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[BGEE] Prism is dead?

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3 hours ago, DavidW said:

Within these hallowed halls of knowledge, your story begins.. and ends. You have spent most of your twenty years of life within this keep's austere walls, under the tutelage of the sage Gorion. Acting as your father, he has raised you on a thousand tales of heroes and monsters, lovers and infidels, battles and tragedies. But throughout your youth, you have been a sickly child, seeking solace in the study of magic from the constant and debilitating illnesses that plague you.

Lately, Gorion has been growing distant from you, as if some grave matter weighs heavily on his heart, overshadowing even his concerns about your frailty. You have asked about his concerns as gently as possible, at least when the coughing abate enough for you to speak and you are able to leave your bed for a few moments, but your queries have been in vain. Your sole comfort is the knowledge that he is a wise man, and you know he will tell you when the time is right. Nonetheless, his silence is troubling, and you cannot help but feel that something is terribly wrong...

Today, Gorion has appeared more agitated than ever, and now he has uncharacteristically interrupted your rest in the middle of the day. Imparting hurried instructions for you to equip yourself for travel. But it is too late for that. The latest bout of fever has been worse than all that come before, and as Gorion enters your bedchamber, he sees only the sorrowful face of the healer as he gently closes your eyes for the last time.

Alas, poor Charname, another victim of Faerûn's failing healthcare system.

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Running the search for dead NPCs in BG2EE ...

- CATP (Level 1, 1 HP, CON 9). Unused cruft copied from BG1. And apparently some version of Petrine's cat Angel was a mage.

- DGTROL02 (Level 6, 1/100 HP, CON 9). Fallen troll left over from an older version of the mechanic, unused in the EE.

- GORCH (Level 1, 1 HP, CON 9). Whoever has to explain this one to Renal Bloodscalp is going to have a very bad day.

- WALLA (Level 10, 6 HP, CON 9). Wallace won't get the chance to open his shop again, even after you solve Trademeet's problems.

Near misses:

- GORARC (Level 15/14, 1 HP, CON 9). Would be dead, but the Archivist has a min-HP item. Well, more dead than he already is.

- RIFTM01, RIFTM02 (Level 1, 2 HP, CON 9). These Diseased Ones have min-HP items, and are scripted to cast cure spells on themselves and play dead whenever they're below 2 HP. Which means that, with their maximum HP lowered to 1, they fall down and get cured every time they stand up. Truly a cursed existence.


Not as many dead NPCs as in BG1, but the impact is worse - losing Gorch completely blocks a major quest.

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