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one of BG2 tweakpack component is not correct.

Guest Joakim

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bg2 tweakpack's component 'baldurdash true grandmastery' is not correct. baldurdash's original true grandmastery's wspecial.2da is like that



0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

2 1 2 0

3 3 3 0

4 3 4 -1

5 3 5 -3


but yours is



0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

2 1 4 0

3 3 2 0

4 3 3 -1

5 3 5 -3


i wanna see your corrected tweak pack. your mod is really great stuff!!!

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what exactly has this cheat to do in bg2 "tweak" pack anyway. Bioware adjusted the proficiency table for a reason. This little thingy makes a fighter fight 50% better than a paladin & ranger and their subclasses, which eliminates their point of existence in this game.


If anyone want to play with cheats i dont mind, but i kinda expect that by installing " tweaks" packs i get the second and not the first. Thanks.

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this isnt in the Baldurdash patch either btw. It is just listed on Kevin Dorner's page as "James Shumacher's TeamBG Grandmastery Patch" under tweaks and cheats section.

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If anyone want to play with cheats i dont mind, but i kinda expect that by installing " tweaks" packs i get the second and not the first. Thanks.


Every component of the Tweak Pack is optional, nobody's "forcing" you to install every single tweak. I'd be surprised if there's someone out there who actually installs each and every component of the Tweak Pack (intentionally).


While it's well established that Bioware intentionally nerfed grandmastery for BG2, saying that the BG1 tables "eliminates the point of existence" of paladins and rangers is quite silly IMHO. The sole benefit of fighters over other (fighting) classes is the ability to gain 5 stars in any weapon, and with nerfed grandmastery they are arguably the weakest class in the game - if anything, it's their "point of existence" which has been eliminated by design. :p

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If this is so then i excuse myself, i read somewhere on the page that all the tweaks are installed at once.


For the sake of discussion:

While it's well established that Bioware intentionally nerfed grandmastery for BG2, saying that the BG1 tables "eliminates the point of existence" of paladins and rangers is quite silly IMHO. The sole benefit of fighters over other (fighting) classes is the ability to gain 5 stars in any weapon, and with nerfed grandmastery they are arguably the weakest class in the game - if anything, it's their "point of existence" which has been eliminated by design. :p

I beg to differ. Neither berserkers nor kensai do seem very "weakest class in the game" to me. In fact they are one of the strongest and best in the game. Korgan for example. Nor any multiclasses builds. A kensai/mage, or fighter/cleric being uberstong, get even more power. Maybe we have different opinions about what strong is. Minsk on the other hand was already weak, with steep exp tables and no useful abilities. And now he is even more not worth having.


fighters also get more levels -> more health, more HLA, more abilities, more prof points. And they get it all sooner. so they use it while rangers are still in infant state. And they already fight better.

Bioware couldnt overlook such a horrible disbalance. ( ok they overlooked many others :p )

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Bioware couldnt overlook such a horrible disbalance. ( ok they overlooked many others :p )

"Game balance" is overrated. Too much "balance" and your choices don't matter much, you're interchangable with any other two-copper adventurer - which is an easy way to destroy someones enjoyment.


AD&D 2nd ed. is inherently gnarly and imbalanced anyway, which to a degree is a good thing - strangely enough.


(Argh, how did I end up defending ad&d? I plead an overactive half-of-a-mind running off into the distance with my argument.)

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I beg to differ. Neither berserkers nor kensai do seem very "weakest class in the game" to me. In fact they are one of the strongest and best in the game. Korgan for example. Nor any multiclasses builds. A kensai/mage, or fighter/cleric being uberstong, get even more power. Maybe we have different opinions about what strong is. Minsk on the other hand was already weak, with steep exp tables and no useful abilities. And now he is even more not worth having.


fighters also get more levels -> more health, more HLA, more abilities, more prof points. And they get it all sooner. so they use it while rangers are still in infant state. And they already fight better.

Bioware couldnt overlook such a horrible disbalance. ( ok they overlooked many others :p )


Kitted Paladins (but I'll admit to a lesser extent Rangers) are monstrously nasty. Cavaliers are completely immune to charm, fear, and poison (Yes, I'll stand in the middle of that Cloudkill and smack illithids in the head, no problem). Add to this the ability to Cast Draw Upon Holy Might, heals, bless, plus that 1st level spell that absorbs damage whose name I can't recall now, and you have something extremely dangerous, and very capable of taking on a fighter of equal experience.


Rangers are a little more limited, but using the free two-weapon ability can result in a powerful fighter very early on. Sure, a fighter can have huge bonuses to hit and damage, but only with one or two kinds of weapon and coupling with only one style, depending on how you spend your points. Even very early on, Minsc can be specialised in multiple weapons and swap out to whatever kind you might need with no loss of effective power. Add to that his own damage absorbing spell and he can tank as well as a fighter the one or two levels higher than he is (which is what they would be for the same XP).

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"Game balance" is overrated. Too much "balance" and your choices don't matter much, you're interchangable with any other two-copper adventurer - which is an easy way to destroy someones enjoyment.


Hey im totally with you here. Bards fighting dragons sickens me too. Bad trend in many newer modern games. This case is slightly different though as fighters already are better in nearly every situation. As they were made for. More, since at the end this game's gameplay process is hacking everyone into pieces, uber fighters destroy any need for tactics, since, well, they hack everyone into pieces before the enemy could do anything about it. Maybe i should demonstrate what this patch does on a small example:


3mio exp gives us one lvl20 fighter and one lvl18 paladin. The fighter already got his first HLA but lets omit this. Improved hasted with longsword +5 and str 19, since we are not lvl1 anymore.


We have a monster, where a fighter needs to roll a 10 to hit.



3*2=6 atk/rnd and needs to roll a 10 to hit



2 prof points: -2 tohit, -3 dam

lvl18: -2 tohit

2,5*2=5atk/rnd and needs to roll a 14 to hit



a paladin makes 20 rolls in 4 rounds and scores 6 hits

a "fixed" fighter makes 20 rolls in 3,3 rounds and scores 14 hits


paladin: 6/4=1,5x dmg/rnd

fighter: 14/3,3=4,2x dmg/rnd


longsword +5 does 6-13dam= avr 9,5 + 7 from str19= 16,5

fighter does an additional 3 damage due to prof: 16,5+3=19,5


total damage:

paladin 1,5*16,5=24,25 damage per round

fighter 4,2*19,5=81,9 damage per round





one "fixed" fighter fights better than 3 paladins

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2 "fixed" fighters fight as good as 7 paladins/rangers


Lets not forget that paladin's and ranger's primary goal is also fighting.


Made me register :p although confirmation mail has not arrived yet :S

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Anyway, this component adjusts BG2's weapon profiencies to AD&D 2e's, isn't it? I think many BG2 players love this component. This component makes BG2's rule close to AD&D 2e's. That's why i love this.

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2 "fixed" fighters fight as good as 7 paladins/rangers


Lets not forget that paladin's and ranger's primary goal is also fighting.


Made me register :p although confirmation mail has not arrived yet :S


Don't consider only their damage dealing. Consider HP too :p

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2 "fixed" fighters fight as good as 7 paladins/rangers


Lets not forget that paladin's and ranger's primary goal is also fighting.


Made me register :p although confirmation mail has not arrived yet :S

Again, bear in mind all of the paladin/ranger abilities. At that high level, the Paladin/Ranger's strength (as well as CON and DEX via Draw Upon Holy Might) is likely to be in the realms of 24, not 19, which brings their hit bonuses to parity with the fighter and takes their damage bonus beyond that. They can also be Blessed for additional bonuses and covered in the Shield of Faith for damage absorption.


Yes, the fighter will attack more often, and have a few more HLAs, but that's all they're going to do better than the paladin or ranger.

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