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bowslinger problem

Guest penguin

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Guest penguin

Mmk, I have a whole ton of mods installed (waaay too many to list, but including ascension, unfinished business, g3 tweak pack, divine remix, refinements, etc. etc.)


Anyway, DR was the second to last mod I installed, followed by refinements. Now, when I start a new game, all the new classes from DR are there....except bowslinger. It's kinda wierd, since all the other ranger classes are their, and weidu seems to think bowslinger is already installed (the option is [r]einstall instead of nstall) but bowslinger just doesn't appear in the ranger kitlist. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone could help me solve this problem. Thanks.


P.S. I've already tried uninstalling refinements, uninstalling DR, then reinstalling both again (DR first) and that didn't make a difference.

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Guest penguin

correction to above post: 7, not 3, and I just realized (in making my list) that I think i'm missing wilderness runner too....or forest runner..not sure, I just know i have the four Bioware kits, feralan, justifier, and one of the runners. The other runner and the bowslinger aren't showing up.


Note: I have Unfinished business and the Quest Pack installed, if that helps? but DR was installed later and I didn't install any of the kits from UB or the QP.

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Maybe some mod or comination of mods has prevented more than 7 slots from displaying. At a rough guess, you might try removing some of the ranger kits you don't want to try, then reinstalling the Bowslinger.

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