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Posts posted by Bri

  1. I hope to finish the writing for the story arc this weekend, the restaurant sometime this coming week, and then the flirts. The writing will be done...depending on how much voice work goes into it...well, let's just say we don't have a date firmly in mind. Sorry.

  2. September 13, 2004


    More firewall problems with my computer. At least it isn't any sort of virus on my computer, or what have you at the moment, but it is very frustrating. Searching definitely made me realize how much little choice there is in the way of Firewall and Antivirus. One thing I did learn was never trust Computer Associates ezArmor...they don't give a refund if you bought their damn product retail.


    And it's starting to sound like a refrain, but I still have the same three bits to do: Restaurant, Story Arc, and Flirts. If nothing else, I will get it done at home, and load it up at school until matters are resolved. All I know is that this is getting old fast.

  3. And so another school year looms on the horizon, so perhaps Bri will be able to get more done, or not. I know how intruding RL can be at times. Indeed, my last few weekends have been entirely sacrificed for my new girlfriend. :)


    In the interest of making time pass faster, and thus 'speeding up' Delainy's release, I'm playing a new game of BG1, after a loooong hiatus. This way I'll get to visit her once again on the secluded isle and rekindle the love that existed once before. Weeee.


    I wish you many creative moments Bri, and you many moments of coding genius Cam. Since the time I have left for gaming is reduced, perhaps I'll say farewell to BG1 Delainy in time to meet BG2 Delainy. :)


    BTW, I hope you get your computer troubles sorted out Bri, and that you have hardcopies of your work so far. It'd be a shame to lose any of your hard work on this mod, or on anything else.

    Well, good luck with your girlfriend. Yeah, I can see how she would take top priority. Maybe name a character after her on BG II ;-)


    Well, it doesn't look like my computer problems are getting solved anytime soon. I am about 95% certain I'm just going to get a new computer...and I definitely learned not to go retail ala Circuit City or Best Buy.


    However, I hope to finish her writing up by the end of Sept. That means we still need to do voicing and music (after editing...and I haven't quite decide on music yet).

  4. August 23, 2004


    Well, what to talk about. School has started, and believe it or not, I finally have some time to focus on this.


    It is safe to say that there are 20 core lovetalks (technically 21, but 2 are alternate dialogues) in the path now, though a fair number of floating ones as well.


    Not a whole lot to report, except we are now implementing an 'Indifference Meter'. Some of the responses allow the PC to bypass them dialogue without a fight, but it doesn't end the romance, while others allow the PC to be diffident in conversation. Too much of these can also spell the end of the romance, though.


    Also, we are revamping the Belladonna idea. Delainy will still have it, and it will still have a role in the romance, but we decided not to have it become another magical item.

  5. August 17, 2004


    I believe the final corelovetalk is finished.


    This leaves Flirts, Restaurant, and MainyStory Arc.


    Also needs to be done is Voicing and Theme Music.

  6. August 14, 2004


    Wrote a new Haer Dalis' banter to put some variation in the way his banters turned out.


    Will start to work on the final lovetalks; still leaves flirts, restaurant, and main story arc.


    After writing is done, and such then we will go looking for a voice actress, and finalize music as well.


    Finally, do have my personal favorite picture for Del.


  7. Well, I don't care who takes the male Beta position, though I have a feeling BigRob took that role.


    As for me, I'm only interested in the Beta female to myself.


    As for the status? There isn't been much done.


    Maybe because I haven't got much writing done in the meantime between getting ready for school (starts up on the twenty-third) as well as attending to real life matters while my dad is still in the hospital.

  8. August 3, 2004


    Did a little updating of this thread by including new finished works.


    These include:


    Minsc and the Beanstalk by BevH


    Bad Guards: Soft Jobs by BobTokyo


    A Hatchling by Domi


    Luck Be A Lady by Domi


    Naughty Bits: Part Deux by UUF.


    If I forgot a story, or made a mistake, don't hesitate to PM me and I will correct it.

  9. No real news to speak of at this moment, but I'm working on one of the final two lovetalks as I type this.


    And yes, it would be irritating to the voice actor/actress to have things changed around on them Alaya, hence the wait.

  10. Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence. And my writing does tend to come in spates.


    As it is, I am gearing up to finish up the majority of the romance oriented writing this month (which includes the restaurent, last few lovetalks, etc.)


    We are waiting on getting a voice for Del because we want to make sure what is written is what we desire to keep.

  11. July 25, 2004


    Nothing much to report, but I did get two banters done for Throne of Bhaal yesterday. I still have material for Shadows of Amn to finish, of course, but when inspiration strikes...anyways, I hope to get at least a guaranteed 2 banters per NPC done in ToB (as it is less than half the amount of time to complete than SoA there is less call to write). I also hope to get some banters with Del and some of the other NPCs where they comment on her relationship with the Bhaalspawn (if pertinent, of course). One of the two was with Jaheira...working on a Viconia and Edwin now.

  12. Actually there is probably more words than that, but let's just say it is a lot. And I can guarantee there is more to Del if you prefer that than Jaheira. 76 NPC banters (guaranteed 4 per NPC, some with more).


    And yes, I'm part of the 56K bandwagon myself. That means for larger downloads I tend to do at school.


    On another note, assuming nothing else goes wrong, I will start back to working on Delainy.

  13. No the reason with the class lovetalks being cut was my decision to speed up the final bits of writing, and not really anything to do with coding. And silly me, I thought July would be more conducive to giving me time to wrap up.


    As it is now, almost everything else talked about will definitely be in the module. I am not kidding when I say Delainy has a lot of material. Any of the playtesters can attest to that. Camdawg has been more than gracious to code it into the module as it is.

  14. July 11, 2004


    Change in plans.


    First to answer Kain. For the moment, we are good for playtesters. Such questions actually are better addressed in the main thread.


    As of this moment, the music isn't set in stone though there are a few pieces in mind. There is no voicing as such, but we do plan on a full soundset, and hopefully full voicing in the end.


    As for music and voicing as a separate download, I don't think we considered that.


    Now, onto something else. The PC class lovetalks are being cut entirely. There is more than enough content in Delainy we don't have to include them Also by doing this, that means there really is only one lovetalk for me to write. I apologize, but on the other hand, often there is something cut from modules.


    (and please note, writing doesn't mean coding)

  15. July 6, 2004


    There is still a lot to do (such as editing, tweaking, etc.), but the good news is that there are only 5 new lovetalks left to write for.


    Made the decision not to do an individual lovetalk for each specific class. However, there is still more than enough material to go around.

  16. July 1, 2004


    Tentatively got some writing done for romance influenced Tree of Life, Phaere, Waking up in Hell, and Confront Irenicus.


    Also, going back and tweaking some aspects of past lovetalks in writing due to an excellent suggestion by Camdawg.


    By and large, the majority of writing is done.

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