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Posts posted by Trouveur80

  1. Hi, I finished killing the last doppelgangers, the captain told me to report to the commander, but the commander doesn't have something to say about it.

    Is there a variable I should check ?

    In my four runs with BST, it's the first time I encounter this.

  2. On 7/21/2022 at 7:53 AM, Guest Morgoth said:

    Was checking this topic and this seems like a good idea to buff a bit ranger - there is currently no reason to play them; but if they add at least a decent passive and these two new abilities I think it would turn out great.

    Any possibility for something like that? If not, I will just play other classes ..

    The Artisan released recently a new version of his Kitpacs, with a ranger overhaul: https://artisans-corner.com/the-artisans-kitpack/

  3. 5 hours ago, Guest jastey_ away said:

    I think it's the install order specified in I4E but I don't remember why. So, PI might enforce it with the current mod version but unless I remember why it would be necessary this might change for the next update.

    Thank you 🙂

  4. 8 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Yeah, it's worth remembering that the original experience cap was 2.95 million for SoA - just short of 9th level spells for a mage. If you're getting to high enough levels to receive HLAs in SoA with a full party at any point short of like Suldanessellar, your game balance is going to be messed up.

    Yes, that's why I like using EET Tweaks for reducing XP gains when I have some quests mods installed.

  5. 7 hours ago, Guest inconnu said:

    Does this mod work with GOG BG:EE version? Or do I need to buy steam version?

    And how to check that this mod is working? (I can still see tutor NCPs in Candlekeep so I guess something is not right)

    Yes it works on any PC version.

    Easy way to see if SCS is installed is to look at the difficulty slider in the options. If it isn't modified, something went wrong.

    But before installing any mod on a GoG or Steam version of BGEE, you should first install DLC Merger if you also have SoD.

  6. 1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    Does anyone not clear wilderness maps when playing BG1???

    Sure, but I don't do that right away with only Imoen at my side just after escaping an ambushed and seeing the powerful Gorion killed.

    I first gather a full party, do some easy XP quests, found some magic weapons just in case, and then start exploring.

    But I tend to play noreload run theses days, so I,m probably more careful than most players.

  7. On 7/16/2022 at 1:18 AM, subtledoctor said:

    There’s a component of ExtraExpandedEncounters called “badgering bandits” or something like that, so I assume it is responsible for the populations of werebadgers I am seeing. I don’t mind it, I just think making them immune to nonmagical weapons - and especially putting one in the first map - kind of fails to “read the room” of low-level BG1 gameplay.

    Good call on the M_*.lua thing, I forgot about that capability. 

    Well, the werebadger in the first map didn't bother much since it is not on the usual way for High Edge, Crossroad Way, Xzar and Montaron or Gorion's corpse.

    If you don't explore carefully the map, you will not find it.

    On the other hand, the werebadgers in Fire Leaf area were more annoying.

    And I play with fine weapons instead of magical ones, so yes start of the game is harder. But I'm fine with a low level charname having to run for his life.


    By the way I checked your weidu, and last time I tried it, the vanishing of Skie Silvershield wasn't compatible with EET.

  8. 6 hours ago, Guest jastey_away said:

    That's good to know, thanks!

    Like I wrote, the mods EndlessBG1, bgqe,    bst so far should be good in any install order, but in principle, my recommended install order is EndlessBG1 early. It's more important for bg1re and Transitions and the NPC mods and Another fine Hell etc.

    It's good to know, thank you.

    I4E should be installed before Endless BG1?

  9. Hi, I was wondering it was intend than Bracers of Archery are not usable by the Hawkeye of Solonor? It's a little weird than a character than can put 3 points in bows can't wear those bracers.

    Also, would it be possible to change the abilities from the Hawkeye of Solonor to be permanently activated or deactivated like the Expertise feat from the Artisan's Kitpack fighter?

  10. 1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    Probably cursed weapons should just block any spells that create magical weapons. Doesn’t it say something like “you cannot unequip it without a Remove Curse spell?” Those spells are not Remove Curse so… they should fail to dislodge the cursed weapon from one’s hands. 

    But what about shapeshift ? If you now are a bear or the slayer, why should you not be able to use your claws ?

  11. Hi, I don.t know if it is in the scope of this mod, but I encountered a bug with an equipped cursed weapon : it prevents using magical weapons from spells like Harm or Melf's Minute Meteors, or even weapons from transformation like Slayer. The original cursed weapon default attack is still used instead.

  12. Hi, i installed the improved slayer component. After hitting 2,000,000 XP I obtained the first improved form, but the old one is still available as a special ability. So I have two slayers buttons.

    I tried to remove the old one with EEkeeper, but it comes back after rest. How could I fix this please ?

  13. On 2/15/2020 at 3:19 AM, subtledoctor said:

    Does anyone know exactly what happens when you right-click and choose to release the familiar?  Is there a .SPL or .BCS somewhere that handles it?  Does it trigger some kind of opcode 192 effect?  I'm having a weird bug where I release my (modded) familiar, and it doesn't show up in the main screen.  It just disappears forever.

    In my current BG2 playthrough, I encountered this bug mid game, in chapter 5.

    Before that no problem with my pseudodragon, and now when I use the release button from the item nothing happens, and the item disappears.

    And I can't summon again another familiar, since one have already be summoned.

    How could I fix my savegame please ?

    I didn't install any mod modifying the summon familar spell.


    EDIT : nevermind, I found out it was installation midgame of the new house rules tweak from The Artisan who bugged the familiar.

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