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Posts posted by Endarire

  1. Allowing me to target a creature with a spell, casting it, and providing no spell effect and no explanation is just bad game design.  (I don't blame you, JohnBob.)  Even if these spells only affect enemies, there should be more info about how these work.

    <Proceeds to update the English spell descriptions.>

  2. Greetings, JohnBob!

    Today I tested the latest master version on EET and found these bugs:

    -Drain Spell: There is no noticeable visual feedback nor text message when a spell is successfully drained.  The spell's idea is interesting but I need to know what spell level(s) were drained for it to be useful.

    -Gravitational Field: Cast in the Friendly Arm Inn on a patron.  The spell finished casting then nothing happened.  It's like there's no spell effect attached.

    -Lashing Wind: Cast in the Friendly Arm Inn on a patron.  The spell finished casting then nothing happened.  It's like there's no spell effect attached.

    The mod's documentation talks about "epic spells" - Deathly Hallows, etc. - but how to get them in-game?


  3. @moggadeet
    Grammarsalad sent me this file.  Before installing, put it in skills-and-abilities/data/scrolls.

    I tested this on EET with 3e crafting and it worked.  Alleluia!

    Note that your character must have enough levels to learn the Create Scroll innate ability and enough cash and EXP to make the scroll.  You can make scrolls of vanilla spells or those affected by Olvyn's Spell Tool.

    Finally, there still may be bugs in the system, but at least this is a handy start!

    I thought GrammarSalad sent you this file already, but go ahead and include it in S&A.

  4. INTRO
    Inspired by the D&D 3.5 Arcane Ooze and the polymorph self spell from Baldur's Gate which has a Mustard Jelly form, this companion would likely dwell in the sewers beneath Athkatla.  Maybe it telepathically communicates with the party - either intelligently or in a series of glugs, gurgles, and slime noises that's descriptive enough to convey meaning, akin to how Chewbacca from Star Wars .  Maybe it was once an intelligent being that was cursed or unfortunately transformed into this form.

    Glug would have all the racial benefits of being a mustard jelly with the added advantage of learning and casting spells like a Sorcerer.  His pseudopods would allow him to manipulate and use quickslot items, and he has an inventory despite his composition.  (Morte from Planescape: Torment also had these options.)

    His movement speed would be increased to match that of a typical human.

    His natural weaponry would become

    Glug can't equip most items.  His pseudopods can equip rings, amulets, belts, and boots, and Glug can equip ioun stones because they orbit him.  That's it.

    -Is Glug too weak long-term to compete with other, more traditional party members like Edwin?

    -How severe is the loss of item slots beyond a Staff of the Magi and Robe of Vecna?

    -While I understand that, just like the mechanical implementation of the character, how this is implemented matters, I was concerned about how interesting this 'incomprehensible to the player but comprehensible to the characters in the world' approach would be.  (I know some people like verbose interpersonal interactions.)

    -Would you rather the character be innately an arcane ooze or transformed?

    The inspiration's yours if you want it.  Enjoy!


  5. Maybe you want the party to gain a reputation for killing a specific creature type - zombie, kobold, human, goblin, golem, elemental, etc.

    Maybe you want to mimic it growing in power by absorbing EXP.  Perhaps it reduces its wielder's EXP gain and siphons some of it to itself.  (If the base game doesn't work for this, maybe EEex does.)

    Maybe it gains power by eating magic items for EXP with the base sell value directly proportionate to the power gained.

    Enjoy the inspiration!

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