn around or something like that.

As far as scripting commands go, you can use:


aVENGER did this many years ago.

Or as an effect externalized to .spl; opcode 138 parameter 2 set to 6

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I have tried using the head turn. The NPC still jerks for a brief moment, it looks unnatural. Applying that through a spell would probably look no better, because that must still be done by the minion.

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