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Posts posted by Bri

  1. I've been waiting for this one for some time now but I also think it would be better to release it with ToB. We'll wait. Half measures avail us naught.

    I know, and truth be known, I want this released as well...if nothing else so I can also work on Durlyle.


    Some good news is that all I have to do is some editing on Tashia's lovetalks (the ones I had written), and the writing aspect of her is done, and I can refocus on Del.

  2. That would be very welcome.  I hate playing a mod that is only half-done and doesn't include material to the end of the game.  ToB isn't the best ending, but it is the only one the game currently has, and not having content for it makes the mod feel unfinished.

    *nods* ToB isn't what I would have made either, that is for sure. On the plus side, writing for it won't be nowhere near as long to write for either.


    Hell, some of the lovetalks are fairly obligatory...the fall of Saradush, the defeat of the last test, the Master Wraith...


    And I still need to finalize a music choice for her :D

  3. Glad to see that this project is still alive. I haven't seriously visited this forum for a long while now, as I've been distracted by other things. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for this mod, as I value quality over mediocrity. Now, back to DKII.


    I admit, there hasn't been much reason to check lately. I've been down with a cold, so my work on Tashia has been pushed back...but I still will try to finish her this month, and focus on Del.


    As things stand, I may also just go ahead and write up the ToB material for Del, and depending on what happens, release both at the same time.

  4. My turn to nag, methinks.  Good-natured nagging, mind. :p 


    So... how's the mod going?  :p 


    I think I was testing at one stage, but that old computer died, and I don't see any new d/l link, so I can't do any more to help like I once offered. *sigh*

    Thanks for the continued interest, and yes, I hope in the nearby future we will get back on track.


    As far as that goes, there really isn't that much more new material to write for Tashia. Just a few NPC banters...everything else is in editing and revision.

  5. However, I find it frustrating that you're putting your energies into an *old* project. Tashia is a nice mod but I finished playing her in May of 2003 and that was version 2.0, well after the original release. There are probably some folks who have not played Tashia yet, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that the demand for Del is many magnitudes higher. The barbarians are not raging at the gates looking for Tashia updates but for Del. That's why you occasionally get these polite pokes even though it's obvious what you're working on right now. I might be the only one willing to say it.


    Now, I have no right to whine, since we're getting all of this for free. However, as someone who very much wants to play Del, I can't help but speak up about it. This is just my way of saying you've got a lot of folks who want to play Del, even if I sound harsh. I'd never tell you where to put your energies, I just wanted to add some perspective as to where I think things stand.


    Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet,

    Do I think it sounds harsh? No, I don't. I know it can be irritating waiting on a module (heck, I fall into that category myself), and I would agree that there is a greater demand for Delainy. And we will get things squared away, that much I promise.


    But, as it was that I wasn't doing much, and I had made a committment to Tashia that actually preceded Del...well, to at least keep writing, that's why I asked someone (Lord Ernie) to help with Tashia.

  6. August 7, 2005


    Not that this is a big shocker, but someone volunteered to code up the Tashia material. After looking through it and what not, one thing I do wish to do is add to the Tashia NPC banters so I will be working on that for the next few weeks. As Cam is already on vacation, this won't exactly stifle Del, but just thought I should mention it.

  7. Like I said in my other post...take your time.  Can't rush things like this, especially when they are so important.  This mod will complete the BG series for me...so I've been saving my next play through for this mod.  I've been through the game probably close to 100 times now, though...but I'm dying to play through again.  But I promised my self I wouldn't touch it until this mod was finished.  Thank you for making this mod.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Well, Cam is on vacation for the moment, but as I mentioned above, after Tashia, I definitely will get around to wrapping up writing for Del.

  8. I"m glad to hear that progress is continuing, ableit glacially.  I've made a promise with myself to do another run through of BG2 once Delainy comes out, and hopefully there will be several other high quality newish mods out by then.  I'm also praying for more cross mod banter and communication since I'd love to take a party full of mod characters, but if I do that I might as well install the TDD NPC pack.

    Well, once the core part of Delainy is done, I certainly would like to include her in the cross-mod banter pack (as well as one of the other initial ideas, like the restaurant sequence on the plaza).


    For the moment I will be focusing in on upgrading Tashia...which means collating riddles today, and making new NPC banters (the other core writing is done)...so hopefully, we will have something new to share that way, and I can honestly say some of the work I helped put in on a mod is now done.

  9. So you're saying that you're writing stuff as it comes up is bad news? I'd say kick the proverbial muse, and write as you please.

    By and large, it isn't the muse that is lacking. Outside of the occasional day, most times when something isn't written, it can be put down to laziness or what have you.


    Anyways, the main reason I put off writing for other things was that I wanted to focus on Del so that it wouldn't fall by the way side. How many instances can one think of (just on the modding front) where people get involved in numerous projects...and rather than have one finished item, they have a large variety of partially completed ones?


    So either way, I'm just going to go ahead and write (whether Del or not) because it is like any other skill...if one doesn't practice it, it grows flabby and weak.

  10. July 6, 2005


    Well, 2 more months and it will officially be 2 years in development. I wish I could say we had a lot more progress done, but June basically was a wash from a writing standpoint.


    I did get some material written for ToB though, as well as collating some songs and poems for it, although it won't be nowhere near as packed as SoA.


    On another note, I did get some riddles compiled for Tashia for SoA. Except for maybe guaranteeing 2 npc banters per npc (both in SoA and ToB), the actual lovetalks are written for Tashia. And the only reason it is mentioned here is that rather than stay at loose ends, I will get back to writing whatever comes up...which will cut into Del writing time.


    Hope to have better news in the future...

  11. June 7, 2005


    Well, I actually have some real news. I know, I didn't even keep my promise to start the first of June. Anyways, half of the conflicts on Del's romance tracks are written. I will wrap up them up tomorrow, and then work on Flirts. As far as content, that will be the absolute necessity (as well as music for Del). However, it is progress.

  12. April 30, 2005


    Just a heads up that progress is still being made, but slowly. Finals are coming up in 2 weeks, and I've been spending that time studying for them (after dad died, I took sometime off from school, but went back...and this is playing catch-up on studying so that I don't fail).

  13. April 23, 2005


    Finished writing second Banter Conflicts. Depending on what we decide, this would flare after the first conflict, and allow another chance to end a romance semi-peacefully.


    For conflicts, that just leaves commentary by the BioWare 3 on Del's tracks.

  14. Congrats on the progress Bri. I don't post much here, but I always check for updates.


    Was on my way to meet the original Delainy again, but got sidetracked with bugfixing.


    Hope you get your video card whipped into shape. I had similar issues a few months ago and ended up going back to the tried and true, at least until I can upgrade my core hardware.

    Well, I did go to a party this weekend, so I didn't finish what I anticipated should be done, but I will easily finish the writing by Tuesday-Wednesday.


    This will mean flirts will really need to be finished...and the restaurant aside if I can work it in (much like the PC class lovetalks, actually) . However, the restaurant may be pushed aside...which means from a writing standpoint, other than some really severe editing of the lovetalks to remove extraneous material, Del would just need voicing and music...


    But, things seem to be working fine now with the video card...no problems in the last 2 days, nor today. *knock on wood*

  15. April 15, 2005


    Yes, a real update with substance. Okay, there is going to be a slight change in place for the romance conflicts. There will be some that emulate the BioWare ones, but there will also be a dialogue or two before that which will also segue into it better (I always thought Jaheira's and Aerie's responses really were a bit out of character).


    So, the Del conflicts on the Aerie, Viconia, and Jaheira track.


    On another note, I've been having some computer troubles with a graphics card upgrade I had over the past couple days. So far, things seem to be working...if it goes wonky, though, then I will go back to the old card I have.

  16. April 9, 2005


    I have finished a few flirts, nothing major, but I'm now going to focus on Delainy. I would do more, but they are expecting heavy snowfall where I live, so I've been making sure things where I live are secure, and whatnot. As a result, I will start in ernest Monday, and hope to show something new Tuesday.


    Not that you haven't seen it before, but this is what I intend to do:


    1: Flirts

    2: Conflicts with the BioWare 3 (just romance conflicts)

    3: Restaurant Aside


    Tentatively, I will also write up Class Lovetalks, but that will be after I get the above done. And they may be included in Throne of Bhaal.


    I will also make a decision on music. After plans are done, we hope to get her voiced.


    Sorry for all delays, and such. And yes, I'm getting tired of me saying I will do something, and not getting it done.

  17. This is just something that happened to slip through the cracks. One of the jokes was one of Boo's subquests was that he was going to get a wererat rival. Upon defeating said rival, Boo could gain these items...


    Gloves of Mickey


    Snug, white gloves that magically fit the size of the wearer from the most massive ham-fisted ogre to the daintiest halfling, this item was originally created for a wererat with a peculiar fondness for children. When used, it summons a horde of mewling kids capable of taking down even the strongest of opponents.


    Special Effects:


    Summons swarm of rugrats, 1 time per day (for those who don't know the slang, rugrat is another term for child)

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