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Posts posted by Trouveur80

  1. I was wondering which werewolf form was kept for this fix ?

    In BGEE, a character can still talk while in werewolf form, can equip an off hand weapon and fully use it without dual wielding penalty and still benefits from single weapon proficiency. Also the magic resistance from the form replaces magic resistance from other sources instead of being cumulative.

    In BG2EE, a character can't talk while in werewolf form, can't equip an off hand while shapeshifted but can benefit from passive bonus from an off hand weapon put there before shapeshifting (like the +1 APR from Belm), magic resistance from the form is cumulative with other MR sources (but items have to be reequipped after shapeshifting for it to work).

    Maybe it would be better to have the claws from the forms considered as a two handed weapon, so off hand item would be completely ignored and two handed weapon proficiency would be used instead ?

    Also, description from werewolf form precises the enchantment level of the claws, but the description from the greater werewolf form doesn't. It would be nice to have some consistencies here.

  2. 2 hours ago, grodrigues said:


    Patch is commited. Only the minimal testing was done (check that it installs on a clean BG2 EE install) and I have not had time to check the other mismatched refs, but I *think* I can automate most of the drudge work without having to go through every single spell in NI -- it will take a bit to work through it though.


    The latest patch introduces a new string ref, at the end of arcane.tra. Most likely more will be added, I just need to first write a crawler through all the spells to dump the needed info.

    Thank you, I will make a clean install and try it. 🙂

  3. 2 hours ago, Guest Guest char11 said:

    thank u, i will try your advise.

    i want to know, is there any other tool/way to make up eet, except the ee mod setup tool

    If you only want EET (having BGEE, SoD, and BG2EE as a single game)  you can install it like any other mods : https://github.com/Gibberlings3/EET/releases/tag/V13.4

    If you want to install many mods on top of EET, there is Project Infinity : https://github.com/ALIENQuake/ProjectInfinity/releases/tag/0.10.6

  4. 30 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    If any NPCs have Fire Shield Blue in their spellbooks at 4th level, it will become the AI-only version of Acid Sheath. The “Update NPC Spellbooks” is meant to handle things like this. (Same issue presents with nishruu/hakeashar, maybe one or two other things.)

    Thank you, I did install the update NPC spellbooks component.

    I will delete the level 4 version then.

  5. On 10/28/2022 at 8:03 PM, subtledoctor said:


    • Mestil's Acid Sheath replaces Fire Shield: Blue, whichis a 4th-levelspell, which is why you see it among the 4th-level files/.tra refs. But in the game, it makes it available as a 5th-level spell for balance and lore-friendliness reasons. Both files exist because some NPCs will use the 4th-level version, but for your purposes  you only need to deal with the 5th-level version.
    • Dimension Jump is a spell that has some files and strings in the base game, and SR maybe started to do something with it? A long time ago? But I don't think it is actually added now.

    Hello, with V4RC19, I just found a scroll of Dimension Jump in SoD.

    Also, Dynaheir have the level 4 and the level 5 version of Mestil's Acid Sheath in her spellbook. The one that should be available to my party is the level 5 right ?

  6. 7 hours ago, grodrigues said:

    Ooof... I never encountered this rash of mismatched string references in my latest EET run, so I have to assume that either BG EE has different string refs or some mod in your load order is borking them all.

    Will look into it.

    Just in case here is my weidu.log :

    / Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~LEUI-BG1EE/LEUI-BG1EE.TP2~ #0 #0 // lefreut's Enhanced UI (BG1EE skin) - Core component: 4.5
    ~DLCMERGER/DLCMERGER.TP2~ #0 #1 // Merge DLC into game -> Merge "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC: 1.3
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4.19
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #10 // Deva and Planetar Animations: v4.19
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #20 // Mirror Image Fix: v4.19
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #30 // Dispel Magic Fix: v4.19
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #55 // Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells: v4.19
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #60 // Update Spellbooks of Joinable NPCs: v4.19
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #202 // Revised Bhaalpowers -> Enhance the Bhaalpowers and standardize their casting time: v4.53
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #80 // SoD - Stat-based observations and quest options from Lauriel's Themed Tweaks Mod: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Main Component: Tracking System: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #10 // Consistency Changes to Game Dialogues: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #20 // Officers Are Aware: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #30 // Give PC Informed Reply Options: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #40 // PC Can Tell the Officers: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #50 // Add Officers Reactions: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #60 // Additional Info Points: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~SODRTD/SODRTD.TP2~ #0 #70 // Add Additional Communication with Officers: 0.7 (Beta)
    ~C#SODBOABRI/C#SODBOABRI.TP2~ #0 #0 // Scene at Boareskyr Bridge will be Acknowledged: Add NPC Reactions: v2
    ~C#SODBOABRI/C#SODBOABRI.TP2~ #0 #1 // Add Description Text to Original Scene at Bridge: v2
    ~C#SODBOABRI/C#SODBOABRI.TP2~ #0 #2 // Bridge Scene has Different Choices: v2
    ~C#SODBOABRI/C#SODBOABRI.TP2~ #0 #3 // Add Stat Changes to Choices at Bridge: v2
    ~C#ANOTHERFINEHELL/C#ANOTHERFINEHELL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Another Fine Hell - Optional Ending for SoD and BGII Closure: Alpha_220923
    ~C#ANOTHERFINEHELL/C#ANOTHERFINEHELL.TP2~ #0 #1 // Get the Hells Out - Quest Option with Extended BGII Content: Alpha_220923
    ~C#ANOTHERFINEHELL/C#ANOTHERFINEHELL.TP2~ #0 #2 // PC's and Imoen's chest in Palace should have their content: Alpha_220923
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Sentrizeal's Wizard 4 Missing Animation Fix: v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Sentrizeal's Elven Ranger Avatar (Female): v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Sentrizeal's Elven Ranger Avatar (Male): v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Sentrizeal's Elven Ranger Weapon Fix: v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Sentrizeal's Human Gladiator Avatar (Female): v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #5 // Sentrizeal's Human Gladiator Avatar (Male): v1.3.1
    ~SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK/SETUP-SENTRIZEAL_AA_PACK.TP2~ #0 #6 // Sentrizeal's Human Mercenary Avatar (Female): v1.3.1
    ~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Install all Hidden Gameplay Options at once: 3.0

  7. On 10/25/2022 at 1:15 PM, grodrigues said:

    Yes, for Waves of Fatigue; it has a 139 opcode to display "Fatigued". As for the lich I would have to look into it, as it may be using a SoD copy of some vanilla spell and thus is not touched by SR.

    Here are some more :






    SR BGEE strings bugs 2.jpg

  8. I had Spells Revision and Revised Bhaalspawn abilities installed too. It was going to be an unmodded run, but then I was tempted by new release of SR, then I installed revised bhaalspawn powers to match SR, and eventually I couldn't do again SoD without your improvements. Vanilla now seems unfinished without RtD, Borarskyr Bridge and AfH.

    But I remember having the same bug on a completely different install in a previous game.

    I will investigate this with a clean install and try to find the culprit. It's not a big deal, but it intrigues me. 😉

    Thank you for your advice.

  9. 16 hours ago, jastey said:

    My mods do not add to Garrick in SoD.

    Invalid lines like that can happen if you installed a mod to BG:SoD from GOG or Steam without the DLC Merger (or modmerge), are playing in a different language of the game than the mods were installed to, or if you use a modded save in a new install (where the dialog.tlk doesn't have as much entries, otherwise it would be scrumbled texts).

    If non of that apply to you, I'm at a loss. 🤔

    Thank you for the explanations.

    I always use DLC Merger before any mod, and play in english only for easier mod compatibility.

    Indeed, I installed RtD when I was in the middle of BGEE, so it could be the culprit.

  10. On 10/23/2022 at 8:38 PM, grodrigues said:

    Patch to fix the string issue is up. Not commited yet to let it stew for a bit and because I have not had the time to do the minimal testing yet.

    Thanks, I will try it.

    I wonder if there also a string problem with Weaves of Fatigue, after casted on a NPC, the dialog window shows the NPC's name but nothing else is displayed. Shouldn't it says "fatigued" or something like that?

    Also, the lich in SoD uses one spell in his contingency which have a string problem too, but I didn't identify it yet.

  11. DLC Merger is mandatory for successfully installing any other mods on a BGEE SoD installation from Steam or GoG.

    Consider SoD as ToSC, when installed is part of BGEE, not a separate game.

    If you install a mod on BGEE, it will also be installed for the SoD part.

    Just do what Subtledoctor said, make a clean (delete your current folder and download it again) BGEE SoD install, then install DLC Merger, then install SCS.

  12. 6 hours ago, grodrigues said:

    I *think* I know where the problem is -- an hardcoded string ref in the 139 opcode.

    Some mod is clobbering that text line -- could you please tell me what, if any, mods are installed before SR? This is the kind of thing that is conceptually easy to fix but actually not "pretty" (delete the 139 opcodes or make a subsequent patch to insert the right string refs)...


    Lefreut UI, DLC Merger, and then SR.

    I play on BGEE + SoD 2.6 with English language.

    After SR I have aTweaks for revised Bhaalspawn powers, Another fine Hell, Road to Discovery, Borarskyr Bridge, an avatar mod and Hidden Game options.

  13. Hello, it was a long time since I install SR on BGEE.

    I don't remember if it also modify the spell like abilities of the NPC like Dispel Magic from Yeslick or the bhaalspawn powers like Larloch's Minor Drain?

  14. 14 hours ago, Oloriniel said:

    Xan,, who in BG2 is a Figher/Mage, just hit level 20 as a fighter...and he lost his 5 pips in small sword and large sword...instead, he now has 2 pips in everything, even skills he's not eligible for!

    Seems like a bug in an old version of fighter overhaul from Artisan's Kitpack.

    14 hours ago, Oloriniel said:



  15. 17 hours ago, OrlonKronsteen said:

    Currently, NPCs who join your party get a maximum of 32,000 exp in BG1, and 1,250,000 in BG2. It would be great to have a tweak that increases the cap/keeps applying the formula as charname keeps leveling. For example, in BG1, it would extend to: 32,000; 64,000; 128,000; etc.. In BG2, it would continue to increase in 250,000 intervals, right to the level cap. Then it would still be worth picking up new NPCs late game, and you'd never have to worry about Imoen being under leveled when you rescue her.

    SCS have a component for this.

  16. 6 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

    Blade's damage increases to 207 DPR with Tenser's, so hardly an improvement at the loss of their spellcasting. I plan to do a ranged comparison at some point to compare different Archer's and bows along with Kensai and throwing weapons.

    But it greatly increases ThAC0, so the diminishing damage based on opponent's AC doesn't apply.

    Also, improved bard song is not taken into account either ? With the bard hat he blade can fight while under the song effect.

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