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Everything posted by Delior

  1. Got it. In that case, this is not a bug.
  2. EEUITweaks is actively maintained here on G3 by Lefruet (see linked post below). The "Improved Record Screen" component is by Lefruet and mirrors what the record screen looks like in Lefruet's enhanced UI mod. I don't know why the odd entries still appear in that component while they are fixed in the enhanced UI mod. I'll go ahead and tag @lefreut as he might know why.
  3. Huh. It's been a while since I played vanilla, but I thought that evil NPCs wouldn't rejoin you if your rep was too high. So, for example, I thought that if you dismissed Viconia at say 14, she wouldn't permanently leave, but if you tried to recruit her at 20 she'd refuse to join. I thought that this component was altering that behavior as well.
  4. I've installed the happy patch component from Salk which provides that NPCs can complain about rep, but not leave. I am at 20 rep, and none of the evil NPCs I have recruited previously are refusing to rejoin my party with the exception of Dorn. He refuses to join at 20 rep just like vanilla.
  5. No. I've always just installed it after SCS regardless of the option chosen, so I don't know if the default potions option works before SCS.
  6. I believe that only the revised thievery component has to go after SCS. The rest of RR can (and probably should) go before SCS. FWIW, this compatibility issue existed in prior versions of SCS.
  7. I am playing with 35.9 and I did not get any SFO warnings in my installation. Here is my Weidu log. It is a fairly minimal installation since I like to keep things fairly close to vanilla with the main exceptions being BGQE, BG1NPC and SCS. [EDIT: I did not install the innate sequencers component because that apparently is bugged according to another post on this forum. Also, as I noted in another thread, I seem to be getting a lot fewer random scrolls than I usually get with this installation, although it's impossible to verify that since I am getting some scrolls] WeiDU.log
  8. I'm inclined to say that you're likely just experiencing bad luck from the RNG gods, but now that you mention this, I have noticed in my current playthrough of BG1 with 35.9 that I'm not getting many scroll drops either.
  9. The odd entries also appear on the record screen if you install the Lefruet's Improved Record Screen component from EEUITweaks on top of the vanilla SOD UI. I don't know why your prior fix doesn't work on that component since it does work on Lefruet's enhanced UI, but the entries are there in that instance.
  10. Hi Jastey, I'm playing on a BG1EE w/SoD installation with both the BG1NPC Project and the Ajantis BG1 expansion. My party just encountered the three Flaming Fist mercenaries that stop you on the road south of Beregost on the way to Nashkel. Ajantis had an interjection in that encounter that triggered normally, but the end result of the conversation was combat. After the Fist mercenaries were defeated, I encountered a stutter bug with Ajantis's PID popping up repeatedly. I downloaded the stutter debug tool, and the repeating sctipt block was Block 264 of Ajantis.BCS. I opened that file with NI, and here is the applicable block: IF InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) See(Player1) Global("C#AjantisFLAM5_0","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,123451) // Running block 264 of AJANTIS.BCS StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END Given that the Global referred to references "FLAM," it looks like something about resolving that encounter through combat isn't setting a variable appropriately, which is causing the PID to loop repeatedly.
  11. The odd entries appeared again in the shopkeeper identify screen (on LeUI BG1EE skin on a BG1EE w/SoD installation). Specifically, if you use a shopkeeper to identify an item, then in that screen the newly identified item description shows the class/kit values. That's a rare occurrence, and thus not nearly as annoying as before, but thought I should report it.
  12. Huh, that's odd. The fixes worked for me. I'm using the LeUI BG1EE skin on a BG1EE w/ SoD installation.
  13. Just SCS, but folks on the G3 discord are saying that they're seeing it on ToF installs as well (without SCS). People have also reported seeing it on Dragonspear UI as well as the vanilla UI.
  14. I rolled a Dragon Disciple this morning with the latest version of SCS on BG1EE w/SoD and noticed on my character record sheet next to my kit name this odd entry: Dragon Disciple{K=35, C=19}. When I opened the description of my quarterstaff I also saw it there in the "not usable by" section next to those class names like this: Monk{K=0, C=20}. I cannot confirm this, but I suspect that this was due to something introduced in 35.8 because I did not notice this when I tested 35.7. I am also using Lefruet's UI, and so I don't know if these entries appear on the vanilla UI.
  15. That is odd considering I used today's update as well. The steps to reproduce my error (using today's Aura update as well as SCS 35.8) on a BG1EE w/ SoD installation are simply: - DLC Merger - Aura (selecting the default Articifer/Thief kit and default portrait options) - IWD Bard Songs component from SCS 35.8
  16. I've done some further digging on this, and the issue appears to be an incompatibility with the Artisan's Aura NPC mod. The error message indicates that the Bard Songs component cannot patch the file "luabbr.2da." I did a fresh install with just the Aura NPC mod and the bard songs component from SCS and that reproduced the error. I don't know if David will be interested in fixing this, or leaving it to the Artisan to figure out, but I've attached the file from the Aura NPC mod that appears to be causing the issue. luabbr.2da
  17. Hi David, I've unfortunately encountered another installation error, this time with 35.8, also on BG1EE w/ SoD. The error language is below, and the relevant Weidu log is attached. ERROR Installing [Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 98 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 1520. Uninstalled 98 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 1520. ERROR: Sys_error("override/lu*.2da: Invalid argument") Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-STRATAGEMS.DEBUG and look for support at: For help troubleshooting installation problems, go to the Sword Coast Stratagems forum at gibberlings3.net. Using Language [English] WeiDU.log
  18. Thanks, as noted on the other forum post I downloaded the updated version this morning and tested it on a clean BG1EE (w/SoD) installation and received the same error messages reported by user Chayjay.
  19. I downloaded the updated version this morning and tested it on a clean BG1EE (w/SoD) installation and received the same error messages reported above.
  20. Ok, I tried again with the new file and made it until trying to install Better Calls for Help. Note that I did not redownload the mod, but instead just dropped in your hotfix file above. The error message is below and my Weidu is attached. SFO: Applying patch(es) to CRE file(s) name_array_bg1_skeleton_warrior_bgee name_array_bg1_skeleton_warrior2_bgee name_array_bg1_skeleton_warrior3_bgee skelet_a skelet_b skelet_c skelet03 zombie_a zombie_b zombie_c zombie_d zombie_e ghoullor... FAILURE: You are trying to edit name_array_bg1_skeleton_warrior_bgee.CRE, which does not exist in the game Stopping installation because of error. WeiDU.log
  21. I tried to install the latest version and my installation failed to install the arcane spells from IWD due to a parse error. I have pasted the relevant information from the debug file below, and attached my weidu log. Note that I had installed 35.6 using a very similar modlist, and so it appears to be an issue introduced in the latest version. [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH] PARSE ERROR at line 912 column 1-3 Near Text: END GLR parse error [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH] ERROR at line 912 column 1-3 Near Text: END Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH]: Parsing.Parse_error Stopping installation because of error. fatal error installing library STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH; attempting to give details. [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH] PARSE ERROR at line 912 column 1-3 Near Text: END GLR parse error [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH] ERROR at line 912 column 1-3 Near Text: END Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [STRATAGEMS/SFO2E/LIB_SFO.TPH]: Parsing.Parse_error Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/OTHER.1500]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/OTHER.1500") [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/UNSETSTR.1500] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 3 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 1500. Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/spell.ids] weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/spell.ids copied to override/spell.ids, 25352 bytes Uninstalled 3 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 1500. Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/READLN.1500]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/READLN.1500") Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/READLN.1500.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/stratagems/1500/READLN.1500.TEXT") WeiDU.log
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