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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. I don't see why both of the solutions wouldn't work... cause k's one excludes the whole item at the copy phase, while yours excludes it at the patch phase. PS, you forgot the BEGIN at the end of your patch... or it could of course be that the forum coding ate it. @kreso: just add the missing BEGIN ... so it becomes this: PATCH_IF found_dispel=1 && NOT ~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~trollreg~ && NOT ~%SOURCE_RES%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~cdtorgal~ BEGIN
  2. I never said one should not use the already existing spells better... but add more, spells to-the-taste-of/like: Otiluke's Hold Fast, Otiluke's Force Helm, Black Mantle, and others. Or more appropriately, not just go willy-nilly and delete all those already existing spells from the spell list.
  3. The arcane spells yeah, buh, you have the SPPR for divine, and SPIN for the innate spells. And no, there's never too many spells, Demi's argument about the 24 spells per level is flawed as you can have more than the sorcerer selectable spells, in scrolls. It's actually good to set the non Sorcerer special spells there. @Dakk: Yeah, I remember something like that... I hate your small mind approach, ah well.
  4. It depends on the projectile. Some of them are fire and forget while others are I'll follow you if I can, as in, it depends on the projectile speed... In BG1, the Fireball was fire and forget, so even if you hasted out of the area behind a wall, you still got squashed after the animation was done.
  5. Think of how many strings it would need to do for all the unidentified "unique" equipment. There's only one of them for each item type in the original game, so weidu.exe uses the same trick.
  6. Just tell us what exact knowledge do you need ? Erhm, it's likely the same knowledge you needed from the BG2 to BGT cross over ... Or testers, code assistance... Ouh, and have to ask, was Rabain ever knows as "Chevar", cause that's his prefix(WT*) that nearly all the mod files have and it's extremely bad for compatibility if it's not the case.
  7. You know that the eta is estimated time of arrival, there was a beta sent for those users ... but some estimates are just bad, lime mine, about a mod I sill haven't released and it was supposed to go out last summer. What happened, I stopped caring about time.
  8. Erhm, what ? (yes, the sub context is, the freedom not making sense of being Conjuration spell ). All those spells are just different sorts of teleportation of material spells = Conjuration... practically. Yes, it could be argued that there's would be other ways of doing the same effect, but not as cool. By making the spell remove 1 regular arrow ? What happens if the party doesn't have one? Does the spell explode and kill all the party members? 'rly man. But it would be so cool, man. Cool and useless scripting to accomplish a joke. Bad Imp. The invisible stalker should be an illusion spell, yes, it's technically a summoning spell, but the creature should have the same illusionary effect as the were wolves in the Aerie's release related tent quest. Now what makes it a bit harder to code is the AI. So just go with the concrete illusion and be happy. And the Enchanter needs a few enchanting effect, like the minor and normal sequencers. Think of them as that little extra enchanted item that doesn't fit that well to melee fighting, but you can carry it around until you use it. yoyo, metal ball that kinda of stuff in an actual item that you throw away after use, or at the target .. And instead of that, Invoker just needs a couple of variety forms of different damage types per the levels.
  9. That was the idea all along... well with yet the 2 more effects that affect only golems. Or 4... up to 12 and more, if you really wish to take all the golems into account.
  10. Ding ding ding... you got yeah. Wonderful to be relied up on. The only thing I might have a problem is that the two golems might not be the exact opposite things and you'll need the Creature Revision mod to fix that... unless you just simulate the effect/difference from the vanilla creatures and take and switch out the stats. So damage resistances etc go from one to the other... everything except the HPs and animation(you can recolor the creature (skin), but do not chance the animation), and this is because the golems frame doesn't change, just the material it's made of. Ouh, and of course the effect has to go through the golems magical resistances... he might get a low save throw chance, but no magical resistance chance. The reason is that the magic can assume to piece the materials magic resistance naturally, as it needs to go into the material to change it. Also one could actually make it so that if the save is successful, the effect is miniscule but still there... so the golem got just partially changed, like for example it's it looses a 10% of it's resistances, and gains 10% of the other resistances. By the way, I don't think the golems should actually have the damage animations when it's hit, it's a statue, it doesn't actually feel any pain etc.
  11. (Polymorph) Flesh and Stone. I think I saw a fitting icon... it's the "Impregnable Mind" from BG1, which uses the "SPPR564x.BAM" file from BG1, or the summon shadow, which uses the "spwi561x.bam" files again from BG1, where the x is a, b or c depending the icon type.
  12. Well, the whole point of the 1 HP is to make the character easy to break to pieces... and I don't think it is, in the way, as it's an effect that uses a specific opcode. But if you like, you could combine that with the tweak(to use different opcode) that makes the NPC romances not break with the stoned_death state by making the effect the character with the held condition until the state is dispelled, as the removal from party usually destroys the romance ... one option is to introduce a magical damage over time effect to the "petrified" character, it would symbolize the body being petrified from the skin deeper to the tissues over time.
  13. Ouh, yeah, and give it the rogue skills of it's host, and Thac0 of based on it's fighter level, even if it's no one. And Save throws based on the games chapter account and AC according to how many party members the player has in he current group... hmm ouh NO ! All those ideas are NOT good ones. Let's just let Salk make his own mind and mod and then judge after, K? Again my opinion is that the Caster level should rule all the things, but that's just my opinion... Salk can have any of these ideas, but I recommend none of them.
  14. If you make the effort to make a beta, I can assure you that there will be plenty of people trying it and helping out. I have seen how good your skills are, and we need that. It only needs to work on one platform first... I managed to make the mod able to edit the Classic Adventures total conversion NPCs by closing all the non related NPC components, and then adding the NPCs I needed to edit, and the mod worked perfectly when there was no item editing stuff to worry about. After you have done your beta, it can then be re-expanded to work with all the other stuff, by our resident well-mannered barbarian drow orc, whose absence or lurking is just so obvious due to his other stuff in his life, large backlog etc. Now of course your project is likely to be much larger than mine, so see if you can make a beta, make a new topic and invite people to test it there. It doesn't need to be perfect at first. (unlike the official releases in G3)
  15. You forgot the "NOT as a MAGE" -part of that sentence ... Got yeah. The "caster level" is the clear definitional thing that should determine the strength of the familiar. Yeah, and that only gets higher when the mage class gets higher ... unless you are a cleric, or a ranger, but there you have to be really high level(ouh, and there's no Ranger/Mages so), but whatever.
  16. They should show up in the games feedback ones you go and enable that. So: Options -> Gameplay -> Feedback -> To hit rolls.
  17. I think the only real way to fix that is to remove the creature after a bit, as the animation that's the reload starts is the death animation and yes, that's the only animation the whole creature actually has... I would also remember that also some of the other creatures actually visibly shifter while they are down when loaded from a save they have been killed in. Fortunately none of them re-explode ...
  18. With the power of giigle io, Here's a direct quote for you:
  19. Well, it's the concept that since there's already a spell, item and kit revision, why not thrown in a quest, creature, map and so forth revision mods too, there's plenty of stuff to revise and "make it better"... the quests would have more than one ending, and ways to go to do them.
  20. Nope, the dinner is still being cooked ... Jokes aside, you should take a bit of my (im)patience and run with it -ouh sorry, that was a joke too. It slipped.
  21. And were you aware that the v1.3 update could have touched some of this, so it could be that you have to start a new game to make sure none of that is involved in this...
  22. Well, the ability scores of 19 are considered only fitting to a few demi human, while the over 19 can be condemned as OP in every book under the realm. But what bothers me the most, is that the suggestions like here: Are flawed, cause the character wouldn't be able to exist, as you can't dual from a cleric to a mage with Int of 15, it required 17 as a minimum. Now of course, if were we to give the character state like an mature age, the score being below the required, to explain it. But then you could as well make the char a mummy, a good mummy, that only hungers for brains every other night...
  23. I just uploaded it here... ninja'e. K, that's fine, I wasn't thinking it so much, but your approach is probably better. And like edited in the other thread, if you request me to take any of the files down I have in places, I will be more than happy to do so.
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