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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Thank you for checking! I am puzzled as well. I'll keep it in mind in case more reports come in.
  2. What Roxanne posted is what you need to type into the cheat line. I'll make a note of this, but locally I can't reproduce the error.
  3. Do you mean he is no longer there or did he never spawn at all? What game are you playing (BG:EE, SoD, 2.x)? Tulbor should in the Red Sheaf at [401.132]. His cheat would be "C#Q01004" to spawn him by hand. What value/number does the variable "C#Q01_TulbsCreation" have in your game (after you visited the Red Sheaf)?
  4. Ah, now I understand the different behavior. Thank you!
  5. (You know, after reading Ardanis' post for an instant I thought it's an availbale action in SoD. You never know!)
  6. Thank you for your ideas. Patching racetext.2da did not change this behavior. kjeron: That would be one ossibility, but bdresurr.spl also changes the animation if the dog is alive. I can only repeat my findings: bdresurr.spl changes the dog's animation to a human, no matter whether the dog is dead or alive. sppr504.spl does not. And after the animation change with bdresurr.spl, the animation stays a human fighter even if the former dog dies and is resurrected with sppr504.spl..
  7. I made a small testmod with a creature that casts the bdresurr.spl onto Grey [DO ~ApplySpellRES("bdresurr","C#Grey")~] , and it turns him into a human animation no matter whether he is dead or not. Only the bdresurr.spl is applied this way, so I am rather convinced it's the spell. (Maybe there are other instances I'm not aware of, too, but the spell does it if cast on its own). I guess resetting to some default is the cause for this, I just don't understand why it happens for a spell that does nothing but raise dead. EDIT: In the cutscene, the spell is only cast to party members, maybe that's why familiar-like companions are not affected. And I guess it does nothing to an animal companion that doesn't have a hacked kit like my dog has.
  8. The resurrection spell bdresurr.spl is used in SoD to raise potentially dead party members upon transition from BG:EE to SoD (in bdsodtrn.bcs). Thing is: This spell changes the animation from my joinable dog NPC into a human fighter. None of the other resurrection spells do: sppr504.spl, sppr729.spl, spwi720.spl, sppr504.spl. The change inot human fighter animation also happens for Adalon's "change into drow and back" spells, so the dog is immune to those. Since I'd like my dog to remain a dog, does anyone know why bdresurr.spl is so different? When looking at it with NI, all I see is a ranged "Raise Dead" effect like it is also in sppr504.spl, so I am at a loss why this breaks my "dog kit". (The dog cre has "animal" for GENERAL and "dog" for RACE but the kit is a wild addition of several kits to restrict it from using normal items). Also, how would I prevent this from happening? The only thing I can think of is making my dog immune to bdresurr.spl.
  9. That's exactly what I need. Thank you!
  10. In the EE, it is possible to set the flag of an item to identified: ActionOverride(Player1,SetItemFlags("%tutu_var%SW2H03", IDENTIFIED, TRUE)) How would I check whether an item was already identified?
  11. As long as you don't make huge scenes several hundreds lines long with lots of screen action, with multiple script files looping under varying conditions, it should be quite simple. Just copy the skippable block into the cleaner script, then delete all the waits, displays, visuals, replace MoveToPoint() with JumpToPoint() and you'll be already 80% done. Indeed. Thank you! This sounds simple enough. Very good idea. I already coded it using the original cre now but it's a smart idea I'll keep in mind for similar events.
  12. "C#LCNOOB_Ques" at "7" means the quest is finished. You should have a done quest journal entry: "Noober found a new home! At least for the time being, he seems to be the perfect entertainer for the old mother of Joseph's widow. And again the gods showed that they have a use for everything." Indeed, I forgot to erase the journal entry you quoted in case the PC comes looking for Noober after more than 2 days for the first time. This will be fixed for the next version. Thank you for the report!
  13. Thank you so much both for the ideas and insights! This is very valuable help. Now, finally, I understand what the skippable cutscene is about (I mean the traces I saw in the scripts) - I was totally unaware that cutscenes can be skipped in SoD! As a player, I think this is awesome! As a modder, it frightens me a bit. EDIT: Roxanne: Yes, this is the behavior I intended for Breagar.
  14. As soon as Noober is talking to the lady (i.e. his cold is cured and he stops croaking) the quest is finished content-wise. Would you be so kind and quote the journal entry that doesn't get removed in your case? What number is the variable "C#LCNOOB_Quest" at?
  15. I aplogize if my phrasing offended, they were much more drastic than I meant it. I am convinced there is a better way to make NPC follow the events in SoD without tweaking cutscenes, just because I'm not the brightest candle if it comes to scripting and stuff. The cutscenes I tweaked above are for the NPC not being part of the group, therefore not being covered by Player2-Player6 general actions and my impression that the time for moving started with begin of the cutscene and ended with the cutscene (i.e. by a quest character initiating dialogue at the end on another area). One example: The first script blocks in bd6200.bcs moves the (canon) NPCs to the area bd6200.bcs. I EXTEND_TOP here with my NPC - that was easy enough. Now, at the end of bd6200.bcs the last scriptblock lets the NPCs move inside the area to certain locations and then starts the cutscene bdcut64x.bcs. In my understanding of scripts and cutscenes, I have to patch this script block and can't just append with a block for a mod NPC. Am I wrong here? Do get both scripts be executed equally if conditions match? bdcut64x.bcs circles through the canon NPCs and sets some variables about the size of the group etc., then calls cutscene bdcut65.bcs at its end. bdcut65.bcs is the cutscene transporting the party to the abduction site. It starts with Player1 being the CutSceneID then following all the teleporting etc. and ends with Imoen initiating dialogue. Inbetween the area script gets set to something else (something SoD does a lot and which confuses me much - as interesting as it is to see that this is actually possible). All this happens for the same variable, the one in bd6200.bcs which triggered first the moving along the area and then the cutscenes. Giving me the impression there is no variable available that tells my mod's script block when to let the mod NPC walk along the area and when to start teleporting. Also, my impression was that I can't EXTEND_TOP to a cutscene and EXTEND_BOTTOM is out of the question here, leaving only patching in the "middle" as I attempted with REPLACE_TEXTUALLY. Looking at it now I see that it might be just as good to EXTEND_TOP with a True() block having the mod NPC being the CutScebeID and doing all the teleporting etc there. But as I said, my knowledge about scripts and cutscenes is not very good, so this didn't occur to me as a possibility. Also, I lack motivation to optimize my mod's script blocks in a way that they match the game's cutscenes in a timely fashion, i.e. make the mod NPC move and teleport at the same time and not sooner or later. Having no trigger variables patching the cut scene directly is the only way I know of how to achieve this.
  16. DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH with REPLACE_TEXTUALLY is a highly fragile thing, so I learned. Normally, I try to apply it and the patches are not applied. This time, I don't even get it to compile. The error message is (bdcut65.bcs is a game script from SoD. So I don't even know whether it's an error on my side.) I also tried to use the [%tab% %lnl%%mnl%%wnl%]+ thingie but this didn't compile with another error message about no matching group or similar error message. This is my tp2-code currently. I would be very grateful if someone with more knowledge tells me how to specify this so it a) compiles and b) actually patches (SoD and EET, only). /* Breagar is kicked in hell dimension - teleport to other areas */ COPY_EXISTING ~bdcut59b.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride("voghiln",Face(NW)) END\)~ ~\1 IF Global("ACBreagar_kicked_bd4700","global",1) !Dead("ACBre") !InParty("ACBre") THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) MoveGlobal("bd4300","ACBre",[600.320]) ActionOverride("ACBre",Face(N)) END IF Global("ACBreagar_kicked_bd4700","global",0) !Dead("ACBre") !InParty("ACBre") THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) MoveGlobal("bd4300","ACBre",[690.1254]) ActionOverride("ACBre",Face(NW)) END~ END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~bdcut58.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride("voghiln",Face(NE)) END\)~ ~\1 \2 IF Global("ACBreagar_kicked_bd4700","global",1) !Dead("ACBre") !InParty("ACBre") THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) MoveGlobal("bd4400","ACBre",[1170.1240]) ActionOverride("ACBre",Face(NE)) END~ END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES /* End of SoD - Breagar follows to abduction site */ COPY_EXISTING ~bdcut65.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(DisableAI(Player6,TRUE)\)~ ~\1 DisableAI("ACBre",TRUE)~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,LeaveAreaLUA("bd6100","",\[470\.270\],SE))\)~ ~\1 ActionOverride("ACBre",LeaveAreaLUA("bd6100","",\[480\.260\],SE))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,MoveToPoint(\[780\.765\]))\)~ ~\1 ActionOverride("ACBre",MoveToPoint(\[770\.790\]))~ END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES /* End of SoD - Abduction */ COPY_EXISTING ~bd6100.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,JumpToPoint([795.825]))\)~ ~\1 ActionOverride("ACBre",JumpToPoint([760.800]))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,Face(SW))\)~ ~\1 ActionOverride("ACBre",Face(SW))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,SetSequence(SEQ_SLEEP))\)~ ~\1 ActionOverride("ACBre",SetSequence(SEQ_SLEEP))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ApplySpellRES("bdfinal",Player6) Continue() END\)~ ~\1 \2 \3 IF Global("ACBreSoD_sleep","bd6100",0) StateCheck("ACBre",STATE_SLEEPING) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("ACBreSoD_sleep","bd6100",1) ActionOverride("ACBre",MakeUnselectable(3600000)) ApplySpellRES("bdfinal","ACBre") // No such index Continue() END IF Global("ACBre_SoD_down","bd6100",0) OR(2) StateCheck("ACBre",STATE_REALLY_DEAD) TriggerOverride("ACBre",Global("bd_final","locals",1)) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("ACBre_SoD_down","bd6100",1) SetGlobalTimer("bd_sleep_timer","bd6100",THREE_MINUTES) Continue() END ~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ApplySpellRES("bdsleep",Player6) END~ ~\1 \2 IF Global("bd_finale","bd6100",4) Global("ACBre_SoD_down","bd6100",0) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("bd_sleep_timer","bd6100") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobalTimer("bd_sleep_timer","bd6100",THREE_MINUTES) ApplySpellRES("bdsleep","ACBre") // No such index END ~ END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES May I also point out that making transitions of non-party members via cutscenes (that terminate themselves so there is no variable to work with for a mod NPC) is an evil thing to do of game developpers. Also, if someone solved this "move NPCs around in SoD" without having to patch cutscenes I am all ears.
  17. Near Infinity also has very cool BAM editing options nowadays. You can't paint the graphics in NI, but you can export existing BAMs to bmp and you can import bmps to make a new BAM out of them, resize BAMs and the likes. The editing of the picture can be done with GIMP, if you are searching for a free graphics editing tool.
  18. Well... White Agnus was working on a BG:EE version that had separated components... and went on hiatus with it. So, if he returns, this might come true, if not, JAP will stay BGT only.
  19. CamDawg: THANK YOU! Yes, that was it. And now I will ponder for the rest of the evening why it didn't occur to me. I spent like over an hour trying to find the reason the variable doesn't get set!... Jarno: In a CHAIN with no transitions or reply options, the end is only an EXIT.
  20. Do you see anything wrong with this chain? Because the "DO ~SetGlobal("C#AjantisBG1_RasaadRomanceConflict","GLOBAL",1)~" is not performed in the game (even though I doubled it to get it to work), i.e. "C#AjantisBG1_RasaadRomanceConflict" does not exist after the dialogue run, and the dialogue loops. I'm using this CHAIN structure for xx other banters without any problems. I looked at BAJANT.dlg, and the "DO ~SetGlobal("C#AjantisBG1_RasaadRomanceConflict","GLOBAL",1)~" is in there alright. - I know Ajantis is jealous, but this much?...
  21. Well, from Gavin's perspective, why *did* it have to be spiders?
  22. It is supposed to work with them. The recommended install order is: bgqe bgqe_add bg1npc project bg1re bg1ub (for BGT) Jarl's Adventure Pack (v0.7) But for testing or so purposes, you could also install bgqe_add at a later time. The only really crucial information is, that it needs to be installed before bg1npc project if you want to have all reply options, especially the possibility to bring Brage to Nashkel authorities instead of the temple. (Bg1npc project inserts NPC reactions that swallow later added reply options, that is why.)
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