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Posts posted by Trouveur80

  1. On 6/10/2023 at 2:20 PM, jastey said:

    👍 Perfect. In addition, the crossmod components are separate components, so you could install all main components of the mods, then install the crossmod components.

    The only exception is Ajantis' crossmod with EndlessBG1 and Transitions, this is in the main mod and Ajantis BG1 assumes to be installed after these two mods.

    Info to mod install order is usually in the modname.ini - it's metadata for PI, but can also be used for finding the best install order. I didn't always update the readmes with this information, so knowing it might be in the .ini is helpful for players, too.

    Thank you for the advice, didn't know about modname.ini

    I installed EndlessBG1 as a quest mod so before Ajantis expansion.

    By the way, I didn't expect so many crossmod contents with BGRE, BGQE and even SotSC for Brandock, and somehow Brage feels like a so natural joignable NPC. I'm eagerly waiting to meet Tazok and Davaeorn with him.

  2. 12 minutes ago, jastey said:

    @Trouveur80 the string is indeed missing. It's supposed to be the warning that the SoD game is not merged (DLC Merger not installed or didn't run successfully):

    ACTION_IF ((FILE_EXISTS ~dlc/sod-dlc.zip~) OR (FILE_EXISTS ~sod-dlc.zip~)) THEN BEGIN
      FAIL @1002 /* ~Modmerge or Argent's DLC Merger is required before mods can be installed on this game.~ */


    Thank you, indeed BG1 NPC Project told me DLC Merger was not installed, even so I did it and the weidu log showed it successfully installed.

    I started again from scratch and this time all seems fine :-).

  3. Hi, I'm encountering an error message when trying to install Endless BG1 V17 on a BGEE SoD install 2.6.6 using English texts :


    "What should be done with all components that are NOT YET installed?
    nstall them, kip them, [A]sk about each one? DLCMERGER/DLCMERGER.TP2  0  3 Installed
    LEUI-BG1EE/LEUI-BG1EE.TP2  0  0 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  0 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  1 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  2 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  3 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  4 Installed
    EEEX/EEEX.TP2  0  5 Installed

    Install Component [Endless BG1: Main Component (Required)]?
    nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
    Installing [Endless BG1: Main Component (Required)] [17]
    ERROR: No translation provided for @1002
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Endless BG1: Main Component (Required)], rolling back to previous state
    Unable to Unlink [c#endlessbg1/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "c#endlessbg1/backup/0/OTHER.0")
    [c#endlessbg1/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
    Will uninstall   0 files for [C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled      0 files for [C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2] component 0."

    I didn't got this error on an EET install.

  4. On 4/13/2023 at 8:55 AM, Sight said:

    Glad it helped a bit!


      Hide contents

    Running into an odd issue.

    First, here's my whole setup:

    - DLC Merger

    - BG1 Unfinished Business

    - EET Core

    - Dragonspear UI ++

    - BG2Fixpack(I think it didn't install because it detected I was on EE, but mentioning just in case)

    - Ascension

    - Wheel of Prophecy

    - BG2 Unfinished Business

    - BG Mini Quests and Encounters

    - The Calling

    - Cowled Menace

    - Alternatives

    - BG1NPC Project

    - NPCTweak

    - SoD2BG2: Item Upgrades

    - item revisions revised

    - IWDification

    - Spell Revisions Revised

    - Jastey Tweaks for SoD and EET

    - Tweaks Anthology

    - Road to Discovery for SoD

    - Sword Coast Stratagems

    - EET End

    Written in install order.

    I am a short way away from Nashkel in Chapter 1. Finishing up in Beregost/Friendly Arm. Experimented with removing all party members and turning in some final quests to get main PC to level 2 because I wanted to see if it would result in everyone else reaching 2 as well due to Improved NPC's Customization, to confirm everything was in working order.

    I installed SCS's "improved npc customization component" but it only seems to work for Imoen, Neera, Garrick and Kagain so far, the level up component that is. Montaron, Xzar, Khalid and Jaheira do not level up when re-added to party, they get no XP added to them whatsoever. Seeing that Neera needed to be re-added twice to reach level 2, I thought I would try removing and re-adding the rest who had issues but it didn't work, not even if I added them alone. 

    I noticed I erroneously added ToB style NPC's from Anthology so I removed that but that hasn't fixed the issue, although I tried it on the same save game. Could this be caused by the Anthology tweak that allows one NPC from NPC pairs to be re-added after removal? Load order looks fine to me so I don't think its that. 

    Any ideas?

    That's because you installed EET End after SCS.

    SCS should be installed after EET End. Otherwise, the improved NPC management component doesn't work well.

  5. 8 hours ago, polytope said:

    Unfortunately, the answer is no. As other people have noticed, the enemy AI doesn't know how to use (for example) Mordenkainen's Forceblade, Antimagic Shell trivializes beholder groups (except those containing Hive Mothers!) if you're a fighter/mage, and they can't cope with Divine Protection either.

    If you want a longer version, the reviews on this blog explain the problem, it is not something for players looking for a tactically harder game:



    Ennemies know how to use IWD spells. Mages like Lance of Disruption and Vitriolic Sphere, and druids use static charge.

    IWD divine spells greatly help SCS clerics to stay alive.

  6. 7 hours ago, Endarire said:

    and Sarevok.  First I thought the armored figure was Dorn, but the same armored figure is in the title image for BG1EE, which I assume is also Sarevok.

    It's Dorn in both cases, just look at the image further down on the GoG page, with Neera, Dorn and  Rasaad.

    Pretty sure it is not a canonical party, just a way to promote Beamdog's new characters.

  7. Don't know if it's a bug, but when a character is entangled, equipping Spider's Bane or the ring of free action doesn't free him, although the entangle portrait icon is indeed replaced by the free action one.

    I always thought free action not only prevents to be hold, but also remove it.

  8. On 1/16/2023 at 6:08 PM, Frenzgyn said:

    It is, but keep in mind it's totally amateurish, for personal use. It was just a clumsy attemp at fixing something that annoyed me. I hope that at some point, someone skilled have time to take care of the issue. Here is the link: https://github.com/Frenzgyn/Kivan_and_Deheriana

    Thank you, I currently have Kivan in my BGEE party and still pondering bringing it back in BG2EE.

  9. 25 minutes ago, StummvonBordwehr said:

    The feeling of urgency is also one of the reasons why I hate the Balduran/werewolf quest: Hey we are about to get into a war, but lets take a month off to go on a archaeological trip…. 

    When TotSC was released, you could import you party from the final save after Sarevok death to do the new quests and it made so much more sense.

    In BGEE we luckily have Endless BG1 for that too. 🙂

  10. On 6/28/2022 at 7:21 PM, Frenzgyn said:

    I took the time to do a bit of tinkering, I ended up with a forked working thing (tested in Bg2ee and EET install) that SHOULD address a few of the aforementioned issues.

    1) Tweaked all the three version of Kivan's Bow to be more consistent stat-wise (nothing extreme, on the contrary it could be probably a nerf to certain degree);
    2) Restored the last upgrade done by Cespenar (skipped in EET);
    3) Tweaked the Bows and Kivan's Hood (Ranger's Hood) to be usable only by "Kivan" and his Spear to be "Elves only";
    4) Hopefully resolved the conflict with BG1NPC's Kivan's Bow;
    5) Harmonized all the description with in-game stats, weights and removed useless text-only in the various descriptions.

    What I have NOT done:

    - Restored P#WREATH.itm and P#DEH01.cre to EET installs. I need to figure out yet how all that stuff works.

    In details the only not striaghtforward approach was number 3.

    There was 2 problems:

    1) BG1NPC use item_use.2da restrictions for a shared resource (P#BOW), but Vanilla Kivan and Kivan from this mod have different actors name references.
    2) Kivan from this mod use a different strref name when installed in EET than in BG2EE (which uses the same as vanilla).

    The workaround work as follows:

    a) I created a new P#BOW, with the correct restriction  using Op 319 and called it P#BOW00, updated all the related references (mainly Neiros conversation) and replaced it in the inventory of  the SoA spawned Kivan;

    b) Added restriction also on other Kivan's only items (it was specified in the description, but as text only): P#BOW01, P#BOW02 and P#HOODM;

    c) Since EET create a new string reference for Kivan's creature name (214300 and not the BGEE/BG2EE 9491) I created four alternative version of the aforementioned four items (three bows and the hood) with the updated string reference (214300) that would be copied over in case EET is detected. 

    I have NO IDEA if it's possible to update the effect of an item dinamically so the OP319 restriction could be updated from 9491 to 214300 when EET is detected, I will be for sure more elegant, but I have no clue if it's possible and how to do it.

    For what's it's worth, all seems to work both in SoA and EET: Neiros Gallantar and Cespenar will upgrade correctly the items, the items are usable by the "right" Kivan both in BG2EE and EET.
    Hi, thank you for your work. Is your fork available somewhere please ?


  11. 4 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    There is a mod called "Wings." I have not played it through all the way but [checks log] it is currently installed in my EET game. No idea if Aerie actually gets wings. TBH that would be a bit weird, since this is a 2D game and you can't fly in it...

    Skitia already clearly said that Wings is not meaned to give Aerie her wings back.

    From what I remember, the mega mod with Mazzy romance allows it : https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/71473/megamod-3-09-mazzy-romance-clara-npc-darkside-anomen-flying-aerie-for-the-evil-more-done/p1

  12. 5 hours ago, HotaruPL said:


    Yeah, I phrased my question a little wrong. For that I sincerely apologise. When I said 'after all these years' I meant if Lava got in touch with creators of Coran. Kivan and Xan which have been released  couple years ago. I just had to make sure because I found 'out-of-date' information about crossmod banter pack where it didn't include Khalid so I asked for confirmation. I was talking about your mod, Lava. I am glad the crossmod has been updated for Khalid. I didn't mean to say 'finally after all these years' as a complaint or saying that you're not putting enough time or work, that wasn't my intention. I just written the sentence a little unclear, sorry for it :) 

    No offense, and written posts can sometimes be misunderstood. 🙂

    I'm really impressed and grateful for all the works made by Lava and Jastey for not only creating wonderful mods, but also maintaining so much mods to be up to date and adapted to new release.

  13. 8 hours ago, HotaruPL said:

    Are Kitanya, Alassa, Hessa EE compatible?

    And also, a while ago I did some research that Xan, Coran and Kivan&Deheriana mods are not contentwise compatible with Khalid for BGII. Have someone made any changes in crossmod compatibility between them or are they still not compatible after all these years.

    All these years? Khalid BG2 was released last year!

    And it's author Lava can't make changes to original dialogues of other NPC if their original author didn't give their consent.

    And yes, some are so old than their authors are no longer reachable for asking consent.

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