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Everything posted by FixTesteR

  1. Huh, right! And I have SR installed. Which might explain why MagF and AniG doesn't show any visuals after you sent me the three files. Though crashing caused by MagF on bats stopped, at least. Already has had one for a long while - does it not in normal SR? Nope ... Can Freedom free them before the time is up, and death be thus prevented? If yes, why not Maze them for whatever 9 hours so that either the party has to sleep and use Freedom, or wait it out? 1 turn might be too short to have time to cast Freedom, so the party member is slain. Well, you're basically trading Freedom for Resurrection then. Thank you for the rest of the answers!
  2. Bartimeus, thanks for the new update! General question: What is the difference between a melee THAC0 and a melee touch THAC0? Does this spell work the same as the innate MR of some foes? What about Animal Growth? Why is this better than vanilla? If applied, would they make elementals deal more damage? Closer to PnP? I must have read that change in some mod before ... Would you recommend me to update/reinstall SR in my mega-modded game when I'm half-way into the trilogy? Would mega-mod install suffer too much? I'm asking because I'm eager to try your newest version in action, yet wouldn't want to start from the beginning.
  3. Yes, or rather, the batm files. Yet, my game doesn't crash now! Thanks. Sadly, that doesn't work. I don't have any visual cues. So I just hope that the animals get affected. I also don't see any effects with Animal Growth. Hm?
  4. I'm actually using SR right now. I'm afraid to install SRR on top lest it bugs out the whole megamodded game.
  5. Hi Bart! Thank you for this! Are you going to update/fix the official version of this mod, too? Just asking to know whether I need to keep these files for future installations.
  6. Thank you! I might actually do that. Lol. I'm in front of the Bhaal Temple anyway, so not much ctrl+J needed. batm1.itm batm2.itm batm3.itm
  7. I have all three of those. So now I'm at a loss why it happens. It's not like you'd often use MF on bats, but I'd like to see if it makes a difference. Testing random game aspects and being thorough with my playthrough. Right now, I need to test, if after killing Sarevok, I'll be able to do TotSC, or will I be transported to SoD without a chance to go back. In older installs you had to talk to Belt to progress to SoA.
  8. You're right, I don't have that file in my Override folder. The only thing that resembles that file is a folder named mfang, containing various animal files. Help? Do I only need to obtain that file and place it in? I couldn't find it even in the rar of spell_rev. Does MR then loop around like the old thief skill points used to? Okay! And which of your mods do that? Might take a look at all of them, anyhow. But still asking. EDIT: What do you do with WS Kit's MR then?
  9. @subtledoctor Then if someone's MR is near 100%, it's nigh impossible to hit him with anything magical. That really topples any elemental resistance as it's so all-magic-encompassing. Feels like a cheap way to buff bosses when you're trying to figure out their weaknesses.
  10. I'd also like to report that if I cast Magic Fang onto bats (Animal Summoning I), the game crashes. I am also unsure if the animals are actually affected by the MF spell... There aren't any visual indications that they've been buffed. Though the spell must somehow affect bats as the game crashes the instant there is a bat present in the 30' radius when the spell is cast.
  11. Hey. If this post is bothersome for some to be placed in this thread, let me know if there's a thread or a group as active as you that would answer my questions. I'm trying to figure out how BG mechanics work, yet I get flabergast with some in-fight msgs. I use wand of lighthing on Sarevok, and the msg is: Magic Resistance. I use Wand of Heavens, and the msg is the same. And Chromatic Orb, and Cause Affliction. Same msg every time. MR. Yet WoL deals lightning damage, and WoH deals fire damage. What has MR got to do with it? CO indeed deals magic dmg but then requres a save vs spell. Yet Sarevok doesn't even have to roll a save, he just has MR. Then I use Icelance which deals, as far as I know, physical dmg and has a chance to stun if not saved against. The msg is: unaffected by effects of Icelance. No need to roll a save. But how can he be unaffected by physical damage if a normal arrow was able to wound him seconds prior to that? Do some bosses just cheat like that? By the way, this is Sarevok in the Ducal Palace. If any of you can shed enlightenment on this matter, I'd be super happy. Or, if there's a webpage that gets into such details. EDIT: Since this is a thread about SPELL revisions, it's not completely off topic After all, I'm exploring what spells can and cannnot do to foes. And seeing if revisions change these things or not.
  12. @subtledoctor , that saves me hours of headache. Thank you for the shortcut.
  13. Thanks. I guess the big takeaway is to differentiate between 1) Spell Protections, 2) Combat Protections, and 3) Specific Protections. Some spells can be inferred to belong to a certain group just by their names, while I'm not sure all spells belong to certain groups by such intuition. Protection from fire protects you in 2) combat against fire enchanted weapons, it's a 3) specific protection against fire, and it 1) protects you against certain spells.
  14. Can anyone explain to me the difference between Spell Thrust and Dispel Magic? Is ST in any case better than DM? Of couse, you might ask whether I'm talking about Vanilla or SR or SRR ... in that case, please explain all the differences. And it's not like I haven't tried reading spell descriptions like 30 times. It just seems DM is flat out better. And it potentially removes everything with one swipe, if RNG aligns?
  15. @DavidNYC For what it's worth, when it comes to naming the mod, I prefer both of @subtledoctor's suggestions. They're short and simple and enough to the point. Even if they may not be the most exact names for what the mod stands for. My suggestion is: More Distinct Spell Visuals. An opinion from a casual but thorough player. Keep up the good work and let us know when we can test it and if it can be installed after a megamod install, as that's what I'm running rn.
  16. Hi there! Maybe you could share what tweaks you made to IR and SR so that we may see the idea and do a comparison. I for one am also interested in what you're doing right there. I'm all for removing imbalace as much as possible. One glaring vanilla imbalance is IH doubling your APR. My wish in the end would of course be to make pure and single classes viable to play through to the end of ToB, as well ... but I think that wish is just too far out. Kits, duals and multis are just too powerful in comparison. I like your permadeath style. I'm playing a no-reload right now, and it's fun when I lament wrong choices and bad outcomes. Do you allow resurrection and only suffer loss at a whole party dead or chunking? I also use the mod Protagonist can die. Bartimaeus, thanks for letting some bits of off-topic here
  17. Yeah, just checked it, and you're spot on. I see that SR now has Haste back to AoE. So I must have been doing my trilogy playthrough on that exact SR version that you just mentioned. Well, that certainly clears things up. Thanks. Since H's duration is longer than IH's, there might be usefulness of H over IH in some late-game encounters, methinks. With SR. And subtledoctor really finds ... subtleties.
  18. Wow. You've even been doing IRR alongside SRR? Let me join in on the fun! Great stuff. In your OP you noted the Installation Order, and when Infinity Animations main component and IA secondary components should be installed. I've been browsing through a recent thread by Ser Thomas where he's having some installation problems to get your mod to work. I'm not really savvy, but there was a proposed solution that infinityanimations-b5.rar be modified in .tp2 level, specifically in the line number 4419, which should be quoted out to enable the installation of the zero component independently. Does it make sense? Would you give it a quick peek?
  19. Are you sure Haste isn't overpowered now that it's an AoE spell? It lasts way longer than IH. Yeah that fatigue occurs in the end but whatever. You have powered through a fight anyway.
  20. I guess it's best I ask you very specifically. What I want for NPCs is to redistribute their 3-18 attributes, their skill points, and to change classes for some of them. Heck, let me give you a list of what I did with Level1NPC: ajantis cavalier alora shadowdancer eldoth jester faldorn avenger kagain dwarven defender khalid priest of tyr kivan beast master safana assassin shar-teel barbarian skie bounty hunter viconia priest of talos xan dragon disciple Doable with yours? So with those that have had their constitution changed, I want that to reflect with their proper hitpoints amount. The only problematic cases are those that dual class like Anomen, Nalia, and Imoen. Those I'll probably have to EEKeeper somehow. Maybe not Imoen if she stays with the same stats throughout the Trilogy. So, comments? Can your mod do it? Wait, the top description is yours while the bottom one is vanilla's? I messed up, I reversed them. Yeah, I'm definitely going with your version. Good job on making a spell viable! Yeah. I think for my next install I should skip that component. It really feels out of place. Bartimaeus, one thing that I lament a bit is that SR and SRR spells are very difficult to ai-script. That's what I've been told by party-ai-script makers. Since you have knowledge in this area, would you agree?
  21. That physical part was exactly my reasoning! I'm reading both descriptions of Glitterdust now. Is the original overpowered in your opinion? I think yours is underpowered. So if anything, I'd go for something inbetween. My question is: if you glitterdust someone, can they then be targeted by spells or not? Generally, what I'm looking for in these spell corrections is also a chance that a solo character can overcome some encounters, not that he is just blocked from advancing just because he doesn't have a party. Do you guys think certain classes cannot solo? My no-reload run sadly ended yesterday, as I was not prepared for the modded Icharyd ... that bastard can now Call Lightning?? What mod did that come from ... Yeah, he slaughtered all 6 of us. By the way, I keep noticing this: Put Jarno Mikola on your ignore list. I don't know what contention you guys have, but it's really funny to read it every time Anyway, his surname has a double k, if you ever feel like correcting it. That seems as it could do what I want. I'll try in with my next install. Thank you. Already downloaded your mod
  22. Thanks, I'm checking it out. But this one is really a bit ... shameless. Some liberal changes I'm truly looking for more ... subtlety Anyway, off topic: I read about your NPC_EE. Does it replace the Level1NPCs completely? I used the latter in my last installation and it was a bit painful because it's not meant for EE so there were errors. I kinda don't wanna go through that ordeal anymore if possible. I guess it might also be possible to just EEKeeper every NPC I wanna take with me, and leave the rest in vanilla state. Right? But, as you wrote, that would take more time and interrupt my game. So if your mod enables me to change stats and proficiencies of a character, and in some cases, their class/kit, and let's me level them up from level 0, then that's what I'm looking for! Thanks. I like your nickname.
  23. I see what you mean. It really is hard to come up with something good about goodberries. But yes, it would effectively outclass cure light wounds. Or maybe goodberries should regenerate life, just not at a pace of a regenerate spell. Anyway, I'll give it much more thought and come back if I come up with something. So, regarding Non-Detection, a creature under the effects of, say, True Seeing, can single target an improved invisible creature that has non-detection? But I find this in conflict with this: What am I missing? They are undetectable but can still be targeted? So the wizard under the effects of True Seeing bypasses the fact that the recipient is undetectable by True Seeing? Which means he is detectable ... Then, there is the question of, say, Glitterdust. That could reveal a target, right? So there are a few alternative means to take care of an II N-D creature. If I'm not mistaken N-D also prevents a thief from detecting the creature. Right?
  24. So now RLW is half heal and half regenerate? My suggestion would be to keep it a pure regenerate but just shorten those 3 turns to 5 rounds. So those 30 HP in 5 rounds equal to 1 HP per second at level 20. Ofc then you need to look at what that does to the Regenerate Critical Wounds at high levels, as that may be just too strong. And if it's troo strong, just elongate the duration above 5 rounds. Basically, I agree with you that regeneration should be faster but I wouldn't make a hybrid betwen regen and heal. Healing, except maybe 6L spell Heal, is usually sup-optimal compared to potion quaffing during combat. But if regenerate's rate is improved by shortening the duration, it might become quite viable to buff with that before or even during combat. As long as the highest spell level of regenerate doesn't get too powerful. Maybe RLW could be 30 HP in 10 rounds at L20, which is 3 HP per round. Just my two cents.
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