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Posts posted by DavidW

  1. OK, yes, reflecting on it I can see why this creates problems - among other things the autogenerated zip file won't match. I probably need to do a new SCS release this evening anyway; I'll sort it then.

    I hate GitHub with a venemous loathing, why did I ever let you all persuade me to start using it? :)

  2. That error message is due to a corrupt file that was present in the originally-uploaded version of SCS 35.7. I deleted and reuploaded 35.7 after about half an hour with the corrupt file replaced, and have subsequently updated to 35.8 which doesn't have the corrupt file either, but it looks as if PI is somehow downloading the wrong version? I'm afraid I don't understand PI well enough to diagnose that.

  3. This is fixed locally. I'll do a rerelease fairly soon; in the meantime, if you want to hotfix it, try dropping the attached file 'ui_detect_class_kit.tph' into stratagems/sfo2e/lua and/or dw_talents/sfo/lua (depending on whether you're on SCS and/or ToF) and reinstalling. 

    If you are using the BG2 version of Lefreut's UI, you'll also need to drop the attached 'lib_sfo.tph' into stratagems/sfo2e and/or dw_talents/sfo.

    (Again, this is an entirely cosmetic bug. Nothing will go wrong if you don't hotfix it.)

    ui_detect_class_kit.tph lib_sfo.tph

  4. Yes, I've just been chatting to people on Discord about it.

    This is a Known Bug (TM) if it appears on the item-description screen (will be fixed shortly) and in the description of any creature with the in-game title 'assassin'.

    If you see it elsewhere when you are using no UI mod or with Lefreut's UI, please report it. (I'm aware of it happening on the character screen for LeUI on BGEE+SoD.)

    If you see it on another UI mod, and that mod is stable and officially released, let me know which one and I'll consider supporting it.

    If you see it on a UI mod that's still in development, you're on your own.

    In any case, it's entirely cosmetic.

  5. 3 hours ago, Guest JIK said:

    now i don't understand anything about leveling up imoen in bg2ee because when i abandoned the class then switched to thief swashbuckler leveled to 10 and dualed to mage everything worked fine.

    Welcome to my world! There clearly is a problem somewhere in the proficiency-handout system but it's frustratingly hard to reproduce reliably.

  6. If I do a full clean install on IWDEE (with that SPIN722 issue addressed) I don't get any 32-proficiency trouble, everything works fine. Likewise, everything is good on a full clean install on BGEE.

    I assume the proficiency weirdness is the result of some partial install I'm not anticipating (or a mod interaction). If anyone gets it, please post your WEIDU.log and note what game you're playing on.


  7. The origin of the bug, I think, is that FFT works either in EE or with ToBEx. ToBEx also has a racetext.2da, but the format is different (it's a 1-column 2DA where the row labels are just the IDs). That append is legal for the ToBEx format, but not for EE. FFT needs to check whether it's on EE or not and append racetext differently accordingly, to include a column header ('ghoul', most naturally), and ideally fill in the uppercased name too, on EE.

    Since I think FFT is being actively maintained I'll leave its maintainers to sort this out.


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