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Posts posted by pochesun

  1. 50 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

     Horn of Kazgaroth: I finally was able to take some time to investigate this and figured out that it's not Deril who has the horn, but rather Lagole Gon, Deril's lich compatriot who's inducting him into lichdom. So you would need to either attack Lagole Gon (probably the good route anyways, since he's clearly and visibly a lich) or pickpocket it from him (...on the other hand, you would need to fight two major spellcasters at once, since this guy will disappear immediately upon the death of Deril, IIRC - yikes!). I don't remember who was trying to get me to investigate this, but I think this is as intended more or less.


    Belt of Inertial Barrier: I did not take close enough of a look at this when I last attempted to fix it, the way this was setup was all weird, so I've made it much more similar to the Shield Others aura (hopefully more reliable).


    First, glad you are back, you was missed :)

    Second, it was me who reported Horn of Kazgaroth false drop , but i killed both Deril and his lich - no drop from either of them. I did it 3 times actually under different occasions (first time - initiated dialog and proceded from there, second - attacked immediately, third - first killed lich then Deril). It was 2 months ago i think so it was a bit different version of IRR from the current one but i believe it does not make any difference in this case. So ill do it again with my next run, hopefuly ill get the drop. Oh well , at least i alwasy can use console :) 

    Regarding Belt, yeah, i am not sure i ll be able to test it the following week or so but hopefully it gets fixed... yeah :) Relying on you :) 

    Also, jsut a reminder, please check Temples using Raise dead spell for Ressurection (basically Ressurection revives character with 1 hp but it shoudl revive with full hp).

  2. 2 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    This is because it's a text file, and also "wrongly named" as one, what you should ALWAYS do is archive any of the files as a .zip file and attach it, this will save everyone 30 to 40 times the file size, and allow it to be attached to any normal forum, unlike off brand knockoffs with a variaty of file naming schemes, that are intended to say what the file is used for rather than it's actual function, which is to be a .t(e)xt file, which a character coding that consumes the larger file size than an archive would.

    ok here we go. @DavidW Thats about my previous post about Restored Rhynn Lanthorn Quest


  3. I am not sure but something in current version of SCS somehow mangles (or ruins) Restored Rhynn Lanthorn Quest. Here is my Weidu and unfortunatley i dunno how to attach 8 mb SCS debug file (wont let me do it), but there is a ERROR line in the after all SCS sections are installed :"

    [ascension/lang/english/setup.tra] has 32 translation strings
    ERROR: No translation provided for @0
    [item_rev/languages/english/setup.tra] has 60 translation strings
    [item_rev/languages/english/description_updates.tra] has 173 translation strings
    [spell_rev\languages\english\arcane.tra] has 664 translation strings
    [spell_rev\languages\english\divine.tra] has 393 translation strings
    [spell_rev\languages\english\hla.tra] has 6 translation strings
    [spell_rev\languages\english\setup.tra] has 15 translation strings
    [spell_rev\languages\english\item_revisions.tra] has 19 translation strings
    [stratagems/lang/english/setup.tra] has 216 translation strings
    [weidu_external/lang/stratagems/english/setup.tra] has 216 translation strings
    76737 characters, 535 entries added to DIALOG.TLK
    [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 107926 string entries



  4. 1 hour ago, DrAzTiK said:

    Maybe I am wrong but potion of defense stack with all others defensive effect.

    As for me I have tweaked ribald store ( and some others merchants) to provide unlimited potions and ammunitions... It make things less frustrating and the price is enough to avoid some powergaming gameplay. ((IMO)

    But even in you play without my tweak , I am not sure  rarity is a good criterium to assign the price/power because potions/ammunitions/scrolls remains "standard" items in one sense.

    I think the store revision component should be revisited a bit to give unlimited potions and ammunition to some merchants . ( or we can make it an optional component )

    here is my store revision file inspired by Ardanis  one  that I use if anyone is curious about it. (with no item reallocation for a better compatibility with item randomiser/SCS) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cvy1tUXSCI_Zo3z8YGBQ9vlMSwrYoNGg/view?usp=sharing

    To summurise :

    - Ribald have infinite stack of all potions

    -peter the fletcher get infinite stack of ammunitions

    - one merchant in drow city have infinite stack of all potions

    - the dwergar merchant in underdark have illimited stack of ammunition (special store)

    - Lazarus Librarus get infinite stock of ammunitions/potions

    -remove some duplicate items (boot of speed/rinf of fire)

    -add just a few convenient items and Bg1 items to some merchants: road of resurrection, cloak of balduran

    (to do list : tweak also some merchants in BG1 to have more or less the same possibility)

    I am pretty sure potion of defense does not stack with shield spell, and at least 2 cleric spells (defense harmony possibly and something else, cant remember now). I am pretty sure there are more, i just cant recall them now.

    Well, i really dont like infinite store supplies and 100% hate infinite potion supplies. It does not make much sense it terms of overall gameplay and makes the game more like a version of diablo. 

    I was thinking about Flame of the North +2, do you think it should be changed to something like d6? Anyway while @Bartimaeus is on hiatus i will try to think over some other suggestions for possible changes. My last run was so fun, i am planning to do next one in couple of weeks, hopefully @Bartimaeus is back by that time and manages to fix the bugs and maybe do some tweaking :) 

  5. On 10/2/2020 at 12:15 AM, DrAzTiK said:

    I have juste finished a   a BG2 game and  I would like to give some feedbacks about 2 or 3 things

    1- Some potions witch are lasting 5 turns looks too much powerfull   (considering they are indispellable) 
    -all potions of strength. ( no need to invest points on strenght on character creation anymore..)
    - potions of absorption  ( resistance to damage is quite exploitable) . EDIT : last only one turn so It is ok. ( I thought it was 5 turn duration) 
    -potion of defense. (not sure about this one  but I find this potion quite powerfull)
    -potion of vocalize : 5 turns O_o =  it makes silence quite useless Imo

    ===> all vanilla arcane spells giving similar bonus are short duration ones and are dispellables.

    2- the price of arcane scrolls shoudl be revisited ( for buy and sell) because there are too much expensive . I mean to pay  9000 po for a level 9 arcane scroll is too much expensive when you can ofen  find it in a barrel. 

    Also it is quit easy to make a lot of cash by selling arcanes scrolls. 

    I find wands quite expensive also..  

    3- boots of speed : no need +1 AC Imo considering bonus to speed is the best thing you can have in BG.  or only + 2 movement rate if you keep +1 AC.


    4- Flame of the north + 2 : I don't know but only 1D4 cold damage looks so sad for a two handed weapons. 

    5- Bala axe : I am note sure to understand this weapon. Is it a magical one or not ? 


    Overall, it was again a great experience to play with this mod ^^


    Edit : greenstome amlet is also quite convenient ....

    Kinda agree about potions of strength, but to a certain extent. By the end of my previous BG 2 game (excluding Throne of Bhaal) it felt that there were quite enough potions of strenght that i could use. I say make them cost much more in stores but leave 5 turns for the duration.

    Dont agree about potion of defense - the potion is quite rare and the effect does not stack with many other effects. Imho no need to change.

    Potion of absorbtion is fine as it is.

    Potion of Vocalize - kinda agree. Though the potion is relatively rare, 5 turns is super long, equals 1 long fight and totaly negates silence -  a bit too powerful. Not sure how to deal with it - up to mod creator.

    Absolutely disagree with scrolls price change: a scroll of powerful spell can turn a difficult battle into a trifle tiff. Personally i would increase prices for some of scrolls, definitely not reduce them.  (I find nothing wrong finding 9 level scroll in a barrel couple of meters from dead dragon body :) )

    I am both hands for change of boots of speed : "only + 2 movement rate if you keep +1 AC."




  6. On 9/21/2020 at 7:03 PM, DrAzTiK said:

    Hi Bartimaeus,

    Just tested the last version of item revisions. Everything looks very interesting ;)

    It looks like the potion of speed is dispellable and the potion of energy shielding does not have icon portrait. (I have tried to add one thanks to nearinfinity but curiouslyn it is not working)

    Confirmed, Potions are Dispellable :)

  7. @Bartimaeus feel free to disregard my rant in previous post about cloak hit rolls :) , i tested it yesterday and it was pretty late and my brain farted when i posted the numbers, but it was not completely unwarranted and i did not notice it at first glance: when equipped on a charachter Cloack gives 3 AC bonus, when i cast Blur spell after it - nothing happens, blur wont stack. But when i do it the other way around (Blur spell first then equip Cloak) the charachter actually receives 3 extra AC in addition to -3 malus to enemies attacking rolls. So i guess its a feature one is not supposed to exploit :) But i guess i better make sure by yourself thats ok.

    My issue with Belt of Inertial Barrier is still there, though. With equipped Belt my character rolls 11 (8+3) and hits the target and with 10 (7+3) character misses the target. Without (!) Belt equipped same results hit with 11 (8+3) and misses with 10 (7+3). It looks like AC malus for opponents is not there. (Thac0 reduction seems working ok but notsure if the rest of the effects, like speed factor, speed etc works correctly). PLEASE, could you check it and repair if needed :) 

  8. @Bartimaeus have you had a chance to check those bugs i reported ? :)

    i managed to test Cloak and Belt again today. My issue with the Cloak is while Cloak imitates Blur spell it does not function quite the same as Blur spell. Blur spell forces all attacks be made with - 3 penalty which is refelected in rolls (for instance a roll of 14-3=11=Hit), while the Cloak just grants extra 3 AC to a charachter. Basiacally to hit the character with equipped Cloak you need to naturally roll 11 (11+0=11= Hit). While the result is the same the mechanics are different. Though probability of hitting 11 and 14 at random roll is equal (and I am not well familiar with all items/restrictions/spells interractions in the game) so i am not sure how the difference in mechanics could be critical, but probably there could be some cases when for instance rolling "not less than" certain number is relevant (and then probability is different). Also i dont know if "saving throw bonus +3" part of Blur spell applies to the Cloak, since, again, mechanics seems a bit different of how the Cloak and Blurr spell work. I havent tested with saving throws so you better check it for yourself.

    Belt of Inertial Barrier: while i could see the effect of the Inertial Barrier agains opponents in terms of THAC0 reduction by 1 (it was reflected in roll window at least) i am still unaware why with belt NOT equipped i hit target at total 9 and miss at 8 and with belt equipped again i hit at 9 and miss at 8 (while belt says it reduces target's AC by 1). Not sure about other stats too. Please check it :) 

  9. 2 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Blur visual effect: Intended. Designed to reduce the visual annoyance of always having the blur effect on. IRR's Cloak of Mirroring works the same way. As for the actual rolls...uh, I'll look into it, but I'd expect it to work correctly.

    Belt of Inertial Barrier: Will do.

    Resurrection: Not even a spell SRR touches, I don't think, but I'll look into it and see why health isn't being fully restored for the temple version.

    Horn: Yeah, it's been on my mind, but no time as of late. Will get to it, though, :).

    ok great thx :) Could you please post it here about Belt, Cloak and Ressurection after you have time to check them.  I just want to be sure i am not crazy about those :) 

    Regarding Cloak, while its a neat and elegant idea to avoid visual annoyance, the description of the cloak states : "Aside from being an effective defense in combat situations, it has also been the cause of serious eyestrain amongst fellow party members". I feel that that implied "annoyance" could be coherent with the essence of the item :) 

  10. @Bartimaeus

    On my current run i noticed couple of things. 

    1) Cloak of Displacement: first of all when i equip it to the character it does not provide visual blur effect by default. When a character equipped with it starts fight then blur effect appears in 1 round after the beggining of the fight. Also in inventory i can see charachter gains -3 bonus to AC but i think its not reflected in rolls, like blur is not there. I casted blur spell naturally and then i could see effect in rolls. Not sure if its working as intended.

    2) Belt of Inertial Barrier: again known issue with effects working properly depending on the possitioning (10 radius south is not the same as 10 radius west etc). I know this issue is hard to solve , just mentioning. But could you please check if all other maluses for opponents Ac, Thac0, speed factor, movement works as intended. I am not sure about that one.

    3) I have not used Ressurection spell from cleric book yet but i had to use temple services in Helm (i think) and Ressurection returned charachterback to life with 1 health, without restoring full health, practically functioning like Raise Dead spell. If cleric Ressurrection spell works buggy it might be crucial in battle. Also worth checking imho.

    Also a reminder (in case you want to touch and mend it any time soon): Horn of Kazagoth is not appearing on Derril Lich due to wrong spelling in file. :)

  11. 1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    Well, I've written up my tweaked haste/slow mod and with that, they will properly cancel each other out and leave you with no effects at all if both are cast on you, in any order.  (The tweak actally ended up being pretty elegant: simply switch the offensive opcode 221 effects to defensive opcode 226 effects, leaving their resource fields exactly the same.  Every haste and slow effect becomes a Spell Shield for their respective sectypes - when hit with the opposing sectype, it blocks the attack but is itself dispelled.  Works beautifully!)

    I will keep it in mind, thx. But i have to admit that i like the element of randomness when save vs spell occurs in haste-slow interraction :) I wonder what initial thought about haste slow interraction BG developers had back in the day.

  12. On 8/4/2020 at 6:57 PM, subtledoctor said:

    That's very annoying.  If you get hit by  both, they should just cancel each other out and be net neutral, regardless of the order they are applied.  I thought that's what recently happened to me recently in the Den of Seven Vales fight - they cast Slow, I cast Haste, and when the dust settled some of my guys were hasted and others weren't.  I must have misunderstood what happened.  (That fight does get pretty hectic.*)

    Yesterday i had a figth with golems, that got Slow spell in their magic arsenal. I dabbled a bit with Haste / Slow interractions and i was a bit surprised actually by how Slow and Haste were applied. If my party was Hasted before battle after Slow was cast on my guys some of those were slowed and some were not (last ones did not have any haste or slow effects on them). I checked log and realized that after Slow casted some of my party members Saved vs spell and some did not. Those who did - neither were slowed or hasted (like hasted was negated but slow effect did not apply), those who did not - were slowed. Strangely enough i think the same thing worked with reverse order - first Slow effect then Haste. I am not sure about the last  one though, cant remember exactly, but when i ll be back home in 2 days ill give it a double check. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    IR/R does not touch them (nor the third list of items imported that BG2EE uses - the item you get from Malaaq). While that is a perfectly fine idea, you'd need someone that has a good grasp over their abilities and well-balanced/fitting locations to place them. That person is unfortunately not me, not being familiar with either EE items/locations/creatures.

    Np, its just a hint If someday someone decides to do it - would be great, if not - its ok too, will have to spend 30 more mins to run around SoD locations to get those items :)  Btw, did not know BG 2 uses third list of imported items but with my current run Malaaq gave me Sword of Chaos and i dont remember i carried it when i finished BG 1. 

    19 hours ago, Mike1072 said:

    SoD to BG2EE Item Upgrade may be exactly what you're looking for.

    Thx :) Might use it.

  14. 4 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Practically, it makes no difference, but I don't like to use EE/Shadowkeeper because it has a tendency to re-arrange how the character files are structured, but unless you're nutso OCD like me, it should make no difference.

    Gotcha, thx.

    Also i wanted to ask you about item importing system. I personally prefer when i dont need to worry what i should bring from BG1 to BG2 and from SoD to BG2. IR solves the issue with BG1 items by allocating them throughout the BG2 game. But what about SoD items? If SoD items are not automatically allocated by IR in BG2 can i suggest to include those in BG2 the same way IR does it with BG1 items? Basically i suggest to auto include all SoD items available for import in BG2.

  15. 2 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    For the time being, use C:CreateItem("MISC73") to create the Horn in your inventory. It seems as though there might be a mix-up on the creature resources - I'm adding it to CEDELICH.cre aka "Lich Deril" which is what Almateria's does (or at least did in the past), while Lagole Gon is actually CELICH.cre. I'll have to go through the quest and see when CEDELICH.cre is used vs. when CELICH.cre is.

    Can i add Horn with eekeeper or it is safer and better to do it via console?

  16. 6 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    You killed the creature known as "Deril Lich", aka CEDELICH? I just installed IRR onto a BG2EE game and it is on him, but I'm not super knowledgeable about the different paths this quest can take.

    Ok i just want to make sure we are talking about the same lich :) I killed the one involved in Cernd baby quest (the mage Deril and lich in his home named Lagole Gon. 

  17. On 8/11/2020 at 12:13 AM, Bartimaeus said:

    Note that IRR places the Horn of Kazgaroth as well - the lich Deril holds it (following Almateria's Restoration Project's lead). So you'll have duplicates of both, and no Helm of Balduran. Oh well! :p Also, I got confused - Sword of Chaos +2 isn't part of the importing process, but Mail of the Dead +2 is, of course, considered the default option for the second list of items.

    Just killed both Deril and the lich - no Horn dropped. WTF.

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