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Posts posted by DavidW

  1. No, definitely not. Disabling for PCs doesn’t deinstall, it just sets a flag that prevents it being displayed. The reason subrace doesn’t display until you level up past level zero is that the actual subrace effects are coded in the first level class ability block. I’m not sure I can easily fix that.

  2. 11 hours ago, jastey said:

    I second this and what @Connelly said.

    SoD starts and it's like "oh, here is this very wealthy, high ranking follower of Sarevok with a crypt beneath BG city which I never heard of" and it takes me right out of the immersion

    Possibly someone's done this already or it messes up some other bit of SoD (I still haven't played it!) but a simple minimal fix would be to replace Semaj, the mage in the final fight with Sarevok in BG (who has no backstory at all as far as I recall and is probably a self-insert of some developer called James), with Korlasz, give her a min-hp ring, and have her dimension door away when reduced to 1 hp. (It would require a bit of care to synchonize with SCS's final Sarevok fight but that could be done.)

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