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DarkHorizonsBGEE map fix


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Hello !

With TeamBG down and Com_Solaufein unreacheable, I don't know where to post / ask this, so here I am..

Looking through all the versions of DarkHorizonsBGee that I could find, none of them seem to correct the lines that appear on the maps.

So here is a new version who use the BGEE / IWDEE original TIS and PVRZ.

Along the way, I added the BWP Fix and two other things found in unofficial versions (only those I can verify as legitimate / changes are detailled in commits).

Is it possible to publish this repository on github ? (If not, I am going to change the repo to private)

I did some testing, graphics and maps look ok but do you think the changes and method are correct ? (As nobody had done it yet I wonder if I'm missing something, maybe it's more complicated than I think)


Here is a recap to clarify what was done...

There are three different branches on the Github repo :

- The main branch which simply adds the PVRZ and BWP fixes, the safest but EE only, this version must be installed on your BGEE game (before EET if you use it).

- The After-EET branch which include the same changes as above, and modify slightly the tp2 with %area_prefix% to allow the mod to be installed after EET and keep the BGEE compatibility (it can therefore be installed before (on BGEE) or after EET (on BG2EE), better to stick to the original one... (the main branch) but if you prefer to install the mod after EET it's possible.

- The EE/BGT branch who attempt to add BGT compatibility and keep the BGEE (and before EET) one... @CoM_Solaufein has already done most of the work and there was not much left to do. The main quest is working and areas seem to be in orders, should be good for EE but it is mainly untested for BGT...

I don't have enough time to do a full run, and without walktrough it's complicated to verify if everything works especially for BGT...

Of course, comments and feedback are welcome !


NikitaRedux Npc mod

Nikita character from Dark Horizons recruitable in BGEE has a BG2 version (the mod is unfinished... no quest, no dialogue in ToB)

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The fix from Ahungry must be added after EET, so we can't do much on this side (well, I can't...)

So trying to make the mod compatible by installing it after EET...

As before it seems a bit too simple, so the result is not certain.

If someone has the walkthrough of the mod then I could do more tests, that would be good... (the original page is down)


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17 hours ago, Graion Dilach said:

You can ignore the ahungry bug, because it's not caused by EET. I haven't seen a reliable repro case for that one and all the installs I've had included that door. It's definitely another mod introducing that.


All right it's good to know, I put the after EET aside !



10 hours ago, Roberciiik said:


Any chance to merge it with BGT version to support only one codebase for all platforms? Or maybe... would you accept such Change Request if provided by someone via GitHub in the future?



Hello !

I don't know enough the specifics of BGT but you are more than welcome to pull request the change needed for compatibility !

Corrections and fixes in general will be accepted...

(If you are interested, I did not add this correction for Mrs. Godfrey's store in BGT CMMERC06.STO, because I couldn't test it. )



Small reminder : If someone has a walkthrough for Dark Horizons it will be very useful for future verifications...


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Here is an attempt for BGT compatibility, I didn't change much and it needs a proofreading.

The main quest seems to work but it is difficult to test the rest without walktrough...

I also tried to do something for BG1 but no success here...

...To make things clear, I do some workaround but my skills are very limited...

Edit : With the new version of BGT just released, it was tempting to try !



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Thanks, but I didn't do much !

Here is a recap to clarify what was done...

There are three different branches on the Github repo :

- The main branch which simply adds the PVRZ and BWP fixes, the safest but EE only, this version must be installed on your BGEE game (before EET if you use it).

- The After-EET branch which include the same changes as above, and modify slightly the tp2 with %area_prefix% to allow the mod to be installed after EET and keep the BGEE compatibility (it can therefore be installed before (on BGEE) or after EET (on BG2EE), better to stick to the original one... (the main branch) but if you prefer to install the mod after EET it's possible.

- The EE/BGT branch who attempt to add BGT compatibility and keep the BGEE (and before EET) one... @CoM_Solaufein has already done most of the work and there was not much left to do. The main quest is working and areas seem to be in orders, should be good for EE but it is mainly untested for BGT...

I don't have enough time to do a full run, and without walktrough it's complicated to verify if everything works especially for BGT...

Of course, comments and feedback are welcome !

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4 hours ago, Endarire said:

Thankee for the clarity.

EDIT: I just noticed your patch allows Dark Horzions to be installed post-EET.

Does that mean Dark Horizons is safe to install now after EET?  The EET Mod Compatibility List puts it before EET Start.

As he said, it is possible using the right branch, but better to stick with the "classic" branch BEFORE EET on BGEE.

- The main branch which simply adds the PVRZ and BWP fixes, the safest but EE only, this version must be installed on your BGEE game (before EET if you use it).

- The After-EET branch which include the same changes as above, and modify slightly the tp2 with %area_prefix% to allow the mod to be installed after EET and keep the BGEE compatibility (it can therefore be installed before (on BGEE) or after EET (on BG2EE), better to stick to the original one... (the main branch) but if you prefer to install the mod after EET it's possible.

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