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Posts posted by pete_smith1229

  1. 8 minutes ago, jastey said:

    You could switch the order around: the wands could need to be charged via gems, then they have amount x of spells.

    EDIT: would still need some scripting, bit much less. And I wouldn't know how to script in a useful fashion a wand that only works if certain gems are present and consumes them per spell cast.

    Still a good idea, once I get into scripting I can test how to charge wands. Thanks!

  2. 2 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    It would be annoying to implement. Off the top of my head it would involve .BCS scripting, which is not something you want to  do every time you cast a spell. (10,000 subspells, on the other hand? No problem! :beholder: )

    Maybe it would make sense for certain gems to have beneficial metamagic properties? Something like: put a gem in an "equipped" inventory slot (mod them to go in a a quickslot or the necklace slot or something), and it would apply a passive boost like a caster level increase. Have your 5th level mage throw a 7d6 Fireball with a garnet gem, or a 10d6 Fireball with a diamond. But casting any spell destroys any gem in that slot, so it's one-time use only.

    Haven't even looked into .BCS scripting yet so I'll take your word for it. 😄

    Equipping gems and having them a one-time use is actually a pretty good suggestion, I think I'll play around with this idea. Thanks!

  3. In BG1 and IWD1, gems don't really have much use except for selling. In BG2, some can be used to upgrade various items. A long time ago, I read some of R.A. Salvatore's books and remembered a scene where two mages were having a friendly competition as to who would kill more against a horde of enemies. One (if not both) mage had a pouch containing gems which he used to cast his spells.

    Using the NI tool, I've created wands with charge abilities and was thinking if it could be possible for the charges to only be cast if certain gems are in the inventory.

    Could such a mechanic be introduced to BG/IWD or is there an existing mod which has something of a similar idea?

  4. Using NI, I've created a spell for IWD:EE which causes stun using opcode "Stun (45)". I created another spell which is supposed to remove the portrait icon for stun but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried both opcodes "Remove portrait icon (240)" and "Prevent portrait icon (169)" but the stun icon is always present until the duration.

    Any advice?

  5. @subtledoctor @jmerry, I understand in terms of the design of the system that characters suffer penalties when using non-proficient weapons. Interesting to see other ways to restrict characters from using certain weapons, I'll investigate further what would be ideal for my mod. I'll also take a look at these "Refinements’ Use Scrolls code".

    Thanks again!

    54 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    I petitioned Beamdog to liberalize op319 to work with stats and spellstates etc. back in ~2015. Naturally, they ignored me. :(

    It's a shame there doesn't seem to be a lot of collaboration between Beamdog and Gibberlings3, I think the potential is massive for such a company to work directly with the community in improving the game engine instead of as bug testers...

  6. I'm trying to create a spell which activates when certain effects occur. I've created icons which appear for portraits and the Record section for these effects (e.g. a damage over time effect, similar to poison but does other forms of damage like electric). I'm not sure if spell states are tied to icons or not.

    Is it possible to create a state so that it can be used in the "Apply effects list (326)" parameter?

  7. I've created a spell which executes the first effect. Is it possible for when the caster is suffering from fatigue, a second effect is cast?

    Using NI, I can get the second effect to happen for other conditions using the CAST SPELL ON CONDITION parameter by calling a second spell containing the second effect but I can't find an option for the second spell to trigger with the fatigue condition so I'm wondering if this is possible.

  8. I've manually edited the "/overide/tooltip.2da" file and added extra columns along with the correct string values so now the tooltips for each ability shows the correct names. Unfortunately, the charges for each item ability gets messed up if there's more than 3 abilities. I've added 6 item abilities and if I use any of the 3rd/4th/5th/6th ability, all charges get depleted.

    It is mentioned here and here that adding new headers would result in using the same charge as the first "extended header" (or column). Is there a way of getting round this when playing with more than 3 item abilities?

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