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Everything posted by Thacobell

  1. What if spell and attack protections had similar durations?
  2. I feel like mages are already super strong, and making it so that only other mages can kill them is kind of enforcing certain playstyles on the player.
  3. I've never been able to put points into longswords as a Meistersinger. They can use it sure, but not become proficient. Unless its a weird bug that's been in every modded install I've done since using Fnp. The multiclass Shaman were the ones I was referring to. I just find it weird that a righter/shaman or a ranger/shaman can't use swords.
  4. You aren't supposed to be able to land hits with the offhand on 1 pip. The penalty is supposed to keep you from landing anything short of a critical. The second point is what lets you attack with the offhand successfully.
  5. Wouldn't that entail editing every longsword to make them shaman useable?
  6. Crud, I was hoping I could combine 2 with IWD proficiencies. Trying to find a way around Shamen multiclass not being able to use longswords, or meistersingers, for that matter. They can use short swords and scimitars, not sure why longswords would be disallowed. And yes, that helps a lot, thank you.
  7. Good to know, but isn't the WPO component rolled into the proficiency overhaul?
  8. How well does the revised proficiency component here work with the IWD or BG1 style proficiency components of CDTweaks?
  9. There's uh, quite a few bard items. I was planning on just working around the good ones in ToB with UAI HLA, but for some reason, my last 3 modded installs have had thief HLAs completely broken. I need to find out what's going on with that. Its been distressingly consistent. You haven't noticed any issues on your installs, right? As of right now, I only use your big three kit mods for any kind of class modding. Maybe I should start using Rogue Rebalancing again. What install order do you recommend with Rogue Rebalancing and Refinements? Not sure how they will interact with Might and Guile, etc.
  10. Tis version 10.0. I thought I had included that, my bad. Thought I'd bring it up, since I didn't see it referenced in the new version changelog.
  11. At least there are a couple trolls in the slaver compound, so a troll isn't entirely out of left field.
  12. Reggick did have a dialogue before dying, but then died right after.
  13. CGI is best used sparingly. It doesn't matter how big the budget is or how "good" it is, its always obvious there isn't really anything there. You either need to pair it with practical effects, or for just small touch ups. All CGI looks bad after a year or two anyway. Movie effects kinda peaked in the 80s with the best practical effects. CGI is still playing catch up. Directors also seem to forget how to make scenes look good when its all CGI. They just point the camera directly at the thing and call it a day.
  14. Its still a troll in the EE though. Where did the bear come from? I've never seen a bear in that scene.
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