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A Lovetalk Preview


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*glee* Beta testing......everybody loves beta testing.... gods bless you, beta testing....beta testing cures cancer....beta testing helps you lose weight....beta testing brings about world peace....beta testing ends hunger....beta testing kisses babies on the forehead...beta testing..... :D

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Don't get too wild on the caffeine, I'm not quite there yet. :D


I'll wait to for you to need testers.  Will all that mean is for volunteers to play it and take notes, or do you need to know how to code?

Beta testing will be volunteers playing and taking notes of issues/errors they encounter, like <CHARNAME> saying "I love you." and Aklon replying "Indeed, gravy stains are most difficult to remove."


Coding experience might be nice so that you can suggest a fix to save me time, but it won't be needed, just some people dedicated enough to go through and check that all the content works.

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Um... I don't think you'll need to worry about too much on the dedication front. Even beta mods are fun to play all the way through, and you earn brownie points for each error you point out to the modder! How cool is that?! Jeez, I need to stop coming across as a hypercaffinated three year old. Normally I'm pretty calm and mature....I guess i'll just blame it on the corrupting influence of Aklon. Yes, that's it! I BLAME AKLON!

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