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Chitown Willie

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  1. Thanks for the breakdown, jmerry. Here's what SPCL751A looks like:
  2. Yes: ~BARDICWONDERS/BARDICWONDERS.TP2~ #0 #14 // Bardic Wonders: Bard Song Mechanics Tweak Is there a way I can confirm thru NearInfinity that allies are hit too?
  3. ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ #0 #41000 // Rebalanced and revised kits -> Default (affects all kits): Beta 15
  4. Are thief snares supposed trigger twice? It happens most of the time with regular Snares: Occasionally, it only triggers once: And with Special Snares (Alchemical Traps in my case, since I have Rogue Rebalancing) as well:
  5. Thanks jmerry. Following up on your tip about other mods editing the creatures, anything look suspicious? Mods affecting CUCHOL.CRE: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ 0 16 // Creature Correctionsv16.4 00001: ~MIH_EQ/SETUP-MIH_EQ.TP2~ 0 1 // Revised Dragonsv5.1 00002: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 0 // Item Revisions by DemivrgvsV4 (Revised V1.3.900) 00003: ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ 0 0 // Spell Revisionsv4 (Revised v1.3.964) 00004: ~SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS/SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2110 // Make Identify Scale with Level2.8.8 00005: ~SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS/SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2321 // Move Spell Thrust to 1st Level2.8.8 00006: ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ 0 0 // Portraits Portraits Everywhere (PPE) - core component1.01 00007: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)35.21 00008: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6000 // Smarter general AI35.21 00009: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6030 // Smarter Mages35.21 00010: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6100 // Potions for NPCs35.21 00011: ~SUBTLED_STAT_OVERHAULS/SUBTLED_STAT_OVERHAULS.TP2~ 0 100 // Ability Score Overhaulv1.6.4
  6. Hello - Noticed a few ERROR messages in the log file: 1st instance [./override/BDZAVIAK.CRE] loaded, 2080 bytes Determining spells and script for BDZAVIAK SFO warning: No recorded level for spell WIZARD_NULL [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2179 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2179 bytes weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/stratagems/6030/sfo_warnings.txt, 2179 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] ERROR: cannot convert %WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL% or %%WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL%% to an integer The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably BDZAVIAK.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. SFO warning: The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably BDZAVIAK.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2247 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2247 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] override/BDZAVIAK.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/stratagems/6030/BDZAVIAK.CRE, 2080 bytes 2nd instance [./override/CUCHOL.CRE] loaded, 1788 bytes Determining spells and script for CUCHOL SFO warning: No recorded level for spell WIZARD_NULL [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2563 bytes ERROR: cannot convert %WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL% or %%WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL%% to an integer The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably CUCHOL.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. SFO warning: The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably CUCHOL.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2563 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2563 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] override/CUCHOL.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/stratagems/6030/CUCHOL.CRE, 1788 bytes Copied [CUCHOL.CRE] to [override/CUCHOL.CRE] 3rd instance [./override/DEZKIE.CRE] loaded, 2112 bytes Determining spells and script for DEZKIE SFO warning: No recorded level for spell WIZARD_NULL [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2878 bytes ERROR: cannot convert %WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL% or %%WIZARD_NULL_LEVEL%% to an integer The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably DEZKIE.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. SFO warning: The mod's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, probably DEZKIE.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Not_found'. WEIDU has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities. [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2878 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 2878 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/STRATAGEMS/sfo_warnings.txt] override/DEZKIE.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/stratagems/6030/DEZKIE.CRE, 2112 bytes
  7. No - BGEE 2.6.6 + Siege.
  8. Hi jmerry, Thanks for the info , and yes - 35.20:
  9. No "Spell System Revisions and New Spells" installed: [STRATAGEMS/lib/data/difficulty_controls.2da] loaded, 3168 bytes DELETE [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf]: does not existCopying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf] loaded, 782655 bytes [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 5047 column 1-29 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_DESTRUCTION] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 5063 column 1-48 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_DESTRUCTION] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6235 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6250 column 1-51 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6255 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6270 column 1-57 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6275 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6290 column 1-56 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] Copied [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf] to [override/dw#coppr.bcs] weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf copied to weidu_external/backup/stratagems/7070/dw#coppr.baf, 782655 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf] loaded, 783196 bytes [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 5060 column 1-29 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_DESTRUCTION] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 5076 column 1-48 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_DESTRUCTION] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6248 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6263 column 1-51 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6268 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6283 column 1-57 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6288 column 1-31 Near Text: ) [HaveSpell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6303 column 1-56 Near Text: ) [Spell] argument [CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE] not found in [Spell.IDS] Copied [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#coppr.baf] to [override/dw#copdr.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ...
  10. Installed: ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ #0 #40470 // Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels: Beta 12 But regular Snare is doing old damage:
  11. Adding a little color: While the XP is hard-coded in the .cre file, there is a method behind the madness as far as how it got calculated. Per 2E rules: To determine the number of XP to give for overcoming enemies, use Table 31. Find the Hit Dice of the creature on the table. Add the additional Hit Dice for special powers from Table 32 and find the adjusted Hit Dice. Add this number to the current Hit Dice value, so that a 1 + 1 Hit Die creature with +2 Hit Dice of special abilities becomes a 3 + 1 Hit Dice creature for calculation purposes. This formula produces an experience point value. Multiply this value by the number of creatures of that type defeated and add together all total values. The result is the total XP the group earns. It should be divided among all of the group's surviving player characters. For example, the player characters manage to defeat three orcs, a rust monster, and a green slime. Each orc is worth 15 XP, since they are one Hit Die each and have no special abilities. The rust monster is worth 420 XP. It has five Hit Dice but gains a bonus of +2 for a special magical attack form (rusting equipment). The green slime is worth 175 XP, since its base two Hit Dice are increased by 3 for a special non-magical attack form and immunity to most spells and weapons. The player characters divvy up a total of 640 XP.
  12. Now that I've created a Bounty Hunter, the Kit Description reads: 1st level: Deals 2D8 + 5 missile damage and slows target for 5 rounds if a Save vs Spell is failed. No mention of "-4 penalty" at level 1.
  13. According to documentation, "Revised Monstrous Spiders" by default makes the following changes: (default +3 to hd/thac0/saves, +4 to AC) But .ini file only specifies: [revised_monstrous_spiders] spider_hd_bonus=3 spider_ac_bonus=4
  14. Installed Beta 12: ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ #0 #40470 // Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels: Beta 12 But during character creation, Bounty Hunter description shows original: 1st level: Deals 3D8 + 5 missile damage and slows target for 5 rounds if a Save vs Spell with -4 penalty is failed.
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