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Hostile dogs

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The four dogs outside the de'Arnise Keep start out friendly, but go hostile if they hear any combat. I'd say it's obvious they're meant to go hostile if the PC attacks one of them to cut up into stew, not if the PC gets into a battle with an otyugh, yuan-ti, or troll(s).

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Are they just using SHOUT or some equivalent? I'm not sure there's really anything to be done here, unless you only want them to react individually (equally acceptable; they're stupid dogs, after all).

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Are they just using SHOUT or some equivalent? I'm not sure there's really anything to be done here, unless you only want them to react individually (equally acceptable; they're stupid dogs, after all).

Ideally, I'd say they should (all) go hostile if the PC attacks one of them, but not get mad at the PC for fighting monsters (like the otyugh/trolls/yuan-ti).

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Fixed by changing their grpsht01 scripts with a custom one.


// keep dogs don't go hostile when oty attacked
COPY_EXISTING ~kpdog01.cre~ ~override~
             ~kpdog02.cre~ ~override~
             ~kpdog03.cre~ ~override~
             ~kpdog04.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_ASCII 0x248 ~cdkpdog~ #8


Where cdkpdog is






Included in alpha 5.

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