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Everything posted by Marvin

  1. One small things I'm noticing just now : I'm planning to recruit Keldorn, and according to the description he is a Paladin of Torm. But I don't see any kit of Torn in the Paladin section. Any suggestion?
  2. Hi Guys, I agreed with all above, but I don't think it wouls means so much work to make more tiers. Anyway, it would greatly enhance the experience to have proper placing for the items. One new example I have, a mage was unable to move because he had a full plate in his inventory, and a strength set at 9...
  3. Hi, I my last game, Web was in the "creation" sphere, and my Priest of Tyr add access to it as a 3rd lvl spell.
  4. Hi guys, I noticed something ; the Hivekeeper doesn't have access to the web spell, which she should logically have.
  5. Hi guys, First of all, I want to pay a tribute to the work of Wisp, for this mod is very important according to me, especially as I went through the game dozens of times. It helps renew the experience. Good job ! As this topic is about suggestions, please allow me to give mine. According to me, the main issue I meet with this mod is the randomisation sometimes (ofter...) give items to monster or NPC which cannot use them. Example : I lately played BG1 here are the disappointing randomisations ; - Archmage robe on the Gnoll in Tazok's tent. - Ring of Holiness on a mage - Gauntlet of ogre strength were in Ramizath's inventory ; a mage - Full plate mail +1 on a mage - Ring of arcade on Drazik (fighter) - The best swordsman of the sword coast (forgot his name) fought with a flail +1... This is just a sample of the weird repartition of the items I noticed. My suggestion is that there should be a list of items reserved for fighters, mages, priests etc... and randomise them among the creature / NPC who actually can use them. I don't know how much work it represent, but for me this this is the main limitation I see in this mod.
  6. What I mean is that the spheres FnP uses are not the same used by DR. Example : The Holy Strategist of DR has Major access to charm, combat, divination, guardian, healing, law, protection and war spheres. Among those, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing and law are not there in FnP sphere system (according to the first post of this same discussion). How do you deal that issue?
  7. Hi, Speaking about the DR remix kits, how does the FnP sphere system applies to them?
  8. As you said, this spell (battering ram) is powerful in small levels, then loses its interest. My bad...
  9. Strangely enough, in a fresh install with only FnP, I can select Druid with any race... Sounds good to me. One advise if I may, is to specify in the kit description what are the weapons and armors usage for each... Sounds good as well... In my game, I met Faldorn, she is a base druid. Not planning to make her a shadow druid? What I mean is that I get 1 kit of "Cleric of Tempus" and 2 of "Priest of Tempus"... Great! This was the only drawback I found in DR, as it was not fully compatible with SpellRev... Therfore I had to skip DR... As you said, it is not that powerful per se, but along with the several small improvements you guys made in the druid class, like the access to longbow, early shapeshifting, access to many mage spells etc... I'm just afraid that it might lead to less balance in game comparing with other classes. See Khalid (Fighter in plate, with ring of protection and +1 AC from helmet) and Jaheira (Druid into wolf form). They both have 3400 xp ; They have same AC, almost same Damage range, almost same amount of HP, and Jaheira has a better Thac0... Of course, later on, as the levels increase, the Fighters will become better in combat, but in these levels (I would say 3rd to 5th), druid rocks!
  10. Hi Guys, I guess me previous message remained unattended, therefore I post it once again. Hope it might help. Moreover, I have a few more reviews to give after playing little bit : I played with Charname as a Figther/Priest of Tyr, and Jaheira as a single classe druid. To note as well that I play with SpellRev ans SCS which might alter my experience. -8- Druids have access from level 1 to a summon which seems to me to be seriously overpowered ; it could kill a couple of watchers in Candelkeep without been hurt... In addition, they have access from level 3 to metamorphoses into animals; in the case of the basic druid (forest), it is the ferret and the wolf. The ferret is super cool, because it moves super fast, and is invisible to enemies for a round, making it an outstanding scout (especially if the druid casts detection of traps beforehand). The wolf is also very interesting, with an AC of 0, a thaco of 16 (at level 3, 14 at level 4 ...), 5-11dmg and 3/2 attacks per round. So a druid with 3000xp (level 3) strikes as hard as a warrior of the same xp with 18/51 of strenght, with a bastard sword and in full plate ... If we add to that that the metamorphoses are unlimited, it's still a bit OP in my opinion. Finally, the Druids can now use the Long Bows, which adds if necessary, an additional advantage. Jaheira in my group (Charname, Minsc Imoen Khalid and Dynaheir) got 25% of the kills so long ; Only Minsc (barbarian) gets more. NB : One small bug I noticed : The shield bonus still applies in Animal form. -9- I think it is a misuse of both FnP and SpellRev, but Charname, as a priest of Tyr, have access from level one to an improved unlocking spell, since it opens the locked lockers (star sapphire for free at the Candelkeep inn ...), but can also be used on the enemies to deal 2d6 damages to them plus a round of unconsciousness (save to cancel) ... A little too much I guess Other than that, I have the equivalent from level one to a spell of Fetch into divine power, and one that removes fear, confusion etc ... and this, in innate faculty ... I guess it needs some balance here as well. All together, I think this mod is great, and at the same time, it slightly improved the classes especially druids. Of course less than most of the kits mods, for they almost are grosbill kits. -10- Last but not least question : How does the compatibility with SpellRev. Does the Sphere system of FnP just patches the spells modified by SpellRev or overwrite them? What about the Divine spells added by other mods? Are they going to be part of the sphere system? Thanks
  11. Hi guys, As many of us, I have been fully in love with Dynaheir from the first time I played her romance onwards. And after seeing how, in SOD, they massacred the job done by the fan community which created the BG1 NPC Project, I felt very bad. Therefore, if anybody has time, skill and vocation to make a SOD NPC Project, and in my case especially a continuation of Dynaheir Romance, I will make my day, even my year.
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