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Jarno Mikkola

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Posts posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. 1 hour ago, Luke said:

    There are multiple ways the mod improves the AI:"

    Well, the HoF thing is not about AI, it's about kicking the player up to level 10-20 and make all the moisters level 10-20 too. The IMBALANCE of this makes the whole thing bullshit.

    Yes, the HoF campaign was made for game plus in mind.

  2. That's weidu code. Aka, a .tp2 code, that you can put in a normal .txt file, that you just rename as modname.tp2, add in this code above the above code for it to be a typical weidu code:

    BACKUP ~modname/backup~
    AUTHOR ~Rhastor~
    VERSION ~v1~
    //README you don't need this line but its commented out if you want to eventually add it in

    And then you just copy one of the other setup-*modname*.exe's, rename it as the setup-modname.exe, and save the file. and then you can run the file in the game directory and you are done with your first self made weidu mod.

    And yes, you can edit any .tp2 file with Notepad, you just need to assign the Notepad as the opener program. And you can dio that with either right click or really, double left click too,m as it then asks ....

  3. 45 minutes ago, Graion Dilach said:

    ...more reliable to drop the folder ...

    You mean delete the game folder and copy a restoration point that was previously build, like from a clean install of the game from a storage device. Also, should it not be obvious, extracting an archive is faster than pure copy is. You of course have to make the archive, but that is there to "save space", but not really.

  4. 31 minutes ago, ahungry said:

      In an EET game, would basic weapons remain breakable the entire playthrough, or only on the BG1 portion?

    Yes*. And by the by, when you try to kill a monster ... I am not sure you want your magical weapons break ... since they are the onlky things that can hit him and do damage. As there are SEVERAL creatures that are only hittable with Magical Weapons of specific level. And that level also increases. So no, you cannot hit this monster with minsly +2 weapons, you are SOoL.

    *well, depending on how it's done, and what other things are infliucting this. As in BGT-weidu, it would rely on a continiously running script that could be interrupted with a condition that could be set true, but I wouldn't rely on such a side effect prone alchemistry.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Rastor said:

    If they're protected from this effect though, then this won't happen? They'll only attack the targets that they are supposed to attack?

    Well, you could cast charm person and then they could target persons they didn't intend to. Point being that one is not the same as the other, but if you use the opcode 101 to protect from opcode 3, then they will never be subject to opcode 3's effects. That's what protection means.

  6. 13 minutes ago, ahungry said:

    Ideally, one file would never be opened more than once per mod (and on that one opening, all related patches would be applied - very similar to how clojure transducers work with large data).

    But ideally you would only install one mod and you wouldn't need to bother with any of this shit ever again. Do you see where this is going ? And yes, the mod maker has all the priviliges of pre-knowing what they intend to do and they can write their ¤%%&/&¤% code as they want to... do you think they can do it with a little bit more ease with knowing that a single atom doesn't break and shatter the whole %&/%# ton of a game ?

  7. In the non-EE games, there was the special tripple class thief that needed to use extra space in their User Interface.. so they ended up assigning the thieving ability to F12, aka under the special abilities button. So you were able to assign the thieving ability that way all the way in BGToB games, via MAKE_KIT's CLAB ability assigning to non thieves. But the problem to my memory was that it was just pick pocketing for them.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Grammarsalad said:

    Lol, so I take it this isn't really something you are interested in. Lol, I have no idea what you meant earlier, but that's ok.

    So it was a Bard exclusive thing in the vanilla games ? Cheeseus. 😄

    What I intended was that bards, rangers and any other kits that gain thieving sub skill points should be able to pick their prefered place and not be restricted to a .2da table of their class design. Now, that of course comes with a hassle of added user interface problems, but those can be solved later. Which is where the off topic remark came in.

  9. 1 hour ago, Grammarsalad said:

    . Like, you could give monks the remove trap button,

    There's no "Remove traps"" button, like shown earlier, it's called "Thieving", and without EEex it's just pickpocketing for any other class than a Thief. With it, now Bard belongs to a class that allows them to also disable traps, and open locks. I don't know either of not, any other class- that has access to the button(via a kit spell effect) -is able to do the same when targeting a object, probably... because this is not the case without the EEex.


    1 hour ago, Grammarsalad said:

    earlier eeex

    Erhm, it's not eEex, or eeex, sex, or tOBeX, it's "EEex", or Enhanced Edition (ex)tender. Just like the ToBEx was Throne of Bhall (Ex)tender, although, that wasn't consistent either. Looking at you TobEx. Yes, there's a difference, it's the yelling part. 😋

  10. 18 minutes ago, CamDawg said:

    I strongly suspect that increasing range would mean they'd so the same thing, one step further out.

    But they wouldn't be able to kite the melee characters so much as they would need to cover more area which they can hit yes, but won't be able to not allow the player characters to pass through. Well, the enemy has the same counter to the players kiting tries, but it won't be too cheesy. Well, unless the player would just throw in more demons... there's that. 😆 You know, when the second rank of demons die, there's always the third, and while the forth of course is being summoned. ... 

  11. So google is really not helpful in searching any ways to edit files data that's in a .dll files, and I am sure there are people that know a free tool just for this... right ?

    It could be called something else too, but I am talking about the files property that you get to see when you right click any file in Windows, go to properties, and then to the Details view, like this:


    There's only the option to remove it... but I need to modify. This would be easy in a .docx file... or on .mp3.

  12. 17 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    ssibly. I've played games where I installed this after SCS  and I never noticed any problems. In this case, if SCS gives kobolds a high DEX score, installing this after would give them a 1-point bonus to melee thac0.

    Thing with this is, the SCS also sets the creatures thac0 to where it should be if it's too high(as lower is better) from reading the ingame data. So now you would then just mess that up.

  13. 15 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:


    Assuming that's what is affecting your game, good to know it's an easy solution and not a mod bug! :beer:

    You do know you can choose the items you get in ToB by the item section of the ADD_KIT function ? So it wasthe kit mods own bug that was causing the bug.

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