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Everything posted by Roberciiik

  1. The Black Wyrm's Lair ToB-Tourist Mod (Author: nullset & Roberciiik) ToB-Tourist is a small modification that allows you to go back to the Shadow Of Amn areas from Throne of Bhaal part of the game. Mod introduces a book you can buy in Lazarus Librarus' Arcana Archives that will help you to travel across Amn. Version 4 is mainly a maintenance update and includes: - Added missing STATISTICS keyword to the description. - Moved repository to Black-Wyrm-Lair GitHub organization. - Used %MOD_FOLDER% variable instead of plain mod name. - Added Project Infinity support (by AL|EN). - Added Infinity Auto Packager as GitHub action (big thanks to AL|EN). Download ToB-Tourist (Github) Read the Readme Visit the Forum
  2. Hello, Any chance to add zoomable worldmap component? It would be really handy with BP-BGT-Worldmap modification, where the map is so big that you need to swipe it multiple times until you reach distant locations. I think it could also help with BG:EE, where the map fits a width but is a bit too large for the height on the screen. Is it doable in the UI Tweaks? Thanks!
  3. @Weigo Nice workaround for that issue! It seems that this functionality could be automated. If I understand correctly, a tile should be extended with 1-pixel line copied from neighbor tiles, is that correct? Maybe it could be a nice addition to tis2ovl done by @argent77.
  4. Installed both versions (revised/original) on BGT, and it seems to be working now. Thanks! Go ahead with your changes. One extra question: why scrolls item names are different between revised and original (i.e. ntscrl61 vs ntscrl71)? Could be the same for consistency?
  5. OK, I've tried this solution, in fact with no difference. First of all, there is no WED files for WTPOOl.TIS etc, so I can't use tis2ovl tool (but it seems to be redundant because these TIS are very simple). I generated PVRZ however, but the line corruptions are still present on BG2EE. Thanks anyway, it was good idea to check it, unfortunately with no luck.
  6. Do you plan to look at this before releasing a new version of NTotSC?
  7. Yup, you are right - it is Region of Terror, and here are my changes so far. So you are saying that I should generate PVRZ for all WT*.TIS files? I thought that they are from the base game and do not require modifications. I can see that new RoT area adds only WTPOOLNR.TIS for oBG2, so should I try with this one or with all of them? And you are referring to running the tis2ovl tool or generating PVRZ or something else?
  8. I did the conversion only once. I simply took the TIS and WED files for oBG, then run tis2ovl with WED parameter (it produces updated TIS+WED file) and I opened it in NI, next I exported it as PVRZ-based TIS. @Gorionar How I can convert the texture overlay TIS to PVRZ? And what file exactly is the texture overlay: I have only one TIS file and I think it is converted to PVRZ with above steps.
  9. This is awesome! The issue is terrifying, and the solution provided by @argent77 is truly wonderful! Here is the PVRZ result: Although there are 1-pixel artifacts related to zooming, but as I understand these are because of the EE engine issue. Thank you both for help!
  10. Hello, I am trying to introduce a new area graphic for one of the old mod. I have prepared all files for classic engine (files were created for oBG2 in mind). And after installation those files (ARE, TIS, WED, BMPs, etc.) in WeiDU installer it works well in oBG2, but broken on EE games. When I exported the TIS file as a PVRZ-based TIS file for that location, I've got weird corruption of the water layer. I really don't know about internals of ARE related files. So could anyone help me to figure out what is going on here? Expected (oBG2) : TIS on EE: TIS+PVRZ on EE: Thanks!
  11. Alright, I post my findings just for the record: I've tried creating the BAM v1 file starting from version 10.6 (the "working" one), and after appending some icons the color palette started degrading eventually. So this is a dead end. However, above solution with exporting PVRZ and removing the alpha channel brings awesome results and the final BAM file is nearly identical as EE version! So big thanks Argent77 for this! Changes are implemented here: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/BP-BGT-Worldmap/pull/49
  12. I've tested a new scroll component on BGT, and it seems that there is a bug for "original" version of the spell: two Skeleton Warriors are neutral after summoning (blue circles) and should be party aligned (green circles).
  13. Hi again, it looks like the issue is now showing up in the EE-format too. I've attached the current BAM file in EE format from worldmap master branch. When you append the additional icons from the second BAM file (file attached), the colors are now darker in similar manner as in legacy v1 BAMs files. I thought v2 BAMs should use extended palette in such case? Steps to repro: 1. Load BAM file from worldmap-master.zip in NI 2. Click "Edit BAM" button 3. Then "Add" -> "Import BAM files" 4. In the preview tab, you can see the incorrect colors of icons. @argent77 Could you please verify/debug if this is the same running-out-of-colors issue of the palette, or maybe some NI issue? Do you know if there is any other tool that supports PVRZ-based BAM files, so I could compare results? EDIT: False alarm. It seems that I was mistaken: you need to choose V2 PVRZ output file type to see proper preview. So appending new files is working for me for EE version. However, abalabokhin was able to generate a broken palette for EE-PVRZ BAM file somehow (here), so that's why I reopened the issue here and I thought that this is a global issue. worldmap-master.zip bams-to-append.zip
  14. For Polish, it will be: "Port Llast" and "Studnia Beorunny"
  15. Hello, As part of NWN-for-BG mod preparation, there will be an update of BP-BGT-Worldmap modification with new labels on the map. To release such update, we need French, German, Italian, Polish & Spanish translations of "Beorunna's Well" and "Port Llast". More details here: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/BP-BGT-Worldmap/pull/47. I hope you can help. Thanks!
  16. In my example, I used "Edit BAM" and then "Save output file" button to export file. "Export" button works to generate compressed/uncompressed v1 BAM file, unfortunately the colors are still wrong/dark as in your package:
  17. Hey @argent77, could you confirm that this is the way how NI handles appending new BAM files according to what Weigo said? Maybe you know the proper way to export a v2 BAM as a v1 BAM without loosing color information? Thanks
  18. So you are saying that appending a new BAM file causing palette recalculation? Do you remember what changes were made to the bpbgtmap.bam file during your UI improvements? About EE BAM file: I open bpbgtmap.bam from EE directory, then click Edit BAM, export in Legacy v1 format, and got such result after loading the file: I think about recreation of BAM file as a finality... It could require some input files from other mods that I would need to search for.
  19. I've only checked the v10.6 is the working version. The EE version hasn't been changed, and it is still brighter, so I think it is not intentional. Maybe @Weigo could give us a hint if this is expected. I agree with you about BG1 icons' transparency issue, unfortunately, even BG2 icons are also darker, so it looks quite bad on the brighter Worldmap background. More examples: v10: v11:
  20. Hi, I'm trying to fix an issue with colors of map icons introduced in the BP-BGT-Wordmap modification after v10.6. Currently (v11, or pre-v12 master branch), the icons seem to be much darker than those in the v10.6 version. The problematic file is bam/bpbgtmap.bam. I've tried so far: - replace the v11 palette using the one from the v10 BAM file - resulted with even worse colors, - append all frames to the BAM files from v11 to v10 and from v10 to v11 - no change, imported icons are the same as from the original file, - export EE version BAM file as Legacy v1 (EE has correct coloring scheme) - incompatibility because of transparency I think. Do you have any idea how to properly handle such conversion? I prefer not to override all the frame sequences from the scratch as it is more than 200 frames now... It seems that exporting EE BAM file to legacy format is the easy way, however I don't know how to migrate the palette. Thanks for any advice and help! Example icon from v10: Example icon from v11:
  21. Spellhold Studios BP-BGT-Worldmap v11 This mod replaces the in-game worldmap with a large, new worldmap. It is used especially for the Megamodification (BGT, TDD, SOS, CtB, TS, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH, Drizzt Saga...) or partial installations of the Megamodification. It also includes a full set of coloured map icons. The new version 11.0.0 comes with new UI component, new icons set and the other fixes, by Weigo, p_zombie, abalabokhin and Roberciiik! Changelog: New component for worldmap UI BG2EE design Dragonspear UI design Worldmap UI automatically scale with the scale_ui option Added new icons to BPBGTMAP.BAM file BPBGTMAP.BAM v1 and v2 has the same number of icons EET and BP-BGT-Worldmap has the same icon sequence (Modder's notes) Added under bp-bgt-worldmap\docs a small modders tutorial (Modder's Notes) Added river to the map image to better fit SoD original map Added new areas (Soubar and Lyrar's Hold) for Shadows over Soubar modification Added new areas (7 locations from Icewind Dale) for Region of Terror modification Updated mods to use dedicated map icons: NTotSC (only Northern Citadel) Southern Edge Tangled Oak Tales of the Deep Garden Alabaster Sands Polish translation update Russian translation update Read the Readme Download from SpellholdStudio's Official GitHub Mirror
  22. Hi, Any chance to merge it with BGT version to support only one codebase for all platforms? Or maybe... would you accept such Change Request if provided by someone via GitHub in the future? Thanks!
  23. Hi @CamDawg and @Cahir, I would suggest moving the auto-generated files from Beamdog translation tool into separated files (i.e. gtu_bgee vs bd_tool_bgee). Then those files could be updated individually. GTU files - manually, BD tool - even automatically. Honestly, it would be easier to update small files for GTUs where changes are only added by a human. And after upstreaming these changes to BD tool, they could be simply removed from GTU files because they would be fetched from BD tool later. So the flow would be: include bd_tool translation files if exist and then load GTU files (frequently updated I assume) on top of those from BD tool. What do you think? Thanks!
  24. Hi, It seems that Drow's Katana +3 from tougher Sendai component is not turning into dust after going on the sunlight but disappear instead. Moreover, if you have those Katanas in your Bag of Holding then they will not disappear at all. Thanks
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