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Posts posted by berelinde

  1. I've already got the English sounds extracted and decompressed using acm2wav, so now it's just compression to ogg.


    I'll take the sounds as MP3, or whatever other format you send them. WAVC, MP3, whatever, Audacity will OGG them. If they need normalization to -4dB, which is comparable to the English game sounds, I can handle that, too.

  2. What exactly does "flip your hair" mean? Is it a motion done by a hand, or by moving the head?

    Either would work. It's all a ploy to get a guy to look at your hair and face. :)


    Using the hand might be more realistic, though. Just for kicks, I attempted to flip my own bangs out of my eyes by moving my head in a short, sharp circular motion, and nearly dislocated my own neck. The cats are all looking at me like I'm mad.

  3. That probably depends on your memory. I remember nothing of what I write, and never have, so I can play my own mod as if somebody else had written it. I can also replay mods ad nauseum, and have to leave little notes for myself when I don't particularly enjoy a mod not to go installing it again. Other modders, with better memories, might say "Not the hells *again!*" with a rapid clicking through the continue button.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with Domi. Writing a mod just because the existing ones don't fill a need is often a good first step, but there has to be a story in there to drive it to completion, or it isn't going to get done.


    Fortunately, most people have more stories to tell than they will ever have time to write as mods, even if they write as fast as Domi.


    And there's all kinds of guidance available, if you're still interested.

  5. I'm telling you, it was opening Cloakwood early. When you've got to wait until you're almost halfway through the game before you can recruit an NPC, that NPC won't have a spot in an awful lot of parties. Now that Cloakwood is open, Faldorn and Coran are going to have a lot more interest.

  6. We need to add one more variable to the list.


    "tutu_scriptp" should be "_" for Tutu

    "tutu_scriptp" should be "p" for BGT


    There are only two creatures in the game that require this, the two prostitutes that stand outside Feldpost's in Beregost. Still, it should probably go in there.


    I know that I need them in Gavin.

  7. Not entirely sure. NPCs get raised from the dead on a regular basis in my party (mostly because I have the tactical foresight of algae), so there isn't an awful lot that's truly miraculous about it. I don't know. It might be fun to have to jump through a couple hoops to get a character in the party.

  8. Psst! Big spoiler...
















    Ajantis still dies, so there's no reason for Keldorn or Anomen not to notice. In fact, that was one of the things Jastey was working on with the Fixpack, to make sure that Garren didn't show up too soon for Keldorn/Anomen to say their bit.

  9. The shadows of Diriel's portrait are wrong. Look how the light on his hair comes from the top-left. But on his face there is a strange light coming fully from the right-front side.


    Also, the light from the top-left on his hair should also shine on his left shoulder.


    Not necessarily. If the light is coming from behind him, it might hit his hair, but be blocked by his hair, casting that side of his face in shadow. The more diffuse light on his face is the reflection of the light off the snow.


    Or maybe my explanation is nothing but a load of waffle. ???

  10. A bastard sword is a sword that is somewhere between a longsword and a two-handed sword in length. It has the same shape as a longsword, with a wide, straight blade tapering to a point, but it is larger and heavier. A strong man like Ajantis could wield it one-handed, but its hilt allows the placement of two hands for a more powerful swing, if the wielder hasn't got a 16+ strength.


    I think it's the pun on the idea of a paladin using a weapon whose name suggests illegitimacy.


    The name is probably French. I know that "batarde" when applied to calligraphy means something that is a cross between gothic and later chancery hands. In swords, it probably means that it's the lovechild between a longsword and a two-handed sword.

  11. Yeah, I have to say that line always got a chuckle out of me. And it happened at the best of all times:


    Right before he was going to propose

    When Branwen was hitting on him

    When Safana was hitting on him

    Right at the beginnings of LT's 19 and 20 (strength might have come in handy, there...)

  12. There is no limit to the amount I love these portraits!!!


    Good gods, all three are absolutely perfect. If I get a chance to do any playing in the near future, you may well believe that I'll be harvesting and resizing them pronto, for my own personal use.


    All three are flat-out superb.

  13. Possibly not this particular phrasing, but variations on the same theme. The answer is still the same. I am not going to cannonize Miranda.


    She isn't getting demonized, either. She comes out of it looking a lot better than she did earlier. I, personally, think that you can almost see the woman she could have been, or the girl she was, before her own desperation forced her to sell her integrity.


    So why won't I go the rest of the way with her? Because there is no going back. Innocence can only be lost once.


    With Miranda, she shows no signs of wanting to change her behavior. In the unmodified game, she seems to have been using the same trick for years. She's still using it, but with less success (or at least we're shown nothing but a failure). She shows the PC that she will continue to use it, even if the PC has seen her try it with Nirkhas. There is every indication she'll still be trying it, long after the Bhaalspawn saga draws to a close. I'm not changing that.


    ***News section***

    It's clear that the only way I'm going to be able to stop dancing around the answer to this is to post the dialogue, with the appropriate spoiler warnings. This will have to wait until I get home this evening.


    Not everyone is going to like it. As I have said before, I already know that not everyone is going to like Gavin, and of those that do like him, not everyone is going to want to romance him.


    There are always things that players would rewrite about someone else's NPC. Gavin will be no different. I've tried to allow the player a lot more flexibility in adapting the mod to his or her playing style than many NPCs, but I can only go so far. No matter how you play the mod, though, Gavin will still be Gavin.

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