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Posts posted by Bri

  1. March 6, 2004


    Slight update. It isn't my modem, and it isn't my ISP that is causing problems. The phone line itself is corrupted. It is very staticy when we try it with a regular phone.


    So, we put the computer on the house's main line, and I can connect with no problem. Still not a good situation as that is why we got a second phone line, so communication may be limited to what I do at school until we get Qwest to get their line fixed.

  2. March 5, 2004


    Well, it seems like every 2-3 months, for 2-3 days, my ISP won't connect to the net. Of course, I double check my modem and such, on the off chance it really is my computer, you know, but everything so far checks out just fine. After the 2-3 days passes, usually I can get on with no problem at all. Last night, I was even on for 3 times, before it cut out on me.


    When it says, "Unable to establish a connection..." or "Connection rejected due to not having proper configuration..." that does lead me to grinding my teeth.


    The main difference is that I called customer service to complain...and let's just say, if I had a baseball bat, I would have taken it to the phone.


    That said, I do hope to get a major jump on stuff. The last two big sections are the lovetalks, and the main story hook we have planned. Minor things include the restaurent sequence, and doing a little fun thing with Surly in the Copper Coronet.


    More progress should be forthcoming, since next week is only a couple of exams, and week after that is Spring Break..

  3. March 1, 2004


    Thanks to help with Bons, I shall start trying to decide what Del's music will be like, and incorporate it for a BG II format.


    Work still continues on lovetalks, though I didn't get much more done last week.

  4. Feb 24, 2004


    Okay, this isn't much of an earth shattering announcement, but after almost a 2 month hiatus, I actually finished the fifth lovetalk (It is the sixth altogether, but 5 in order). Well, just need to add a few more lines, but it is done, and I am fairly sure I can finish the sixth one (the order, otherwise 7 altogether) today.


    Additionally, as well as Del appearing in a random inn, I shall give her different songs for each. If possible, I will find some instrumental version of the music, otherwise I won't.

  5. February 9, 2004


    Not a whole lot to report on my end. I had a hectic last couple of weeks, overall, that didn't lend well to writing. And I am taking a slight break as well. As Cam mentioned earlier, almost all of the interjections are written. That primarily leaves the lovetalks as the last, big thing to write up. There are a few other extras like a restaurent type aside (and it will have things for the BioWare NPCs as well), and a few other goodies.

  6. January 27, 2004


    Nothing much to report.  I'm looking at making some minor changes to Del's conversations and such.


    Next month, I hope to get finished with Lovetalks, but school is taking a turn for the tough this week or so.

  7. 1-20-04


    Except for a special few instances, and lovetalks, I think interjections are done for SoA.


    This leaves one big plot that doesn't require Del in the party, and the romance.


    Heh, Watcher's Keep will have to be for ToB...

  8. 1-19-04


    Working on more interjections, finished the Cleric one.  There are all of three (and two depend on whether you are a Lathanderite or a Talosian at the end of the last quest)


    The reason is that most of the quests are just a matter of the MainChar giving advice...however, this means in Faerun, even if the game doesn't show it, it is primarily the MainChar sequestered away with some NPC.  Obviously, nothing for anyone to remark on there.


    Of course, this then brings up the idea of who would be insane enough to confess anything to an admittedly evil church like the Talosians...


    Also finished:

    Fighter/Monk/Barbarian stronghold, Mage Stronghold

  9. 1-17-04


    Nothing much to say other than that I think I've finished the Underdark/Ust Natha interjections.  This leaves Suldenesslar and stronghold interjections.


    If it doesn't seem like progress is being made, ask the playtesters, or such, for it is :D

  10. 1-14-04


    I was unable to create more of an avalanche of Interjections today.  Had to get a new ignition switch for my car, and tomorrow I go get it replaced.  Anyways, I did finish the Brynnlaw ones last night, and will get to work on the Asylum, and the Underdark (Ust Natha) next.  That leaves Suldensslar, and the various Stronghold quest material as well.  


    Which will then leave, on the writing end, finishing lovetalks (I took a slight break from them), and a large quest that won't require the presence of Del.

  11. Okay, interjections for siding with Bodhi, or with the Shadow Thieves are done.  I really should know better than to say, "I will finish with all this stuff by such and such a date."


    Heh, that leaves Brynnlaw, Underdark, and Suldensslar, as well as stronghold quests, if pertinent.

  12. Jan 10


    I should finish all the Interjections today.  Yes, as Camdawg said, there are a lot done, but more to get through.  I need to finish whether you ally with the Shadow Thieves or Bodhi, Brynnlaw, Asylum, Underdark, Suldanesslar, as well as stronghold quests.


    However, unlike the last few days, I should have time today.  It seemed like I've been doing more stuff at home as it came up than when I was in school.


    And yes, Camdawg has been doing an awesome job :D

  13. Jan 05 - 2004


    Good thing I didn't resolve to finish interjections as my New Year's Resolution :D


    More seriously, all that is left for interjections is the Planar Sphere, Brynnlaw, Underdark, and possibly Suldanesslar.  Oh yes, the Limited Wish Quest (once I play through it and see if there is anything pertinent for Del to add).


    Yes, the Shark City is done as well :D

  14. Jan 3


    Nothing much new to report on my end.  I hope to finish regular interjections this weekend, then start back on lovetalks and work on the main story arc. (Yes, I have been using my break as a break, go figure ;-) ).


    After that, if my mind doesn't turn into protoplasmic goo, I will then see about what, if anything, to integrate Delainy into other existant NPC conversations.


    Tuesday, Cam?  I thought we agree to push it back till Friday until we could guarantee complete domination of Andorra...

  15. Dec 27


    Well, had a long, bad day so didn't really get anything Del related finished.


    On the other hand, if nothing arises, I hope to get the majority of interjections finished tomorrow.  I place that I'm roughly 60% done with interjections.  Still leaves Lovetalks, the Main Story Arc and interactions with various Werewolf/Wolfwere encounters

  16. Dec 24


    Happy Holidays all!


    I guess I have been lazy this month, at least with regards to lovetalks.  I finished a few interjections at least, including non-romance Tree of Life, Waking up in Abyss, and facing Irenicus for the final time.

  17. Dec 19


    Well, I had connecting problems all day, and was busy otherwise.


    So, all I got down as another dialogue, wrote up Del's Character Kit description, and came up with a new Tired dialogue line.

  18. Dec 18


    Nothing to report on my front.  Been going through finals, and too irritated with some other stuff to really write.  I hope to get back on the wagon after the next day or so.

  19. Dec - 15


    Nothing much to report.  I need to do a little more work on Lovetalk 3, 75% done on Lovetalk 4.


    I am taking it a bit easy as finals are this week...further details to come later.


    In addition to other matters, I must write up the basic description of Del's kit.

  20. Bri is working through the romance track--what is this about editors expressing disapproval?


    Heh, this was said tongue-in-cheek Camdawg...hence the " ;-) "


    But yes, what Rob's artist has done is great as well.  I should have mentioned him myself

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