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Posts posted by lynx

  1. 50 minutes ago, suy said:

    It's possible that running an external process for each file in a loop is prohibitively expensive

    That's unfounded, unless of course the external process itself is inefficient. If you install 10pp, a full-blown perl binary will be executed on potentially hundreds of files individually. WeiDU/OCaml just doesn't have the required capabilities to do what needs to be done natively and more time is spent on the extraction, decompiling and compiling anyway. But there's also no barrier to doing the looping inside your platform of choice instead.

  2. I played it (vanilla) about two years ago up to when your camp gets attacked. It bugged out there persistently, so I didn't get to see the big siege or ending. Maybe some other time.

    But my main gripe with it is the absurd amount of railroading. The IWDs are also linear, but they don't take your agency away in dialogs. Or at least not so blatantly.

    It was kind of odd finding a piece of gear for each (new?) kit.

  3. 1 hour ago, BobT said:

    It is. But how much are we talking? 
    Should they start paying writers and artists, too? 
    Isn't the point of mods that they DON'T have the resources and funds of a studio, and are doing it as a hobby? 

    Why do you keep moving the goal post?

    And no, modding has nothing to do with the authors economic circumstance or fundraising skill. I guess the exception are paid mods, but that's out of scope here.

  4. 6 hours ago, BobT said:

    What work is a FREE MOD taking away from voice actors? There was never any "work" for the VA to do, the modder is, and always was, doing it all, and not making any money from it themselves either. We're also talking about a TWENTY YEAR OLD game here lol.

    Voicing work, obviously. Modders do pay voice actors for that now and then. The fact that the product is available free of charge doesn't change anything in that regard.

  5. This differed between the games, so we have several mechanisms. The damage opcode can toggle this, spells can set an extended state, but both are to prevent waking up. But also the sleep/unconsciousness opcode can toggle whether to wake up or not. So what  I'm saying is that it's completely data based right now, well in the realm of mods to tweak.

  6. I very much doubt you can use two songs at once, which would also explain the spam (keeps switching between one and the other). At least without making merged songs. However, since it's only applied once per round, the fact that it keeps switching is mostly not noticeable. You could try the message suppression opcode, but I'm not sure that works for modals as well.

  7. Creatures have several script slots that are executed in a defined order. Override takes maximum precedence, so I'd use that only if necessary — eg. other slots do not fit.

    In bgs areas can override script assignment, so you can have one generic CRE file and then the area embeds let's say 5 copies. But you can then specify different names and scripts for them. However, I think in pst that isn't available, but you have the simpler option of editing area INI files (eg. ar0208.ini), where the spawn points are defined. Look up the format on IESDP, there's a lot of useful info there.

  8. Nice idea! For monsters to use spells, you have to teach it to them, it's not enough that they know them. This means that you have enhance their AI script with decision-making for when to cast what spell, instead of attacking, moving, etc. Cranium rats are one example that already does that, though it's more complicated, since they count.

  9. I don't know what you mean by cache there, but if you did install by vcpkg, maybe specify the path directly. Our appveyor build for example adds:

    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/tools/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-windows" -A x64


  10. Effects — there could be some modifying variables via 0x109 https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/opcodes/bgee.htm#op265

    Oh, you can make the process faster by not converting all dlg and bcs files. I had to do the same for 10pp and first check for a rough match in the non-decompiled file:


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