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Everything posted by Salk

  1. I'm in the process of reviewing/updating the vast majority of the English .tra files. I found typos and several situations that required intervention (more or less deep). The Husam (Ducal Palace) and Aldeth's story improvements show great potential and it'd be sad to leave them out. @TotoRhas a good idea for finding bugs so I hope there will be a proper testing done (to which I will of course contribute myself) when the time comes for putting out an effort into debugging.
  2. I noticed some scripts use NumDeadGT() for keeping track of dead creatures. Is this method reliable?
  3. Thank you very much for explaining to me what .WED files do and how they work. I admit that it's not easy for me to grasp the whole concept, but I have some good indications now. You said that the polygons' function is to change the state of some objects on the map like trees and walls. Is it, for example, the case for when a door is open or closed on the map? Could you tell us what kind of issues could happen if a player installs the two .WED files from Jarl's modification (AR3700 and AR4100) and then installs BG GO? Cheers!
  4. Okay, thanks. I tried to compare BGT's original AR3700.WED and AR4100.WED to Jarl's modified versions using Near Infinity. I noticed that the original AR3700.WED file has a total of 733 wall polygons vs 761 found in the modified version. The original AR4100 has the same number of wall polygons but the vertices offset is 10286 h vs 10292 h. There are then differences between the original and the modified versions of course but I cannot really understand what those differences are. Would it be of any interest for BGGO to use Jarl's modified .WED files as source for the night .WED? I have no idea what he changed but probably he had some reasons for what he did? One more question, if I may: what can happen to someone who installs Jarl's area fixes and then BGGO afterwards (or vice versa)? Cheers!
  5. Hello, eyre! Those cases are mistakes to correct. I have used the BG2:EE text as starting base so I imported the (wrong) punctuation used in those strings. There should not be any. I'll upload a new version with the correction. Thank you very much for reporting this. (e) And done...
  6. @Weigo, one question: I have taken a look at BGGO's base/wedD/non-ee folder and I don't actually see there the corresponding files: BG4800.wed (Nashkell) and BG5100.wed (Gnoll Stronghold), if I am correct? Doesn't this mean that BGGO does not change the original .wed files for those two areas? If that is the case, why would Jarl's overwriting the original .wed files be a compatibility problem? Thanks!
  7. Okay, for those few interested, I have uploaded the latest version of my revised EE-style GTU for the classic Baldur's Gate 2. In the latest version (2.0), one of the VO has been replaced with one from another artist. The download link is in the OP.
  8. I might have more luck because I will play on BGT and I'm quite sure Jarl built his mod for that very platform. But I'll avoid installing anything that's been reported as possibly buggy.
  9. Thanks, Weigo! I'll see if I can understand something by making a comparison.
  10. @megrimlockThanks for your report. Could I ask you your opinion about the Gervisse/Voltine quest extension? I'm working on overhauling the .tra file for that very component at the moment. The English translation there is pretty rough. I will submit it to jastey for review, once I am finished (and if she is interested in it, of course). From the Read Me, and considering I have my own tweaks for some content, these are other components that sound interesting to me: Completely revised Scar quest in the Seven Suns with restored content. Restored: Thieves in the Shop of Silence; additional dialogue options with Silence the fence. Restored: Bentley reacts to Nashkel mines and bandit camp. Restored: Encounter "Velvet and the cock fight". New: New encounter in Safana's treasure cave (Lighthouse area). New: Sorcerous Sundries: New characters and ambients. New: Elfsong Tavern: New characters, new rumors, improved naming, trophy "The stuffed head of a Beholder" over the fireplace, new music after finishing the quest. New: Extended Imoen encounter in Candlekeep. New: Second appearance with Ender Sai (compatible with bg1re Ender Sai component). New: Extended Tavern Guard System: Friendly Arm, Elfsong Tavern, and Blushing Mermaid Inn are "neutral grounds" where the PC will not be attacked by Flaming Fist soldiers. If thievery attempts fail, tavern guards will be spawned. New: Temple services at the temple of Oghma in central Baldur's Gate. New: Temple services at the temple of Ilmater om northeast of Baldur's Gate. New: Temple services at the temple of Mask in Silence's Shop. Do you have any comments about any of them? Cheers!
  11. @WeigoCould you elaborate about "having to write WeiDu code"? Since I have no idea what I'd need to do, should I just comment out that whole "Nashkel & Gnollfortress - improved Searchmap and Wallgroups, ar8100" code snippet? Or should I only comment out the two COPY lines at the end? Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the heads up, JohnBob. I have been taking a look at some code snippets myself for content that seemed interesting and reviewing the English translation for the Gervisse/Voltine content, making a few changes. That component sounds like an interesting one. I hope more people may chime in with recommendations.
  13. Weigo, do you know if some of the area changes that Jarl's Adventure Pack make are going to be a problem? Example: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Nashkel & Gnollfortress - improved Searchmap and Wallgroups, ar8100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/alter_searchmap.tpa~ LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR3700SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%Nashkel%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR4100SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%GnollStronghold%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR8100SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%BaldursGateDocks%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END COPY ~JA#BGT_AdvPack/fixes/Areas/AR3700.wed~ ~override/%Nashkel%.wed~ COPY ~JA#BGT_AdvPack/fixes/Areas/AR4100.wed~ ~override/%GnollStronghold%.wed~ //wed Dateien
  14. Hello! I'm trying to gather some information about Jarl's Adventure Pack. I have downloaded the latest (0.9) version from Jastey's github repository and I was glad to notice that the installation is broken down into single components there, as opposed to version 0.8 which I downloaded earlier elsewhere. I would like to know which components are recommended, since there are so many and I have become quite selective about the quality of restorations and new quests. Thanks!
  15. I don't expect SHS Forum to be up again for at least one more month. It would be a rather horrible thing, but Stray Gods won't be out until August.
  16. @Weigo, the last version installed without any problems on BGT.
  17. As I mentioned, I can install Beta3 without problems by just adding EVAL in the code snippet above. I am of course wondering how it is possible that the missing EVAL does cause a problem for me and not for you and others, but those are mysteries I am not able to solve... I replaced the code snippets in the macro.tpa with those two above and the installation went through without issues. I attached the macros.tpa file that I have used for this last installation test. Of course I have no idea how this translates into the game itself. I have only tested the installation itself. macros.tpa
  18. @Weigo, The installation has completed without any issue this time. May I ask what it is you changed? There was not much installed when I did my testing. Not much more other than ToBEx (AfterLife) and the BG2 Fixpack. (e) I see you commented out a good chunk of code in the macros.tpa file... Wasn't the content important? This is the code snippet that makes my installation choke: ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgt tutu_totsc~ BEGIN LAF HANDLE_TILECONV STR_VAR input_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/base/tbcN/ys/%ee%~ output_path = ~%MOD_FOLDER%/bif/bggom~ END END changing it to this: ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgt tutu_totsc~ BEGIN LAF HANDLE_TILECONV STR_VAR input_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/base/tbcN/ys/%ee%~ output_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/bif/bggom~ END END works.
  19. @Weigo, the installation of Beta 3 failed for me on BGT (Windows 10). I attached the DEBUG file. SETUP-BGGO.DEBUG
  20. Version 4.6 is out. - Change log: Fixed bug with Vampiric Sword not dealing damage (Thanks, MikeX) Minor corrections to English and German text (Thanks, MikeX)
  21. Version 2.58 for the classic engine will soon be uploaded. This is the change-log: Version 2.58: Code modernization (still awfully rudimentary ) Minor text changes (e) And it is out...
  22. Is there any work left to do for Yovaneth or have you got all the material you need, Weigo? Cheers!
  23. Hello! The link for download is in my signature but I will update the first post. Unfortunately, all my modification were created in the past for the classic game and I never had any real interest in making EE-compatible versions so no, it's not EET compatible. If someone ever volunteers to make an EE port (like they did with WTP Familiars), they would be welcome to.
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