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Everything posted by Thacobell

  1. Okay, well if we are going to with general martial skill, combined with physical conditioning, I have to go with Bruce Lee. His training was super well rounded and he basically made a career out of re-defining systemized self defense.
  2. She was not in my party, she just kept appearing in random corners of every map I visited to crash the game. Let me see if I can quote Bubb. Looks like not as much was in a private message as I thought. The full conversion is buried very deep on a discord channel. But, "I removed the jumping effect from skie, so it shouldn't crash anymore. Skie is probably in limbo permanently though." It WAS something in the override. Whatever Bubb removed, my save worked again.
  3. When I had the issue, Bubb offered to check my save and override for me. My specific issue was Skie constantly trying to activate a script that couldn't fire under the game circumstances. Bubb fixed it by removing her teleport script.
  4. Yeah, I could keep it running as long as it was paused. Sounds like you have the exact same issue I did.
  5. Uh oh, had an issue with saves corrupting and the game crashing on load a week-ish back. The issue in my game, was an npc bugged out when leaving a screen, and rather than despawning, was always on the current map somewhere trying to trigger a script that couldn't trigger under the circumstances. I'd have exactly 3 seconds before crash on loading a save. Do any of the mod npcs you have installed use a teleport script to leave the map instead of just walking out?
  6. For some reason, I kept thinking this was Karoug and was very confused why people were calling a wolfwere a fighter/mage.
  7. CGI can work amazingly, but it can't carry all the effects on its own. Let practical effects do all the heavy lifting, and use CGI selectively to seal the illusion. The shape of water is a good example. Its a practical effects fish suit with CGI eyes to give it emotion. It works really well.
  8. Yeah, I'm finding it good. Nothing jumped out at me enough to take me out of the game. At worst there's been a couple, "That grammar is slightly odd" and then I forget about it seconds later. I'm really enjoying Breager's talks. His interactions with Imoen are about as wholesome as a salty dwarf gets.
  9. Found another bug with Breager in BG2. I'm still on the previous patch, but I didn't see this mentioned in the changelog. When ambushed by Sahuagin after leaving Brynnlaw with Saemon, Breager doesn't get moved to the City of Caverns with the rest of the party. He sits in the ship attack cutscene indefinitely as far as I can tell. I had to use the console to teleport him to the rest of the party.
  10. I know you don't mod much anymore (you're a super updater though), so this isn't an expectation or anything. I had to put my thoughts down to get them out of my head. The joys of hyper focusing. If you do find the time/energy/motivation, I can shoot weapon, armor, and/or stat requirements, etc. if you want. I have a pdf of the original class.
  11. Since my ADHD has forced me to hyper focus on 1st ed bards again: Your Druid/Thief multiclass might be a good fit for it. It gets the druid spells and the thief abilities already. Give the thief side some extra proficiencies to mimic fighter levels, tweak weapon and armor useability, and give some bard abilities and lore. Maybe a 25%-33% exp penalty to simulate leveling three classes.
  12. No, I meant that I don't seem to be having the same issue. Oh well, IE modding may as well be a black box to me.
  13. subtledoctor said: "Nope, the mod has a weird little typo. Will be fixed in the next update." That's really weird.
  14. On my install, it has Power Attack as a pre req. Might be an install specific bug.
  15. The way I get through it, is I camp out in front of the mayor's cabin, save the game, and rest. I do this right after getting the stronghold. I go and talk to the mayor, if there's no mission, I rest again. Talk again and repeat until I either get the quest or get notification that the quest failed. If it failed, I start using ctrl-t and checking in every in-game hour. Whether Delon ever actually shows up or not to give the message seems entirely random. I do it this way, because I've had Delon reach me in the temple ruins, go immiediately to the Umar Hills, and have the mayor tell me I took too long. Alternatively, you can set the right variable with the console. As far as I can tell, this only happens with the first ranger quest. I've never had any issues past the start.
  16. Are any of the kits dependent on the sphere system? Or rather, if I don't install the sphere system, will every kit still be available?
  17. What if spell and attack protections had similar durations?
  18. I feel like mages are already super strong, and making it so that only other mages can kill them is kind of enforcing certain playstyles on the player.
  19. I've never been able to put points into longswords as a Meistersinger. They can use it sure, but not become proficient. Unless its a weird bug that's been in every modded install I've done since using Fnp. The multiclass Shaman were the ones I was referring to. I just find it weird that a righter/shaman or a ranger/shaman can't use swords.
  20. You aren't supposed to be able to land hits with the offhand on 1 pip. The penalty is supposed to keep you from landing anything short of a critical. The second point is what lets you attack with the offhand successfully.
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