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Everything posted by kreso

  1. Yea, that's the way it works for some reason. It's not a big deal anyway - it only doesn't stop spells cast from the same caster. It's the same as casting Deflection on yourself and then casting Luck or Haste on yourself- it goes right through. If cast by someone else, even ally, Deflection blocks it. I haven't figured out why Symbols are excluded from patching - I wish Ardanis was here to explain. I've put them in code, nothing bad seems to happen... And some spell-like abilities (traps etc.) aren't prevented. Other than that, works fine.
  2. It's implemented. Less than perfect, but it covers most of the spells. It won't protect you from the spells you cast yourself - I think this is somehow native to the engine.
  3. SCS doesn't care if you're invisible for anti-magic attacks, I'm afraid.
  4. The thing about this spell is that it's the one single spell that stands in between your mage and that nasty 24th level mage with a Spellstrike memorized. Yes, ST gets rid of it, but it will still buy you one round of time - if it wasn't for SS active, you'd possibly get a much nastier spell heading your way.
  5. That's why it's a beta . It stops Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Breach, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Pierce Shield and Spellstrike. If Demi includes ( ) AoE Dispel Screen then it won't stop Breach anymore, but will be limited to stoping spell removals. I think 5 turns (that's it's correct duration) is more than enough, given it's prioritized in combat.
  6. SS doesn't counter Dispel magic, DM ignores it completely.
  7. I've just tried this out. You can't pick Dweomer, but you get it in your spellbook for free, at least on old engine so there's no issue. In case EE doesn't allow character creation to proceed unless you strictly pick Dweomer from spell selection screen for Wild Mages (I can't check this), then....GJ Beamdog.
  8. This will work, yes. Hej Krešo, kako je? Sadly no, I tried it in my save game with easy difficulty, didn't help. A evo, ide nekako. On topic - It's one of those cases where a simple copy/paste works *much* better then code patch. I use my own tables, and code to get them to the game's override is utterly simple and bullet-proof to such failures. COPY ~criticals/2da/hp~ ~override~ // wipe everything Sorry, this isn't true. Tweaks is one of those mods that nearly everyone but a hard-core purist will use, if for nothing else than for arrow stacks. Even low-key mods get players and bugs do get reported. Frankly, I've noticed the bug Greenhorn is talking about yesterday and would report is sooner or later. If you want such stuff in BWS then mark beta mods as "expert" since (wild guess here) most of people using BWS want to play the game, not spend hours debugging it. You may prefer it this way, but I'm sure your end user will not. There's no need to be bashful here. I for one, never, ever insulted a modder. I may say that a mod/tweak/etc is junk (even there, I choose my words, more or less..people seem highly sensitive about it) but it's never on a personal basis. So browse my last week (or last decade, for that matter) posts on SHS, G3 and Bioware and go find one single insult to a mod author coming from me. Mods I like I actually post praise for, help with bug hunting, or do some work on them. For others I couln't care less about; them being updated, flea-ridded or staying in below-utter-trash status. Back on topic....
  9. This is true - I found Divine Remix (beta) as an option and rest asured, it's bug-ridden. Unless BWP Fixpack took care of it. In this particular instance it's this particular tweak from new Tweaks that's causing the bug. (it works the same on my game (BGT); HP doesn't get read from final column). Per BWS - well, people seem to like it...I'd avoid it simply because there aren't enough good mods to warrant such an install procedure. 80% of stuff there is imo simply bad.
  10. I feel confident that something like this would work. I don't know much about npcs, but I imagine globals get set when a given npc joins (or, a mod could ensure that they are). And, when they leave the party for any reason, that global gets reset. Then the dialog could check the global, and not InParty(O:Object*) for the actual npc, and then give the option to 'resurrect' them. I'm sure other details would have to be worked out as well... They should get "re-created", not only ressurected. GL with that....
  11. The chunking can be removed from the game by setting the Gore setting to off in the gameplay options menu. Or by setting the Memory Level -variable in the baldur.ini to zero, aka: Memory Level=0 You'll prevent exploding chunks, but characters will still die permanently (portrait dissapears) to massive damage anyway. There's no way around it, other than playing on easiest difficulty setting since it massively reduces the damage you take. Normal could also work, but I'm not sure.
  12. Do you get a string displayed? I.e. "Your weapon is not suitable for backstab" or similar?
  13. KR nerfs those bonuses on purpose. Both vanilla and aTweak bonuses are insane imo. Tbh, I'm not 100% against shortie saves being even at +5 for high constitution. (per pnp ), there they're level limited instead. Penalty to XP can be easilly implemented, depending on race. Example - gnome gets 20%, dwarf&halfling 30% XP reduction.
  14. Sorry, misunderstood you. Answered back in other thread.
  15. I reported this bug a while ago, I don't know when Demi last updated KR. No. Everybody uses same rate as vanilla paladin/ranger.
  16. Monk has the best overall saves with KR. It's intended.
  17. Yes. Grandmastery will always affect creatures (if they have it available). Saves & THAC0 only if SCS is installed after ("Improved general AI" component). Joinables will always be affected - their saves/THAC0 will adjust on the next level-up.
  18. He's right. Code for nwn-deflection doesn't include spwi401, which is Confusion.
  19. Yes make sure its fixed i think it doesnt protect on my characters but it protects vs dispel on AI characters. (needs checking) It doesn't. AI uses the same spell you do. How is that different from, say, incendiary cloud? That's a lvl 8 spell nullified by the same counter - compared to that summon insects is nothing. You can move away from cloud, while Insects engulf you. We should rename it into Litany of Curses; and make those in AoE mindlessly attack the caster, thinking he is Morte.
  20. I vote 5 feet. If it proves to be too good we can increase it's casting time slightly. It's a level 2 spell which can counter Creeping Doom now. I stand by what I said in PM, t-up, but caster only gets gas-immune. Look:
  21. About insects: - ToBex "concentration tweak" will do nothing to stop spell failure. It is a seperate opcode which causes spell failure, not the damage itself - save is made each round, so doing something to buff your saves (i.e. drinking a potion or similar) will likely allow you to cast - 20% spell failure would likely make the spell useless, considering how often Fireshields are used - as per curing it, it's done. I spent 1 hour on tweaking Gust of Wind, then I wanted to make a spell from scratch via Weidu which led me to some code Ardanis used and after 2 more hours of going through illegal offsets, parse errors, Weidu documentation, projectile adding and few invalid commands - it's done. Behold; Insects-Be-Gone.
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