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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. You just apply some general relativity and there you go. As in, you don't have to become the thing itself to know & sympathize with it(to a point). This from a devil that doesn't believe into chaos. Of course one could find a better ways to express the same though, say; "When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to see all things without the normal burdens of illusions...
  2. It could go well there too.
  3. Is there a specific reason why you quoted me on that ?
  4. Yes it is, you have to edit the mod selection file(BiG World Setup\Config\BWP\Mod.ini) manually though, knowing exactly what you are doing. And like said, you might wish to make a smaller install so you won't sacrifice a whole 4-24h install because of an spell related bug(though one that can't be fixed or tweaked after install is not very likely).
  5. You would do well without any such undescriptive and idiotic classifications and write things as they are. Scale armors as Scale... Plates armors as Plate... etc. Or radically change the game experience and reclassify every armor by it's actual weight... Which will get you into so much trouble it's really not worth it. As the matter of fact is, the game is very bad in categorizing things with weight: Where does the line get drawn ? Does that mean that the char get to wear Elf Chain Mails ? See, there was no mention of the weight of the item, just likely reference that the item is likely lighter than the normal Chain Mail.
  6. This is tied in the mfist item, or ? It has good and bad sides, with either or. If yes, then anyone else using that exact item will gain the bonus. If not, the monk will have 2 attacks with every thief weapon by default. Yeah, this all comes down to "we need to give this monk our own kit special fist"s.
  7. Ouh, so you can't create a character that checks: IF CheckStatLT(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),30,RESISTMAGIC) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayString(Myself,~Target is vulnerable to magic attacks.~)) END Hows the LSTest doing this all the time. And if we add the detectable stats... while the enemy does it all the time.
  8. Miloch has not found the time to work on this. And what do you mean the ShadowKeeper doesn't work anymore ? Of course you have to find your savegames for it to be able to do it's work, and there should actually be a Enhanced Editor keeper or whatever it was called..
  9. That totally a case by case situation... in one you can take fireballs and this and the Protection from Fire and use the first to heal your character while the enemies takes damage, in the other it's easier to gain 100% physical resistance... and get healed by being hit.
  10. I don't get what's so fun about that ? There's known cases where dragons have been chained to a cave... it's not immobile. The opcode yeah, but there's nothing that says you can't attach the spell another effect that is affects everyone. It might be even short effect, one that in most cases has no overall effect at all.
  11. Well, if you mean that it actually does what the priest rituals do in the books, then perhaps, but in a computer RPGs like the BG is there's really no other ways to go about it. The original AI and the spell working this way is made to fit... but if you wish to change one, you have to take all the others into account as well. And do you want to summon the more powerful ally that doesn't count into the summon cap or the not so powerful one that has the summon cap ?
  12. Fairly easy actually..... One can also use arrows/throwing axes/whatever from range. Second, nothing prevents you from using Hold Monster over and over again. In BG2, even vanilla, all dragons are immune to holds and stuns, and this probably won't change any time soon, SR or not (unless you install The Darkest Day, where one can stun dragons with Celestial Fury.) And if you reach the range that your arrows hit(sight range), you get your butt roasted by the dragons breath weapon or what ever it wants to cast at you. I said, that the Hold spell would hold(in place) the monster, not stun it, like the current spell would do if it is not immune to it(the totality of the spells affects). Yep, this is done with the single target entangle opcode with it's own save vs. penalty etc. A related but different argument is that the current spell name should be Stun Monster, not Hold Monster.
  13. Why do you consider it ignorable, because dragons are immune to it? If the dragon is not a monster, then what is it ? A magical beast is a monster too. And even if I hold the dragon in place, but don't stun them so it can't take actions, how are you going to kill the dragon with your spells ? ... and remember the dragon can resist all the things you do, while it's ripping away the holding spell off of it ! You got two ~rounds before it takes a next save with 70% chance to get free to move and slaughter you even in melee if it chooses. Not to mention that your cleric is out of the fight cause it has to heal his own wounds it just took to hold the monster.
  14. How about a compromise that doesn't make the whole hold spell system totally ignorable nor totally OP. We set the Hold spells to (auto) HOLD the monster in place and then stun them if they fail the save(or do both, but the other with a loads of save bonuses). We have the Entangle opcode, we can use that here, the dragon can be hold in place and killed where it stands ... the game doesn't have a hide in a smaller cave than the dragon cannot pass through, so the party should be able to hold it at far and take it from distance. Yeah, this also brings the fact that the priests needs to be quite strong to take the punishment to be able to cast the hold spell to the 50x larger than him monster. And the spell might not last that long... requiring him to do so again, while it's being damaged. I hate the die rolls in Healing spells. Cause I don't want to die cause my die skill was off.
  15. Well, one could wish to play in 1280x720 mode. As in, one wants to be able to see the tiny things larger. Or from 15 feet away from their TV that's smaller than say 5 feet diagonally.
  16. The scrolls might be caused by a different mod, like say the SCS or any other of the encounter mods, especially if they are not random, but specific ones for the creature/encounter.
  17. Well, you and everyone is welcome to what info I have... and yeah, I misunderstood the picture reference... let's move onward from it... Well, it removes the top and lower portions of the black... and that's how it should seems to be. Unless your video card is forcibly altering the out come.Something to this effect, yes bad cut from top picture of yours, so it's just to demonstrate the point. Now then, if we make sure to play only on full screen mode, and then install the Widescreen mod to the BG2 game using a set default screen size, we get rid of the black borders inside the main game view, the menus have them yeah, but that's because the menu art is not big enough or extended to cover any of the black parts, but it won't bother you during gaming, as the thing you try to do with the Widescreen mod is trying to get a bigger view of the game, the play map. You set the resolution size by using one of the same resolution setting you use in the Windows background, that you can find in the Customization/Resolution menu when you right click in your desktop. Depending on your monitor, it can be 1920x1200, 1680x1050, 1440x900, 1280x800 or even 1024x640 with the 16x10 resolution ration. It's 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1280x720 or 1152x720, with the 16x9 resolution ration, if you monitor can display them, and you like the size. Now if the video card is forcibly altering the outcome, that can be disabled, at least on a ATI cards ! I remember from somewhere... the imp goes to search his tail... EDIT: Hey I found my tail !!! Here's the solution.
  18. Hah, well the above pictures have resolution of 1600x900... so you might actually be wrong in many ways.The reason why the later picture has the odd fog of war(the squares are wrongly placed on the lower half of the effect) is that it has the wrong setting in the sprite mirroring, to adjust that you need to probably open the baldur.ini file with Notepad and adjust the "Sprite Mirror=" -line. Learn from this, without actually giving your own pictures, you won't know if they help or not ! But to fix all this, when you set up the game before any moding, make sure that you first of all won't install the game to C drives Program Files sub-folders, then start the game and make sure that you set it up correctly with the software 3d-Acceleration(and to ensure that, most if not all the todays computers can run the game with these settings today, run the BGConfig.exe and use these options: Hardware -> Enable 3D Acceleration. Display -> 32 bit. 2d & 3d options: enable 3D Animations, Use 3D Acceleration with Drivers: Default OpenGL Driver, and 32 bit textures, disable the Disable Vertex Padding option): Then check that the options are correctly set up with the resolution of 1024x768 that the games own options give by running the game perhaps with imported character, and check that you have installed the possible patch(the game options will need to show that the game version is v2.5.26498, yes, it's shown only during a played game, not in the not started game). Then you might wish to make a backup of the game folder. Then install the mods, like the Widescreen mod etc. When you set up the game correctly you'll actually notice that the GPU has barely anything to influence the picture that comes out of the monitor ... because you are using the the software to run the screen.
  19. Take a picture with the Prt Scr key and go to the games folder, which then has a new folder that has the picture you just took, and then upload it to imageshack or Tiny pictures and then put the direct link to a post with this surrounding it, the "http-address": [img=http-address] Unless: The most likely picture you get is this: The case there is that you installed the GUI mod after the Widescreen mod, which is in BG2 a big NO NO ! As you need to install the GUI mod before the Widescreen mod. In the other games you need to do that, but it's cause they are made to work with the Widescreen mod. Or you tried and failed at a point in the installation as you should make sure that everything is working before you install mods to the game ! So you possibly need to restart the installation. In any case you loose.
  20. What ever he said... except that, hmm, the Chant... the Turn Undead could be turned into Chant... with the additional effect of turning of the undead similar like the bards song. This is of course kit and alignment subjective ... so. Whatever.
  21. It won't be impossible but the spells structure needs to be changed a bit... as you need to make the spell target to be area of effect, which then casts the actual effect to the targets inside the area... the effected creatures can be all of the creatures (also with specific alignment if needed) or a set amount of them but they won't get to be specifically targeted. The last fact ensures that the enemy mage gets the same effect as the player.... of course then AI also then needs to be using the spell... but that's a different problem. By the by, the colors are great and I like it a lots...
  22. Then why are you insisting on it ? See if we imp haste the character the +1 becomes +2, now if we only give it +1/2 apr, it will only ever be one... k, the barbarian is not going to get the grand mastery, correct ? As that is given to the fighter instead of the multiply of rage +1 apr for the butcher of the goblinville... is that the balance you think or ? I still think it needs a -1 thac0 anyways per stack... The -4 damage might be a little too much... ... see equip a two handed sword with a low strength .... and a dagger and get a few stacks with the sword... and you might soonish be hitting 240-255 damage per hit on the dagger. The negative STR damage won't alone put the damage there, but any other effect can easily as they are applied by adding a counter count (yes, the -1 is actually +255, as the number that goes over the 256 count line is the actual damage... ). (that of course is then also multiplied by the possible backstab multiplier and then the str bonus is applied as long as the damage amount is between 1 and 255).
  23. A little game logic here... it might be mod added, but I would wish you would consider it hard before going ahead and adding it into the game... as we already have almost the same thing doing it's own thing !
  24. Erhm they shouldn't be attacking at all... the reason is that it's transformative form of the original creature ... the vampire mist is the vampires dead wrath going back to it's grave to reform back to the actual vampire, in the grave. So when you kill the actual container body with a stake to it's heart in the grave the incorporeal mists disappears and ... So the mist doesn't have a weapon, cause the best thing for it to do is to try as fast as possible to go to a grave to take another body.
  25. Wouldn't it be ... say more obvious if you would name the 6th level spell as "Protection from Weapons", and the 7th Mantle, while the 8th is Improved Mantle... it's shorter duration, but it covers more ... so it's improved, in both speed and coverage..
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