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4-23-2024 update and Beta - Looking for testers for the SoD importables using the new method

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I've completed the first component of the re-write, which is allowing the import of additional SoD items using the same/similar method that BD used for the original SoD importables.  I've tested everything on clean installs of BG2 to verify functionality, at least at a base level. 

I can already say that importing saved games from a heavily modded version of BGee/SoD results in many of the importable item flags not being properly set (even the original item flags from BD) even though the items are indeed present in the party's inventory in the imported SoD save.

This doesn't seem to happen if I import a save from an un-modded (other than modmerge) SoD game save.  I can't really see why this is the case, since it's only checking for SoD item filenames that are present in the vanilla game, but I digress, more testing is needed.

On that note, I have included a beta of the new build for those who would like to try it out, and provide feedback on their experience.  In the TP2, there is a commented-out line that will run a script to force all of the Global flags for SoD importables (new and old) 'ON'.  Just delete the '//' in front of the line and save the file if you'd like to test in that manner.

When providing feedback, please make sure to mention if you import your saved SoD game from a modded, or unmodded BGEE/SoD install.

Lastly - you *must* start a new game in BG2 and import an SoD saved game for this mod component to work properly.  It will not work with a save from the BGEE portion of the game, EVEN IF you have the SoD items in your inventory.  This is true even for the original importable SoD items from Beamdog.

For those who aren't familiar and are wondering why this is:  Because there is a script that runs ONLY when you start a new BG2 game which does several things.  One is to check for a SoD game (if you import) save, and set a flag for that.  Another is to scan the inventory of the party from the imported save to see if it contains items that are importable, then sets flags for each of them before removing everything from the save's inventory.  BOTH of those Global variables have to be 'ON' for each and every importable SoD item, old and new, for them to show up in their assigned spots in the game.

For those who dont trust this method (I'm one of you), there will be an additional component, just like before, to force the importable item flags to be 'ON'

Could I just shit-can this method and place everything manually, instead of relying on scripts?  Yep, pretty much did that before, but I got a lot of feedback asking for a more natural experience.  Am I going to have this as an option?  Yes and No, see above.


P.S. - I figured it out.  Only items that are in the protagonist's inventory, are not a container (the keyring), and not *inside* a container (bag of holding), will be counted and the proper import flag set.  Which, in hindsight, makes sense, as the protagonist is the only character that actually gets "imported" from the save.  I would assume that if you were to import a multiplayer SoD save, or a SoD save with more player-generated characters, their inventories may be counted as well, but I haven't tested that.

So what does this mean for the mod?  It means that at maximum, only 36 items can be imported using a method that scans the PC's inventory when starting a new BG2 game.  At least, as far as I can tell.  Which, if I am being honest, really isn't a bad thing at all.  It actually helps in preventing over-itemization.

It is making me rethink a few things regarding the SoD importables.  I believe what I will do is have a handful of SoD items be placed into BG2,  regardless of whether you had them or not in your SoD save.  Currently that list consists of:

1.  The Key Ring.  Its a quality of life item that's too good to leave out, and doesn't import using the method I implemented since it's a container.

2. The new ammo types in SoD - I already had just placed these on vendors, etc... since they are consumables.

3. The new bard instruments - these are kind of consumable, and only bards are going to be able to have them in their quickslots, so unless your PC is a bard, you probably aren't going to want to waste any "import slots" on these.

4. Flavorful, fun items, like the changeling vest, or clerics vestments.

Given those examples, I am open to suggestions from you all on items from SoD you would like to see placed into BG2, that doesn't require you to have them on your person from an imported save. 




Edited by Daeros_Trollkiller
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How does this work:



To put months before the day, and then the year ? Makes no sense. It's either dd-mm-yyyy, or the reverse; yyyy-mm-dd. Aka, what's the most important number, yours seems to be the Month.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

How does this work:

To put months before the day, and then the year ? Makes no sense. It's either dd-mm-yyyy, or the reverse; yyyy-mm-dd. Aka, what's the most important number, yours seems to be the Month.

Of all the things to complain about.....  At least tell me that that mod sucks and I smell like boo-boo or some such, if you're going to complain :)

Just for you, going forward I'll do timestamps as: yyy(because no one here is going to see that forth digit roll over again anyway) hh:mm (because lets be accurate) and ww (because which week of the year is important!)

Edited by Daeros_Trollkiller
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14 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

How does this work:

To put months before the day, and then the year ? Makes no sense. It's either dd-mm-yyyy, or the reverse; yyyy-mm-dd. Aka, what's the most important number, yours seems to be the Month.

FYI - 4-23-2024 is the standard dating format in the United States. You will occasionally see other formats but my drivers license, for example, uses this format. Daeros is legit in his usage.

I'm really looking forward to the mod. If I could add a small suggestion. Would it be possible for you to separate the item upgrades into "quality of life" vs weapons. For example in Weimer's old item upgrade mod, combining rings of protection with regeneration was great because you didn't have to keep switching out items. But you also had these really OP weapons that were just too tempting to not use. Or maybe make it easy for the end user to cut out some items before install.

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25 minutes ago, J Beau said:

FYI - 4-23-2024 is the standard dating format in the United States. You will occasionally see other formats but my drivers license, for example, uses this format. Daeros is legit in his usage.

I'm really looking forward to the mod. If I could add a small suggestion. Would it be possible for you to separate the item upgrades into "quality of life" vs weapons. For example in Weimer's old item upgrade mod, combining rings of protection with regeneration was great because you didn't have to keep switching out items. But you also had these really OP weapons that were just too tempting to not use. Or maybe make it easy for the end user to cut out some items before install.

The upgrades in general are going to get a re-think (I think about them quite a bit during the 'boring' parts of the re-write).  You are correct in that I ended up with WAY too many OP items, even though that wasn't my goal.  Sometimes when creating something new, I get a little too excited about what I can make it 'do', and end up going overboard unintentionally.   I hear you on the QoL stuff, though my approach to it may be a little different than what you are thinking.

For me, QoL would be things like the keyring, new ammunition types, combining bard instruments to save on quickslots, things of that nature.  Using the example you gave, combining rings of protection with rings of regeneration:  Yes, it does save slots and swapping items out, *BUT* it can also result in the same overpowered items you mentioned.   Can you give me some ideas of what items you had in mind of combining?

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3 hours ago, J Beau said:

FYI - 4-23-2024 is the standard dating format in the United States.

Nope. That's not the convention.
How you would do though is, you would say "April 27th of 2024", but that's a traditional convention that requires non number characters. So don't be lazy, but accurate, when you use things.

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2 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

Nope. That's not the convention.
How you would do though is, you would say "April 27th of 2024", but that's a traditional convention that requires non number characters. So don't be lazy, but accurate, when you use things.

Oooooohhhhhkay....  Let's just say we do things differently and get the thread back on topic.

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