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Posts posted by lynx

  1. Yes and no. You wouldn't get any of their engine changes, just ours. Any data changes and data-based rule tweaks would work (like any other mod).

  2. For the original, I think you need a 32-bit prefix and to set a way older windows version.

    For GemRB, I hope you're not having a stroke, but you don't need to run it through Lutris. Follow the instructions on our website.

  3. The way you describe PlayerXFill clearly matches the portraits, so your conclusion is a bit odd. I think the wording mentions portraits from reverse engineering and just looking at the great work being done on iwd2, you can see how these are tied together. Those two arrays correspond to both sets of objects and you can search for their use.


  4. 2 hours ago, mickabouille said:

    But then I decided I needed to exclude backup directories to have something interesting and... I didn't push further after that.

    Note that mods that extract backup (and work) dirs outside theeir mod dir help with that.

    Why bother with excluding backup dirs, just to save some space? And since the name is always the same, you could just add it to the exclude list, so the problem goes away automatically.

    SCMs worked well for me too, but I'm not a megamodder, so it was mainly to ensure base (vanilla) state easily.

  5. With the split tlks in ees, it would be possible to mirror the updates with low chances of problems (non-matching translations are a mod problem), but for that a bunch of things in weidu would need to be adapted first.

    For gemrb we hit the same problems when thinking about adding live language switching. It's the data that is problematic, not so much the engine changes that would require. Probably simplest to devise a tool that eats tra files and creates tlk overrides that we could then swap. Or a tlk format upgrade that would make it easier. Either way, a regular mod install would not be enough.

  6. 50 minutes ago, suy said:

    It's possible that running an external process for each file in a loop is prohibitively expensive

    That's unfounded, unless of course the external process itself is inefficient. If you install 10pp, a full-blown perl binary will be executed on potentially hundreds of files individually. WeiDU/OCaml just doesn't have the required capabilities to do what needs to be done natively and more time is spent on the extraction, decompiling and compiling anyway. But there's also no barrier to doing the looping inside your platform of choice instead.

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