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Everything posted by Kitanna

  1. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    That's true, I just didn't know if people actually kept saves at that point. So, I figured better safe than sorry. Calin has a forum now, so you can report things here.... https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/forum/206-calin/
  2. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Thanks Jastey I hope all is well with you. New version is up!
  3. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    I think I know why that happened but, I'm just getting over being sick. Yesterday i was pretty sure I was dying LOL. I'll get it fixed and upload it as soon as I can but please be patient with me, I'm still not feeling my best.
  4. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Calin is now available on the download page here at G3 sorry it took so long to answer my internet has been out all day
  5. Thanks! About time I finished it lol I did realize lastnight, that I never wrote epilogues! OMG LOL So, that I have to do immediately.
  6. Kitanna


    Thank you Jastey!
  7. Let me introduce to you a new NPC called Calin for Baldur's Gate II. Calin is a Neutral Good Blade Master. He's 26 years old, easy going and not really looking to start adventuring again. But he is more than willing to help the protagonist, even if you don't want his help right away. As long as your not rude to him. There are romance and friendship tracks for the protagonist. Calin will romance female protagonists who are human, half-elven or elven as long as they are not evil or thieve's. Will TOB be required to play the mod? This mod is designed to work with Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion pack and with the Enhanced Edition of Baldur's Gate II. The mod should be compatible with other WeiDU mods. Will I have to start a new game? Sorry, I know people hate that but, yes. The way it was written, it won't make any sense if you don't. Unless you already have a save before leaving Chateau Irenicus. Calin shows up right after the cut scene. Why won't Calin romance my thief? That doesn't seem fair. Calin has some deep and legitimate reasons for that but, don't lose hope! If you say the right things, and are willing to make a sacrifice of sorts, he will realize not all thieves are so bad and a romance will happen. Does Calin have any quests? No. I wanted an NPC who offers to help the protagonist because he doesn't like what he sees in the Promenade and feels it's the right thing to do. If I kick him out of the party, can I get him back? Certainly. He won't just wait around somewhere since he lives in Atkathla, but he will tell you where and how to find him.
  8. Kitanna


    Version 1.7


    This mod introduces Calin, a human Blade Master to BG II. Calin is neutral good and will romance a female who is Elf, Half-elf, Human and of non evil alignment. Project Page Forum Readme
  9. Kitanna


    He has banters with all Bioware NPC's and a friendship track as well. He has some crossmod content with Neh'taniel but only if Calin is installed after Neh'taniel. Calin has a serious issue with thieves and his comments through the game are harsh, but he has a reason for that. He will romance female thieves but he will ask the PC to make a sacrifice for the romance to happen... if the PC has the thief stronghold. IF the PC is a thief, but doesn't meet the romance requirements, he will leave the group if you accept the thief stronghold. Calin has content for both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. This mod is designed to work with Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
  10. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    It's ok, just extract it, in your game folder. Do you not use winrar?
  11. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    It's installed the same way, it's a zip when you download it.
  12. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Is anyone willing to help me by proof reading Calin? I could use the help
  13. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Fixed some lovetalks that weren't firing properly and fixed PID/flirts
  14. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Fixed the lovetalk that goes to Calin's home. Fixed the crossmod with Neh'taniel, what I have done of it - Thanks to Jastey!
  15. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    I will do that! Thank you. As soon as I fix a few dialogues, I'll update the version and put it there.
  16. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Thanks! Didn't want to until it was done but why not right?
  17. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Banter previews CHAIN IF WEIGHT #88 ~Global("CalAnoTalk2","LOCALS",0) CombatCounter(0) !AreaType(DUNGEON) InParty("Anomen") See("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN KKCaliB calano2 ~Anomen, when you're finished, mind letting me borrow your shaving mirror? I seem to have left mine at home.~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalAnoTalk2","LOCALS",1)~ == BANOMEN ~Certainly, Calin. It is important to maintain a neat appearance.~ == KKCaliB ~While I agree, it isn't my favorite duty and even worse with no mirror. Knowing my luck, I'd cut off my nose.~ == BANOMEN IF ~Global("KKCalinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~It would scarcely detract from your appearance.~ == BANOMEN ~Indeed. That would make you look passing strange.~ == BANOMEN ~Regardless, you may borrow it, with my blessing.~ EXIT CHAIN IF ~InParty("Calin") Global("CalEdwinTalk2","LOCALS",0) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Calin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) See("Calin") ~ THEN ~BEDWIN~ caledtalk2 ~You left the camp in a fine state last night. It took me hours to scour the last of the grease from the pans.~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalEdwinTalk2","LOCALS",1)~ == KKCaliB ~I'm a Blade Master, not a cook. Whine to someone else.~ == BEDWIN ~You're no cook, that much is certain, but you might have had the decency to leave the gear in a state that did not require two spells and a cantrip to clean it.~ == KKCaliB ~It isn't my fault if your incapable of doing anything that requires thought other than casting spells.~ == BEDWIN ~Do not presume to know what I am capable of! (The idiot comes very near exciting my anger. Were he not occasionally useful for menial tasks... but never mind.)~ == KKCaliB ~I don't take orders from a man in a dress.~ == KKCaliB IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ THEN ~... unless it's <CHARNAME>.~ == BEDWIN ~Next time, you *will* clean up after yourself, do I make myself clear?~ EXIT CHAIN IF ~InParty("Calin") Global("CalAerieTalk","LOCALS",0) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Calin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) AreaType(CITY) TimeOfDay(DAY) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) See("Calin") ~ THEN ~BAERIE~ calaertalk1 ~Ooh, look! A kitten is caught in the drain.~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalAerieTalk","LOCALS",1)~ == KKCaliB ~You better let me get it, Aerie. You could get scratched or even slip, it looks rather dirty in there.~ == BAERIE ~Oh, thank you... the poor thing!~ == BAERIE ~Oh, thank you, Calin! Can we keep it? It looks so lonely...~ == KKCaliB ~We can't, Aerie. The life we lead isn't ideal for a young kitten. Maybe we can find someone to look after it.~ == BAERIE ~I... I guess you're right. But it must be scary for the poor little thing to be all alone.~ == KKCaliB ~I'm sorry, but it isn't my decision. We just don't have the means to care for pets, where we're going.~ == BAERIE ~Oh... all right, I guess.~ EXIT CHAIN IF ~InParty("Calin") Global("CalJaheiraTalk","LOCALS",0) CombatCounter(0) !AreaType(DUNGEON) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Calin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) See("Calin") ~ THEN ~BJAHEIR~ caljahtalk ~Your glance falls upon <CHARNAME> often, Calin. She is not for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalJaheiraTalk","LOCALS",1)~ == KKCaliB ~What exactly are you implying?~ == BJAHEIR ~Your experience in certain matters is greater than hers, Calin. I would not see you take advantage of her innocence.~ == KKCaliB ~<CHARNAME> single-handedly defeated hordes of assassins, freed the sword coast from her evil brother and solved the iron crisis. I'm pretty sure she can take care of herself without your damned interference.~ == BJAHEIR ~Hmf!~ EXIT CHAIN IF ~InParty("Calin") Global("CalJaheiraTalk2","LOCALS",0) CombatCounter(0) !AreaType(DUNGEON) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Calin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) See("Calin") ~ THEN ~BJAHEIR~ caljahtalk2 ~By the horns of Silvanus, where did I put that roll of linen?~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalJaheiraTalk2","LOCALS",1)~ == KKCaliB ~I borrowed a bit to mend the wrapping on my sword hilt. It was working itself loose.~ == BJAHEIR ~You 'borrowed' it? Without so much as a 'by your leave?~ == KKCaliB ~I was going to put it back. Here. I didn't take much.~ == BJAHEIR ~That is not the point. I need that linen for bandages. If I do not know where it is, I cannot help you, should you be injured.~ == KKCaliB ~If I don't keep my weapons in good repair, the likelihood of that increases greatly.~ == BJAHEIR ~Oh, very well. But tell me, next time.~ EXIT CHAIN IF ~InParty("Calin") Global("CalMinTalk2","LOCALS",0) CombatCounter(0) !AreaType(DUNGEON) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Calin",STATE_SLEEPING) See("Calin") OR(3) AreaCheck("AR0334") AreaCheck("AR0702") AreaCheck("AR2001") ~ THEN ~BMinsc~ calmintalk2 ~Look, Boo! Swords! And axes, and halberds, and maces, and... oh, Boo! Surely, this is paradise!~ DO ~SetGlobal("CalMinTalk2","LOCALS",1)~ == KKCaliB ~And look at the edge on that broadsword! And Minsc, check the balance of this one!~ == BMINSC ~That is indeed a fine blade! But look you on this one! See how the guard sweeps down around the hand?~ == KKCaliB ~If you need us, <CHARNAME>, we'll just be over here a while.~ == BMINSC ~And look at this one! Six feet long, and balanced!~ EXIT
  18. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Thank you! Hope you like it
  19. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Hello all, I started this mod 15 years ago and for one reason or another, it kept getting put off. I decided to update what I had finished about 8 years ago to EE and finish the mod. It isn't finished yet, at the moment it is SOA only but you can summon him in TOB from the fate spirit. I always thought it was odd that all that commotion takes place in the Promenade and no notices or cares and an idea was born. So, let's meet Calin... again Calin is a Neutral Good Blade Master. He's 26 years old, easy going and not really looking to start adventuring again. But he is more than willing to help the protagonist, even if you don't want his help right away. As long as your not rude to him. There are romance and friendship tracks for the protagonist. Calin will romance female protagonists who are human, half-elven or elven as long as they are not evil or theives Will TOB be required to play the mod? Calin will be for SOA and TOB both. Will I have to start a new game? Sorry, I know people hate that but, yes. The way it was written, it won't make any sense if you don't. Why won't Calin romance my thief? That doesn't seem fair. Calin has some deep and legitimate reasons for that but, don't lose hope! If you say the right things, and are willing to make a sacrifice of sorts, he will realize not all theives are so bad and a romance will happen. Does Calin have any quests? No. I wanted an NPC who offers to help the protagonist because he doesn't like what he sees in the Promenade and feels it's the right thing to do. If I kick him out of the party, can I get him back? Certainly. He won't just wait around somewhere since he lives in Atkathla, but he will tell you where and how to find him. He has a friendship track, romance track, 2-3 banters per party member except the new EE ones. I have not played EE yet. RE reactions and more. you can download it here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ujct2zqbd22ujdw/Calin_V1.rar?dl=0
  20. No, they aren't attached, the dlg is tho
  21. The entire KKNeht.baf doesn't. I did EXTEND_TOP ~SK#Neht.bcs~ ~Calin/Scripts/KKNeht.baf~ bleh. IF InParty(Myself) !Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",3) Global("KKNPCJealous","GLOBAL",1) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) THEN RESPONSE #100 IncrementGlobal("KKNPCJealous","GLOBAL",1) StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END IF Global("KKNehReacts","GLOBAL",1) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) THEN RESPONSE #100 StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END
  22. Still something wrong with the script. The global gets set but, if I kick Edwin and Anomen out of the party, the dialog that sets the global doesn't fire either. The script is in the override but it doesn't recognize it or something because its as if the script isn't even there
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