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Everything posted by K4thos

  1. Thanks, that's exactly what was needed. Tested and works. I see that I need to update my IESDP bookmark since the one hosted on G3 doesn't list this effect. It was added by patch 2.x I believe. I opened an issue on the IESDP repository suggesting a revised description for action 182: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/iesdp/issues/27 opcode 365 description can also mention that the effect is correctly recognised by UnselectableVariableGT(0) trigger - just tested.
  2. Thanks, that's exactly what was needed. Tested and works. I see that I need to update my IESDP bookmark since the one hosted on G3 doesn't list this effect. It was added by patch 2.x I believe. The problem will be fixed in the next version. In case someone looking for solving similar issue will find this topic by searching the board I've attached 2 spells here that can be used to replicate MakeUnselectable functionality in BG2:EE to work like in BG:EE (second spell is used to remove the effect). Roxanne, MakeUnselectable action in BG2:EE works exactly the same as in ToB engine. It's the BG:EE engine that has been tweaked to work differently. Opcode365SpellApply&Remove.zip
  3. ok, now the weired part - there is in fact engine difference when it comes to MakeUnselectable action. After changing engine_mode from 1 (BG2:EE) to 0 (BG:EE) in engine.lua local scripts are processed normally after MakeUnselectable is used in EET. Also tested it on vanilla BG:EE - same behaviour there too. Which means we will need to change the code in EET for this event since there is no chance that Beamdog will change this part when it already works in BG:EE. Not yet sure what workaround will be used. Is there any other similar action that doesn't allow player to control NPC without kicking them from the party? Or maybe similar fight occurs somewhere in BG2 between party members, so we could use that code? As for your problem, eXistenZe, for now just save and re-load the game - this way the game will once again start processing Dorn's local script and the fight will occur.
  4. Is this quote from EE? (I can't keep up) it's vanilla BG:EE content (added by Beamdog) tested and I've managed to reproduce the problem in my game. Seems to be vanilla BG:EE bug caused by this code triggered by "A coward AND a man? Come, draw your blade!" dialogue state: SetGlobal("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) ActionOverride("DORN",MakeUnselectable(1000)) MakeUnselectable(1000) According to IESDP MakeUnselectable causes NPC to stop processing local scripts, so nothing mentioned in this post actually triggers since that script is not working. And this is in fact the case in BG2:EE. I don't see it reported on Beamdog Redmine yet, so it should be also tested in vanilla BG:EE just in case there are engine differences when it comes to this action.
  5. above dialogue sets DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT variable to 2 and than the fight AI is triggered by this block in DORN_.BCS IF Global("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",AttackOneRound("DORN")) AttackOneRound("SHARTEEL") END And than the fight is stopped by this code: IF Dead("DORN") Global("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 ApplySpell("DORN",CLERIC_RAISE_DEAD) // SPPR504.SPL (Raise Dead) SetGlobal("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",3) ClearActions(Myself) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",ClearActions("SHARTEEL")) MakeUnselectable(0) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",MakeUnselectable(0)) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END IF Dead("SHARTEEL") Global("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 ApplySpell("SHARTEEL",CLERIC_RAISE_DEAD) // SPPR504.SPL (Raise Dead) SetGlobal("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",4) ClearActions(Myself) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",ClearActions("SHARTEEL")) MakeUnselectable(0) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",MakeUnselectable(0)) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END IF Global("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) HPPercentLT("DORN",50) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",3) ClearActions(Myself) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",ClearActions("SHARTEEL")) MakeUnselectable(0) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",MakeUnselectable(0)) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END IF Global("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",2) HPPercentLT("SHARTEEL",50) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("DORN_SHARTEEL_FIGHT","GLOBAL",4) ClearActions(Myself) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",ClearActions("SHARTEEL")) MakeUnselectable(0) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",MakeUnselectable(0)) ActionOverride("SHARTEEL",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END So theoretically everything should work in vanilla EET, although I haven't tested it in-game. I will check it out with your save.
  6. Nothing changes here so refer to the TDDz readme. I don't think the mod requires fixes from BWFixpack considering the mod itself is hosted on BiGWorldProject Github.
  7. EDIT After some other CtDs I found the culprit. It was an item in Player1 inventory PWWood4. After removing it, no further problems. (The item is from the Wedges mod (Wedges BGT Adventure Pack ) - this mod has already caused CtDs for me in Beregost from the script of the singing girl. The mod is work-in-progress and should be used with caution, maybe the issue are german symbols/umlauts used by the mod?). Wedges BGT Adventure Pack has been removed from compatibility list since it's an early alpha. Thanks for report. I will look into it. save/ directory is not needed though, so not sure what's up --------- EET 1.0 RC7.2 is up on Github but again no point in re-installing if someone already has RC7 - no major bug fixes. - fixed SAVENAME.2DA (there is a fix posted earlier in this board) - BG1 Dreams no longer triggers if game is started in SoD, SoA, ToB - EET_end now supports merging when files uses "!" character (LEXAR weidu ERROR) - expanded EET_NPC_TRANSITION function to support NPCs joinable only in ToB (related to compatibility with Saradas_Magic_2)
  8. Please upload save file right before that dialogue occured. Also I need to know exactly which dialogue showed up, so in future please make a screenshot in such situation or write first few words of the dialogue.
  9. Drizzt Saga animation overwriting is fixed during EET installation if that mod has been installed on BG:EE. No idea about other report. Fixed, thanks. The intention here is to optionally allow summoning NPCs by default if the game has been started in ToB - that is what default_ToB is used for in this function. If you started in BG1/SoD/SoA and never got the NPC to join the party than such NPC won't even show up on the Fate Spirit list. This is intended feature. Same is true even for vanilla NPCs. So no, there is no such option to summon NPCs in ToB that you didn't travel with at some point. This would require custom code. This block is vanilla code. But such blocks should be automatically added if default_ToB = 1, so you found a bug there. New cre_ToB STR_VAR has been added to the function. It indeed seems to be unfinished EE conversion (it's even mentioned in the name - vAlpha 0.4). And White Agnus is missing in action, so I will remove it from compatibility list for now. Looks like weidu don't like "!" at the beginning of the state number when not enclosed with either ~~ or "". Fixed on GitHub. No problems if one of the files is empty. As for the Saradas Magic 2 I had to expand EET_NPC_TRANSITION function to support NPCs with only ToB content (not joinable during SoA). New value has been added to 'type' STR_VAR and usage is explained in updated Modder's Notes. Compatibility patch for this mod is attached to this post. This one was a little tricky due to different DV used in SoA (where NPC is not joinable, and have 2 different CRE files with different DVs) and ToB, so it needed some additional code on top of pre-made function to mark character as death and disable 2 different CRE files in SoA after ToB has been started. Saradas_Magic_2_EET_patch.zip
  10. As mentioned above Near Infinity or weidu decompiles BG2 / BG2:EE scripts using duped BG1 IDS names instead of WIZARD_SUMMON_PLANATAR_EVIL and WIZARD_COMET. Which means there may be mods (like Ascension) with BERESH_CHANGE and KAISHAS_CHANGE IDS names used in BAF / D files, even though they are meant to refer BG2 spells. In such case if we assign BG1 IDS names to new slot than such BG2 mods will compile wrong spells. Beamdog already created non-IDS versions of these 2 spells in vanilla BG:EE, so there is no point at all in renaming SPL files for new IDS slots (only in this case of course - new spells added by mods and IDS names adjusting is handled automatically during installation).
  11. BERESH_CHANGE and KAISHAS_CHANGE in BG2 are leftover IDS entries from BG1. When BG2 scripts use them they are really referring to WIZARD_SUMMON_PLANATAR_EVIL and WIZARD_COMET. Vanilla BG:EE added spells named OHWI924.SPL and OHWI925.SPL that are not referenced via IDS names, so EET uses them instead for BERESH_CHANGE and KAISHAS_CHANGE that are no longer pointing to correct spells (which is the case in all BG2 games including BGT). In order to find possible compatibility issues with mods EET completely removed both BERESH_CHANGE and KAISHAS_CHANGE from IDS file since these are useless duped entries. Such warnings were meant to be printed when BG1 mod tries to refer these spell via IDS names, but it looks like some BG2 mods use these names instead of correct BG2 equivalents (probably because either Near Infinity or weidu decompiles them using duped BG1 IDS names). In next version probably both of them will be kept in IDS file since it doesn't really change anything and may intronduce problem like this one. For now you can download Ascension with changed KAISHAS_CHANGE to WIZARD_COMET here. (using 'Clone or Download' button instead of 'releases')
  12. double period in windows path (..) means "Parent Directory" (1 directory above current one). If no other default path is found the installer checks Parent Directory/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition and Parent Directory/00806 The message prints exactly what is storred in bgee_dir variable that is used during whole installation. alternate GUI can now be installed via setup-EET_gui - it will be created after installing main component.
  13. not supported and won't be supported considering authors are not interested in it. Patch posted in that topic is no longer valid - mod received several updates since than.
  14. nevermind, if adding Explore() fixes the issue than the problem is caused by this: IF OnCreation() THEN RESPONSE #100 END this change is made by tweak code: ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%file%.bcs~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%file%.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~[ %TAB%]Explore()~ ~ ~ END BUT_ONLY END it's unrelated to EET and the same thing would happen on vanilla BG:EE. This should be reported in Tweaks Anthology topic linking to this post.
  15. Sounds like some mod is meesing up with Teth variable. Use this weidu code and upload whole 'Teth/upload' directory BEGIN ~Teth~ MKDIR ~Teth/upload~ ACTION_FOR_EACH ext IN dlg bcs BEGIN COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~.+\.%ext%~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN COUNT_REGEXP_INSTANCES ~"Teth"~ num_matches PATCH_IF (num_matches > 0) BEGIN DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY files BEGIN ~%SOURCE_FILE%~ => dummy END END END BUT_ONLY END ACTION_PHP_EACH files AS file => dummy BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%file%~ ~Teth/upload~ PATCH_IF ~%SOURCE_EXT%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~bcs~ BEGIN DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF END ELSE BEGIN DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D END END
  16. It's already fixed in RC7.1, take a look at the changelog. AMNISH3.BCS, BRILLA.BCS, FERGUS.BCS, GATEWARD.BCS, LEAVECH7.BCS, POGHMA8.BCS, TETHTORL.BCS are now imported from BG1, so no longer affected by the BG2 chapter adjustment function. fixed internally, thanks. edit: RC7.1 changes to above mentioned scripts have been attached to this post. Simply copy these files to Override. RC7.1Override.7z
  17. already answered before. White Agnus is currently missing in action, so the mod is not updated with PVRZ files. And Beamdog will probably fix the problem at some point since it's an engine issue that affects tons of mods. It's not related to EET.
  18. imported code from BG2:EE GUI to fix it. Thanks for report. 1. Additional question during installation seems excessive to me (the less confusing the installation is the better, imo) but there is already an option to disable it via --args-list explained in the updated readme. Is this good enough? 2. Fixed, thanks ----- I've added 7.1 as a release now (some of these changes were in main branch before). No point in updating if someone has RC7 already insalled since there are no crucial bugfixes here. https://github.com/K4thos/EET/releases Version 1.0 Release Candidate 7.1 - Desktop shortcut created at the end of installation - EET directory now uses BGT icon (custom icon would be welcomed if someone is interested in making it) edit: this actually didn't make it because Github doesn't recognize custom folder icons. The icon itself is still used for shortcut though. - Fixed problem with BG:EE leftover scripts in BG2:EE chapter variable patching (AMNISH3.BCS, BRILLA.BCS, FERGUS.BCS, GATEWARD.BCS, LEAVECH7.BCS, POGHMA8.BCS, TETHTORL.BCS) - 'Alternative GUI (SoD)' component moved to external WeiDU mod (in order to not confuse user what required setup-EET_end is used for) - Updated readme file (there was some not up to date junk still mentioned there) - .git/config ignorecase = false (without it some images can't be previewed in HTML file) - prologue page visible in journal even after finishing it (previously chapter 1 replaced it) - EPILOGUE section added to SoD UI.MENU - full Spanish translation by Saemon (movies dubbing will be added when White Agnus show up)
  19. If it ain't broken, don't fix it That's intented behaviour. This way movies are more consistant with BG2:EE ones that still use vanilla BG2 movies. And on top of that movies are available with English, Polish, German, Spanish, French dubbing (all included in EET package) rather than just English and German. There will be an option to install back BG:EE movies via EET_Tweaks in future, though. Personally I think it's amazing that Beamdog still supports these games with new patches. Nothing shameful about that. They could have dropped the support on v1.3 which was quite good when it comes to BG2:EE and IWD:EE (and in such case EET wouldn't be even possible considering it is highly dependent on patch 2.x features). changelog is available on GitHub. Nothing that important, really. You can copy scripts mentioned in the log from BG:EE to BG2:EE if you like since that's the only bug fix. huh, subtledoctor reported something like this when installed on OSX. Not sure what's up, both BG2:EE and SoD GUI works for me. Anyone else with such problem? Did you install any other GUI related mods? -------- ALIEN, when it comes to BWS keep in mind that there is only 1 component in setup-EET_end.exe now. More information in updated readme file. The reason for this is not to confuse users what EET_end is for and it's also likely that separate GUIs won't be needed in future if GUI skins will be implemented in next patch.
  20. willardthor, let's see. First of all never continue installation if you encounter any error after installing some mod. As mentioned in first post: If BG:EE mods that claims to be compatible with BG:EE prints error than it means they are either not compatible with each other / require different installation order or are not yet compatible with patch 2.x. It's unrelated to EET since the error occurs on vanilla game, so in such case you should look for a solution directly from mod author (but first check the readme file and check out dedicated forum topics - maybe someone already reported such error before) that's not a correct install order which may be the reason why you encountered such errors. Again quote from the first post in this topic: I don't have such problem with latest winrar and 7zip. Try to update the program you use to extract files liekly caused by the errors encountered during BG:EE mods installation. Can't really check what exactly happen since you uploaded wrong file - it should have been setup-eet_core.debug Although as mentioned there is no point installing further if you encountered any errors on BG:EE. this is a mod for vanilla BG2. It's not compatible with Enhanced Edition games at all. In fact it would mess up the game if it can be installed (not sure if there are GAME_IS checks there) Quotes from the readme: In other words you can delete whole installation since there are too many mistakes to fix it I'd suggest waiting for Big Word Setup tool (if you're a windows user) to be updated to work with EET before trying it again (not sure when it will be available though). This way you will be able to select all mods that interest you from a list and the tool will download, fix known bugs and install them in correct order.
  21. fixed internally, thanks. That file was meant to be dialog.bak
  22. It will work. I just need to know where is the binary file used to start the game (relative path from within main game directory) and what is the name of it in OSX BG2:EE. Please look for it and post here. If there is some kind of shortcut for vanilla BG2:EE than it will point to the correct file (how else the game would be started?). sounds like UI.MENU is different between Windows and Mac builds of the game or maybe MAC version doesn't support M_ lua files loading. Please upload UI.MENU as well as UTIL.LUA from vanilla BG2:EE. so I can compare them.
  23. My advice would be to rethink the removal of the SCS patch... cause you are just sponsoring one type of install this way. What if people want to use other mods than the Spell Revision, and still use the SCS ? As this make the SCS REQUIRE the SR. True, I thought it worked fine on non-SR installation too. The patch for SCS v30 is attached to this post for now.
  24. No on both accounts... I didn't have the time to do it in such a manner, altough it could be possible I reckon. My main gripe against it is that I couldn't get the v30 option of using a custom library file to work, it should be very easy (a matter of adding one line) but it doesn't work. And I need that file. The code governing those is beyond my comprehension, and I don't even know where to start looking for the bug preventing this to work. This version installs and works the same as SCS. You can tweak it (i.e. dragon's HP, slowcast etc.) via ini file just like the original. I've just noticed this and that's a bummer. I think it's worth implementing it the way to work on both vanilla games and SR installations. What is the library file you've mentioned? More details where the problem lays and how you tried to implement it would be useful too. Maybe I will be able to help with fixing/changing it.
  25. removed patches for: - SCS - use revised version instead, - song and silence - compatibility added in v8.
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