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Posts posted by xiaoleiwen

  1. A) BGEE NPCs (with SOD)

    (From Sirene, a tiefling paladin of Ilmater NPC for BG:EE and SoD)

    Overall Experience: B
    Lore Friendly: B+

    Isra BG1
    (From Isra, earnest, engaging female paladin of Sune for BG:EE)

    Overall Experience: B
    Lore Friendly: A


      I decided to write both of them together here as IMO they have some similarities yet different. I also found thread asking and comparing both. They are paladin from different faiths, both non-romancable in BG1 but will be in BG2, and they are also similar in their reaction when facing the cruel and evil plot of Iron Throne.

    Both of them are very sweet, likeable and relatable. They have feeling and reaction like real people. However, sometime I feel that they spent too much time talking on similar topic of own worries, slightly more than what will happen in npc written by professionals. This especially happen more for Sirene, and I guess that’s why I saw some people said she is too whiny. 

    Generally, character wise I like Sirene more than Isra because some her main concern on heritage is actually very relatable to my neutral good charname, who is actually facing a similar and even more terrible fate than Sirene. 

    Isra is better in term of offering new lore, as she makes me understand more about Sune and another city in Amn, and Amn look bigger to me now. I love MOD that offer more lore from DND as in my opinion this is quite a weak point of vanilla NPC in BG series, BioWare didn’t offer more lore via companions like how they did in their newer games. 

    Both of them do not have own quest in BG1. Sirene has a minor quest in SOD which I found it heart warming as it is related to a small story she told me long time ago in BG1.

    Screenshots for Sirene




    Funny banters


    Screenshots for Isra



    (from Drake, a human priest of Tyr NPC for BG:EE and SoD)

    Overall Experience: B+
    Lore Friendly: A+


     Most people hate the annoying Anomen. However, I always consider Anomen is well written and implemented character. He is unique and not some typical boring priest. 

    And now we have another unorthodox cleric but is not annoying. I really like his personality. He is not as rigid as or keep talking about “blind” justice like some typical priest of Tyr (any justice god). I always welcome an experienced big bro who is sarcastic but humorous, always trying to make you drunk and have fun, but still has strong sense of justice and responsibility whenever it is needed. 

    I also like how he brought out more of the politic and depth of the council and Order of Radiant Heart in Amn. His quest is also great, using some knowledge from bg2 to introduce some lore of Amn into BG1 before BG2 is a good idea, as this made the event in Baldur’s Gate more connected to our future adventure.

    He is the only one NPC here that I really hope to have for my current BG2 playthrough as he is so connected to Athkatla and it will be cool to have a local big bro to introduce you to several places there (that is why we need so many taverns there!). Unfortunately his BG2 part is not available yet, and I will definitely bring him some day (after bg2 part is released).


     Screenshots for Drake




    Reaction that involved vanilla npc


    His quest has shop with cool items!


    (From Aura, a gnome artificer NPC for BG:EE + SoD)

    Overall Experience: A-
    Lore Friendly: A-


      Aura is full of surprise in every single thing.

    Most of the professionally written npc will only introduce lore from one place. I always feel like this is quite standard text book character design. Perhaps the authors don’t want to confuse the player with too many thing.

    However, Aura brings lore from two rarely mentioned places/cultures in DND games (Lantan and Kara-tur) and it is well implemented. Having a clever gnome from Lantan is very interesting. BG series have several quests or art on the map that are related to Lantan, but to be honest, after so many playthrough of vanilla BG, I still cannot remember this country name. After playing with Aura, I will never forget Lantan. 

    This is not only because of the lore from her talks, this is also due to the things she can do in the game. she is an artificer, she can create lot of cool scientific summon, traps, items which are so fun to play with. She can even modified some of the useless items in BG1 into something useful but not too powerful. 

    For example, in my 2020 playthrough, there was one npc gave me a +3 sword with grandmastery, resistance without item description when I was just started in Candlekeep, without any good purpose (gameplay wise and story wise), that is what I consider as bad design.

    As for Aura, after finishing a quite early vanilla quest, she will help you to modify an useless weapon into a cool +3 weapon with some restriction and penalty to use. +3 is definitely powerful in early game, but I still have to think how to use it properly due to the penalty and restriction. I even made some changes in my front liners setup so that Isra can use this +3 weapon better without worrying the potential harm it may cause. This is what I consider as a good design.

    As someone from Asia and love eastern culture, I really appreciate the lore of Kozakura from Aura. We can always see how the elven npc use elven tongue in their dialogues. However, I almost never see any “Japanese” npc like Tamoko or Yoshimo do that. It’s quite fun to see Aura uses some real Japanese words in her speech when she is astonished. Kozakura and Shou Lung culture are rarely touched in DND games. The way the author is adding some lore friendly real world stuffs into her talk is amazing. Something like the story of a frog in the well is nice and it even makes me wondering whether the author is Chinese or Japanese.

    Her quest story is more complicated and interesting at the same time. The assassination attempts and the bridge battle cutscene are pretty cool and also challenging.


    Screenshots for Aura



    Aura: I'm the godness of traps!

    New option for vanilla quest

    Funny banter


    Aura: Great inventor turns useless junk into cool stuff~


    (Vanilla NPC with MODs- BG1 NPC Project + Xan’s friendship path)

    Overall Experience: B+
    Lore Friendly: A-


    Xan is a vanilla NPC with unique personality and voice acting. It is another great example of how BG1 NPC mod successfully brings out more of the potential of an underdeveloped vanilla npc. In my opinion the writing level is the best among the 5 npcs I brought this time (almost same level as the original BG1). His personal quest is not as dramatic as Drake’s or Aura’s, and Sirene, Drake, Aura and Isra may interject more frequently than him, but his dialogues are the most hilarious as he is the only one that made me laugh. He is whiny and gloomy but he never stops surprising me in how he has unlimited ways of converting everything into his own doomed world.

    Unfortunately, I think his BG1 NPC contents and the Friendship mod are written by different authors. The npc-initiated talks from different mods seem to have different timers, so I always have the talk from friendship mod comes out immediately after the talk from BG1NPC mod. This has caused some inconsistencies in the topic that he brought out and can be confusing from a player point of view. This may also make me easily notice the difference in writing style as BG1NPC mod tends to use more big words for him compared to the friendship mod.


    Screenshots for Xan


    We are all doomed~

    Hilarious banters


    Beambod's NPCs (SOD part only):

    Corwin: B-


    Corwin has a lot of interjections (still fewer than Sirene, Drake, and Aura) and fully fit the story in SOD. However, her romance talks are so short and boring that I can’t believe it is written by professional...Romance from mod npc is actually much better..

    Baeloth: C+


    His appearance in BG1 and SOD is very fun actually. I also like his pretentious personality. I’m always anticipating what he will say, but...he is seriously lack of content. He is much more interesting than Corwin but he rarely interject. I don't even realize that he has any personal quest in SOD (correct me if I'm wrong). He is like not in the party most of the time. A wasted potential.


    (Vanilla NPC with MODs- BG1 NPC Project)

    Overall Experience: B
    Lore Friendly: A


    As a character with a lot of personal backstories in BG2, the MOD writing of Viconia in BG1 is like a double-edged sword- you have plenty of references on how to write her, but she can easily feel out of character if it is not written well. Fortunately, BG1 NPC MOD handled her quite well, as her dialogues in BG1 match the image created by Bioware in BG2. She may sound slightly different from BG2 occasionally, but it can be easily accepted considering she is still relatively new to the surface world at the time point of BG1 compared to BG2

    Unfortunately, her dialogues in BG1 can be quite restricted by BG2. Firstly, she does not have the friendship talks like some of the NPCs from BG1 NPC MOD, probably because those can only come in BG2. Consequently, the depth of her interaction with Charname in BG1 is quite limited. Sometimes I also feel that her reactions are too predictable compared to the BG1 NPCs that cannot join in BG2, probably because the author wants to stay safe in her writing to match her personality with the BG2 ones. Well, this is probably a good thing, considering I have frequently encountered Viconia saying something that does not sound like her in at least two different MODs.








    (from Glam's NPC Pack)

    Overall Experience: B
    Lore Friendly: B+


    I mentioned how I like the unorthodox good-alignment cleric Drake in my review for the previous play-through, and honestly, I didn’t expect to see another atypical cleric so soon. We have an evil cleric of Talos this time, who does not chant fervently on how mighty his god is or how should we bring destruction to the sword coast in a hilarious way such as something can be expected from the evil characters from the BG series. I was quite surprised with his first impression, as he is like a gentleman who spoke so seriously regarding the benefit of believing in an evil god, and when the CHARNAME questioned him on why he does not act like a common priest of Talos, he said “you can’t preach in that way”, which I found it quite realistic and amusing. He always speaks in good manners but you will still be able to feel the wickedness of a believer of evil deity deep inside his mind. The way the author presented his chaotic evil personality is very unusual.

    Having Dave in the party also provided me an opportunity to realize a natural thing that we always forget in a game like BG- evil NPCs also have a normal life, friends, and relationship. His personal quest involves a hidden church of the priests of Talos (the worship of Talos was widely outlawed) that introduced many NPCs, and it is quite interesting to see how they have a normal life and act like ordinary people when they are in their community. This personal quest is quite fun and fits in the vanilla game quite seamlessly. The author even makes certain vanilla NPC and items related to this quest which enhanced this experience. This was the first NPC personal quest that I finished from Glam’s NPCs MOD and I honestly think that this MOD is a great option if you just want MODs that add good quests.

    I like his character and personal quest, but generally, I also feel that his interjections are not as fun as those from Flara and Vynd.









    Mod that gives you cat is always a good mod



    (from Glam's NPC Pack)

    Overall Experience: B+
    Lore Friendly: A


    Flara is a hidden gem in Glam’s NPC MOD. We always heard how good is Vynd whenever someone mentioned Glam’s NPC MOD. We even have a separate version of Vynd MOD if I remember correctly and some will use that because they don't want the others. Hence, I have no high expectations when I met her. However, she piqued my curiosity from the first moment and I even consider her as someone with a character design and personal quest that rivals the quality of a professionally written one. I'm sure this review contains a heavy spoiler if I want to share my opinions on her.

    What could be more interesting than the first appearance of a fiery red-haired woman quarreling with the bartender, just because she thinks it is disrespectful to the mighty dragon species when humans use Belching Dragon as the name of a tavern? It turned up more amusing when this lady claims that she is a dragon. 

    However, I think most players won’t believe that especially seeing her class as Dragon Disciple. We may think she probably just mess up her mind when her draconic heritage started to show its influence. The dialogues regarding how her draconic features and powers become more obvious also match with what we know about Dragon Disciple. Her friendship talks and banters with the other NPC are full of options to tease her for not being a real dragon and she has a mental disorder. The author even wrote a personal quest to show that she is a normal human with family members who are worried for her. Everything was skillfully written to mislead the player and this gets so interesting when the story twists and reveals the truth- she is indeed a dragon. Her backstory and quest displayed a very good story-telling technique, which is why I rated her so highly.

    She also has funny interactions with Vynd so it is worth bringing them together. I laughed when Vynd is pretending to be a mind flayer in human disguise just to make fun of her. 

    However, her dialogues and interjections have reduced after reaching the Baldur's Gate city. I have expected more talks from her, especially she started to develop a friendship with PC that seems to boggle her mind. The author probably wants to write this in-depth in BG2.

    She is also one of the two NPC (the other one is Aura) that I will seriously consider starting a BG2 play-through anytime just to see their contents when their BG2 NPC MODs are released. We kill dragons like kobolds in BG2, I truly want to see how she reacts with all of our beloved dragons in BG2.











    (from Glam's NPC Pack)

    Overall Experience: B-
    Lore Friendly: B


    Vynd is probably the most well-known NPC from Glam’s NPC MOD. There are reviews from people who like him, and you rarely see the reviews for the remaining four. Hence, I expected him to be the best of the three Glam’s NPC I took this time. However, he didn’t live up to my expectation. He seems slightly lack content in the early game (but has more before the end game), and he does not have a personal quest, which I’m quite disappointed considering how I like the quests for Flara and Dave.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy having him in the party. He has some funny jokes in the banters and interjections. I enjoy seeing him teasing some vanilla NPC and Flara. However, I feel that he slightly lacks depth compared to the others. Perhaps he is like Viconia in BG1 NPC MOD, he looks like still does not open up to the PC, probably due to the plan of writing the backstory in BG2

    He also has many interjections and banters that are on the brink of fourth-wall breaking. He always said something that “player may complain” or something “only player may notice”. Some dialogues are probably trying to show his wit, and I believe there must be someone who likes this because it is quite amusing sometimes, but there are some moments I feel that he cannot be someone from this universe. Dave has a similar problem actually but is better than Vynd.



    His interactions with Viconia






    I don't think your name is a good example in real life (talking)



    (Vanilla NPC with MODs- BG1 NPC Project + Ajantis BG1 Expansion)

    Overall Experience: B+
    Lore Friendly: A+


    If I choose the MOD NPC based on reviews available online, I would probably take him in the year 2030. Almost everyone says he is boring. He is indeed boring compared to all vanilla NPCs with a more comical personality. After all, who can be duller than a typical righteous-yelling human paladin? The only reason I choose him for this run is that I suddenly need someone who is perfectly ordinary to balance up the personality in my party. 

    It could be difficult to write a vanilla NPC without a catchy personality. He acts predictably most of the time, fully fits the role of the typical good guy when dealing with the villains in BG1. I know this sounds boring, but in fact, it is quite fun to have him in the group. Firstly, you will always need an ordinary good guy to be "bullied" or teased by the other unusual companions. Theirs banters with him are quite entertaining. Additionally, the dialogue options available, especially in the romance path, are full of interesting options that are too tempting to see the consequence, and his reactions from those options are not disappointing. You can see the author spent a lot of effort here to make the conversation with an ordinary guy enjoyable. I fully enjoy role-playing as a lawful neutral smart sorceress who likes to tease an innocent young man. I can almost imagine the smug look off my protagonist's face seeing how Ajantis's reactions were swayed by her words.

    There are moments when I thought his reactions are weird and uncertain whether it is due to poor writing. However, the well-written dialogues options and his reactions followed by your choice have shown that it was intentional. The author is trying to portray him as a pure and inexperienced young man that will even show some natural selfish reaction to unexpected situations. You may interact with him in a more dramatic way if you feel that his reaction is unfair, and he will still show appropriate reactions to your reasonable complaints. I have seen some other romances that you will be forced to accept everything your love wants with no room for negotiation. Ajantis is a Lawful Good paladin squire, so there must be some restriction in your choice to get along with him. I appreciate the dialogue interactions to make the process of reaching a compromise more natural.

    I would also like to mention that there are many games that you may play with a female PC and there are romances available. However, I often feel like my PC is talking like a female character written by a male author. I have good experience with Ajantis romance as I can feel that my CHARNAME is reacting like a woman without being too girlish like what you may see in some MOD works.

    I also didn’t expect I will like Ajantis more than Isra and Sirene in BG1.



    Typical paladin


    It is hard not to select some options...





    Jaheira and Khalid
    (Vanilla NPC with MODs- BG1 NPC Project)

    Overall Experience: A
    Lore friendly: A+


    Jaheira and Khalid join as a couple and they have the most content (more specifically, Jaheira) in terms of interjections and banters compared to the other NPCs in BG1NPC Project. The quality of the writing is outstanding, especially for Jaheira, some of her banter with annoying companions (such as Edwin) is skillfully written and close to a professional level. The Jaheira you see here also feels connected to Beamdogs written ones in SOD and Bioware's ones in BG2 almost seamlessly. There are still very few moments I consider some banters are unlikely to be written by Bioware in such a way (if I rate it with the most strict standard), but those contents are still quite amusing to see. 

    Hence, I enjoy their presence very much in BG1. Jaheira acts greatly as a de facto leader who strives to fulfill her old friend's wish by mentoring the PC to be a better person. I play as a druid in this playthrough, which has enhanced this experience even further, as they are several class-specific talks that Jaheira tried to help PC to develop as a fledgling druid. 

    Jaheira still has her nagging attitude as we all love/ hate in the vanilla BG2, but this MOD also offers you an opportunity to see her soft and attractive sides when Khalid is still alive. Several sweet moments are quite heartwarming to see and are connected well with the new content written in SOD, which may make the tragedy in the next game more impactful. 

    Khalid does not have as much characterization as Jaheira, but generally, his dialogues fully fit his few original banter that we can see in the first game. Although not many, I also feel that there are banters that have reminded me why he has a good intelligence score, which is something I consider good writing because stammering in speech does not always equal idiocy, which has probably been perceived as so in certain MODs. 

    Jaheira has a personal quest that is related to one of the vanilla quests and can be considered an interesting extension of that story. Quite enjoy it.



    Druid talk 
    When your companions are flirting but you are a lone wolf
    Druid quest

    (Vanilla NPC with MODs- BG1 NPC Project + Imoen 4 Ever)

    Overall Experience: A
    Lore Friendly: A


    BG1 NPC Project has added a lot of reactions to almost everything for Imoen. The quantity is almost at the same level as Jaheira, with the quality in writing slightly lower than some of the NPCs from this MOD, mainly because some of her dialogues may look slightly modern. 

    Don't get me wrong, I said this because I was comparing it to the overall amazing writing from this MOD with the highest standard. If you love Imoen, this MOD has everything you need and has successfully portrayed her as a very likable carefree, and mischievous little sister in the first game. Her personality truly shines in BG1 with this MOD, and you will love her if you like this type of cute character. This MOD will make you care more about her story in BG2 and has increased the immersion for someone who wants to role-play as a good protective brother who is willing to search through the whole Faerun just to rescue your beloved sister. BG1 NPC MOD has also added some scenes that will make you more emotionally attached to the story, such as making a grave for Gorion, and the small gift from your sister. 

    I have also installed the SOD components from the Imoen 4 Ever MOD to increase her presence in this playthrough, and I am truly impressed. This MOD rearrange the order of some vanilla dialogues and cutscenes to let Imoen stays in your party most of the time, and the result is pretty convincing- it looks natural and enhanced the experience in the early part of SOD significantly. After all, Imoen is willing to leave Candlekeep to venture into the unknown world with you- she cares about you and has an adventurous spirit, and I always find it implausible that she needs to stay back in the Palace to learn magic, while anyone else in your party can dual class without any similar restriction. 

    Unfortunately, as the author has stated, her content in SOD has not been completed yet, so you may notice her interjections while are still pretty well written, are significantly less than the vanilla NPCs, and there is no banter with the others at the moment. However, having a sister who talks less frequent is still much better than "no Imoen at all". I always feel happy when she says something, so this MOD is still very worth using at this stage. 

    Finally, you won't know what SOD is missing until you see her reactions to the events in SOD, especially in the later game. Never should have any story reason to take your dear sister away from you in SOD.



    Location banter
    Good sister gives you a gift
    SOD main story reactions
    Unexpected SOD minor reactions here and there


  2. Why I write this thread?

    English is my third language, I can read, can write for my work, but I'm not good in writing reviews. It took me much more time than I have expected to write these reviews. Why I am doing something so difficult for me? I found that there is actually quite limited information on how good a mod is when I'm doing own research to find which mod I should try. Is the npc/ quest mod good? Is there many interjection? How is the writing? How is the area art? I have all questions but sometime the answers are nowhere. Those mod that I can find many reviews / opinions are basically either too bad or too impressive. Hence, in my opinion, writing some feedbacks is at least something I should do after enjoying these mods that the authors spent so much effort making them without asking anything for return. I really appreciate it, I can still enjoy this game like a new game after 20 years, thanks to their tremendous works. 

    I was someone who used to dislike any unofficial content because I prefer to keep my games as vanilla as possible (for 18 years) and I thought mod written by non-professionals cannot be good. However, after my 2014 EE vanilla play through, I lack of interest to return to my favorite game because I saw everything, used every vanilla npc. I still want to play, but I don't have motivation. Mods rekindle my passion.

    How I rate mods:


      a) Overall Experience
    - This is just my personal opinion which emphasizes heavily on my own preference (e.g. I like interjections and reactions more than most people). It does not reflect the actual quality of a mod.
    - I will consider many things when I rate this part, not only the writing or personality, how fun is the gameplay (e.g. interesting kits, quests / encounters) will also contribute to this.
    - Vanilla npcs is rated as a whole (including vanilla content) instead of just rating the mod installed for them.

    b) Lore Friendly:
    - This is what I think how good is a mod fits the original game- does it feel like a vanilla content?
    - Or whether I think it is believable to happen in Forgotten Realms
    - Or is the DND lore same with what I know (or from own search online)

     c) Area Art:
    - Does it integrate well with vanilla areas? 
    - Does it look like copy paste from vanilla areas?
    - Does it look like how it should be in the story?

    Screenshots Warning

    You may have a glimpse on the screenshots if you want to know how the writing / area arts are, but some definitely contain heavy spoilers. I suggest do not see the screenshots if you are someone prefer to explore yourself.

    ==========Scroll down to see review =========


  3. Decided to add for BG1 and Bg2:
    20. Shades of the Sword Coast 


    Just reached Kuldahar (IWD1), received 2 quests that I thought they are vanilla, only found out that those are from Lava's MOD when I looked at the world map, because I remember there are no early vanilla quests lead to new areas...Integrated seamlessly in the original game...Some more I remember some of the good quests from his BG2 MODs that I played recently. I know it is still beta, but I will still install it.

    20. Reunion


    I like his quests from Xan MOD and Sellswords, more quests from Kulyok are welcome, especially I read something encouraging me to try it, it seems like a good idea to extend the stories in TOB

    Hopefully I didn't add too many mods into my list and make the game becomes buggy 😅

    Updated load order for BG1.

    sotsc is very new, so I guess it should be installed as last of the quest mod.



    0. DLC Merger

    1. Dragonspear UI++ v2.41

    2. BG1 Unfinished Business v16.3
    - Install all components
    3. The Stone of Askavar V2.2
    - Default Version
    4. Northen Tales of the Sword Coast 4.2.0
    - Install all components
    5. Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters V23
    - Install all components
    6. Ascalon's Questpack V3.0
    7. Balduran's Seatower
    8. Endless BG1 6.1
    - Install all components
    9. Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters 6.0
    - Teen version and skip components with warnings
    10. Lure_Of_Sirines_Call V16

    11. Shades of the Sword Coast

    12. The BG1NPC Project V25
    13. White 2.11
    14. SharTeel NPC v1.4
    15. Verrsza 5.3
    16. Vienxay 1.62

    17. Item Randomiser V7
    - Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost

    18. The Tweaks Anthology
    - Several components
    19. EET_Tweaks v1.12
    - xp for killing creatures 75%
    - xp for quests 75%

    20. SCS
    - All AI components

    21. Portrait:
    Artaport 4.0

    22. Enhanced Edition: Cosmetic Enhancements - v1.0.1



  4. 1 hour ago, Isewein said:

    You should try the DDrawFix if you are not playing the gog version (in which I believe it is included by default). Otherwise consider foregoing the widescreen mod. I found it not quite worth the screen flicker and lag issues it caused.

    I played games on TV, so I have to use widescreen resolution if I want to play with a full screen...(I'm not joking, IE games on TV is stunning😀)

    I tried DDrawFix, DDwrapper, compatibility tools, tried lot of settings that I could find online...but to no avail.. Vanilla GOG version is very slow, around 10-20 FPS. I must set NoVideoMemory= 1 to have stable 30 FPS, but it will cause random flickering (can see desktop things for 1 second..). As for the random crash, I'm not sure whether it is related to the DDrawFix.

    So I guess I have to accept it- the best for me is to tolerate some flickerings (quite random, sometime few minutes once, sometime take longer or less), and hopefully the crash is not getting more as I proceed further. If I encounter any permanent crash in any area, I think I will uninstall widescreen mod temporary and play in window mode in order to proceed.

    I'm not sure the unofficial IWD2 EE in progress can solve these issues.


    I saw some criticize Beamdog's EE versions, but after trying IWD2 recently, I appreciate the EE version more than ever.  

  5. almost 6 or 7 years ago I started iwd 2 with this mod after finishing iwd1ee with iwdnpc mod. To be honest I'm quite impressed with Domi's writing as it looks so professional to me. Unfortunately I gave up eventually somewhere around the ice temple, mostly due to this old game itself (I don't really like 3rd edition rules and the game is slower and lack of convenience compared to those ee version) , rather than the mod itself. I always have regret as I didn't finish the game with this mod, its concept basically has everything I like for an npc, i love the interactivity of npc and I still remember I read lot of threads here and feel how happy to see people praise this mod, voting for most likeable npc or romance etc..

    I think I should try iwd2 one more time (after my replays of bg series and iwdee) just to see what this mod offers and I also hope to see all beaufitiful area art from this game. Tried installing everything again in window 8 but has a lot of issues with wide-screen mod, tried a lot of fixes and seems no best solution found for my game. It seems still playable with some random screen flickering and crashes though..Hopefully I can finish this time.

    Thanks for the detailed review, it give me more anticipation 

  6. 1 minute ago, Endarire said:

    From what I've heard of Item Randomizer, it only randomizes certain vanilla items.  (Quest items and many/all mod-placed/mod-generated items aren't randomized.)

    Thanks for explaining, I think previously I have confused with the notes for npc mod content which may need a vanilla item to trigger a specific talk, I thought it means item randomizer may move mod items. 

  7. Spoiler


    0. DLC Merger

    1. Dragonspear UI++ v2.41

    2. BG1 Unfinished Business v16.3
    - Install all components
    3. The Stone of Askavar V2.2
    - Default Version
    4. Northern Tales of the Sword Coast 4.2.0
    - Install all components
    5. Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters V23
    - Install all components
    6. Ascalon's Questpack V3.0
    7. Balduran's Seatower
    8. Endless BG1 6.1
    - Install all components
    9. Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters 6.0
    - Teen version and skip components with warnings
    10. Lure_Of_Sirines_Call V16

    11. The BG1NPC Project V25
    12. White 2.11
    13. SharTeel NPC v1.4
    14. Verrsza 5.3
    15. Vienxay 1.62

    16. Item Randomiser V7
    - Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost

    17. The Tweaks Anthology
    - Several components
    18. EET_Tweaks v1.12
    - xp for killing creatures 75%
    - xp for quests 75%

    19. SCS
    - All AI components

    20. Portrait:
    Artaport 4.0

    21. Enhanced Edition: Cosmetic Enhancements - v1.0.1


    Updated my load order:

    - included item randomizer, probably will make the exploration more fun since I won't know what I will get from every store / battle.

    - Decided 75% experience from quests and kills should be good enough for this playthrough.

    - Probably will drop the cosmetic enhancements since I have no idea when to install it.

  8. 13 hours ago, lefreut said:

    It's doable but it's not straightforward. The styles section in BGEE.lua defines categories with font and size that you can change. But in my mod, the dialog and combat log use the "normal" style which is also used by a lot of other element so if you change it it will change the size of other texts. You will also need to edit the UI.menu to do what you want.

    Tried that in IWDEE and I can change the dialogue font without messing up the record screen.

    However, a different font will make the record screen looks weird in BGEE, it seems like only the default one can fit in the small bar there...I guess that is why you said need to edit the UI menu.

  9. Spoiler

    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~DRAGONSPEAR_UI++\DRAGONSPEAR_UI++.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install SoD GUI Overhaul Core Component: v2.41
    ~DRAGONSPEAR_UI++\DRAGONSPEAR_UI++.TP2~ #0 #2 // Add Transparent Tooltip Background: v2.41
    ~DRAGONSPEAR_UI++\DRAGONSPEAR_UI++.TP2~ #0 #3 // Update several strings in Dialog.tlk: v2.41
    ~DRAGONSPEAR_UI++\DRAGONSPEAR_UI++.TP2~ #0 #8 // Select Number of Quicksave Slots -> 5: v2.41
    ~DRAGONSPEAR_UI++\DRAGONSPEAR_UI++.TP2~ #0 #10 // Update portrait Picker: v2.41
    ~SELLSWORDS\SELLSWORDS.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Sellswords mod for Baldur's Gate II: v8
    ~TOTDG\SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: Tales of the Deep Gardens -> Yes, but don't patch the existing save games: 12.6
    ~INNERSHADE\SETUP-INNERSHADE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: Innershade -> Yes, but don't patch the existing save games: 10.4
    ~WHITEQUEEN\WHITEQUEEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity - The White Queen -> Yes, but don't patch the existing save games: 6.8
    ~ISNF\ISNF.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: I Shall Never Forget: 5.8
    ~XAN\XAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Xan NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II: v19
    ~ADRIAN\ADRIAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Adrian for BGII -> Adrian is a Sorcerer: v5.0
    ~ADRIAN\ADRIAN.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install optional soundset for Adrian (only in English) -> Phaelin's soundset: v5.0
    ~ADRIAN\ADRIAN.TP2~ #0 #20 // Crossmod content: v5.0
    ~ISRA_BG2\ISRA_BG2.TP2~ #0 #0 // Isra for BGII: v3.1
    ~ISRA_BG2\ISRA_BG2.TP2~ #0 #1 // Isra Crossmod Content: v3.1
    ~YOSHIMO\YOSHIMO.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yoshimo Friendship Mod for BGII: SoA: v4.5
    ~IMOENFRIENDSHIP\IMOENFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Imoen Friendship: v3.6
    ~YOSHIMOSREMORSE\YOSHIMOSREMORSE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yoshimo's Remorse: v2.0
    ~SIRENE_BG2\SIRENE_BG2.TP2~ #0 #0 // Sirene NPC for BG2:EE
    ~CROSSMODBG2\SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.TP2~ #0 #0 // Crossmod Banter Pack for Shadows of Amn: v19
    ~CROSSMODBG2\SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.TP2~ #0 #1 // Crossmod Banter Pack for Throne of Bhaal: v19
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Remove Blur Effect from Items, e.g. Cloack of Displacement: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // More Interjections: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1020 // Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1161 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> Keep Class Restrictions: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1225 // Adjust Cromwell's Forging Time -> Instant forging (original BG2 default): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove Experience Cap: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3121 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Can Be Angry About Reputation but Never Leave (Salk): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3150 // Remove animation from the Cloak of Mirroring (leave it for other spells and effects that use the same graphic): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3194 // Alter Hostile Rest Spawns -> Disable completely: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3330 // Make party members less likely to die irreversibly: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3342 // Increase party movement speed outside combat -> By 150 percent: v9
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3505 // Wider selection of random scrolls: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3551 // Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict the maximum amount of damage in this range: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4161 // Increase the price of a license to practise magic in Athkatla -> License costs 15,000 gp: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4171 // Increase the price asked by Gaelan Bayle -> Gaelan wants 60,000 gold pieces: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: 33.7
    ~ARTAPORT\ARTAPORT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Change portraits in BG2:EE: 2.0
    ~ARTAPORT\ARTAPORT.TP2~ #0 #4 // Add portraits for non-joinable NPCs in BG2:EE: 2.0
    ~ARTAPORT\ARTAPORT.TP2~ #0 #5 // Restore BG1:EE NPC portraits: 2.0
    ~ARTAPORT\ARTAPORT.TP2~ #0 #1180 // Add portrait for Edwina: 2.0
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6520 // Smarter genies: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6540 // Smarter dragons: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6550 // Smarter beholders: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6560 // Smarter mind flayers: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6580 // Improved Vampires: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6590 // Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6510 // Improved fiends and celestials: 33.7
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6570 // Smarter githyanki: 33.7

    The weidu log.

  10. I'm not sure whether this is related to SCS, since I know SCS has this stated in the readme:

    Improved Fiends and Celestials- They will teleport around the battlefield for tactical advantage

    In my game, the chromatic demon will teleport to Yoshimo whenever he damaged the demon with electrical damage bow, and they will "stick together" (see the screenshot), and Yoshimo cannot move / escape. He died few times here because of this. The demon won't do this when my warriors damaged it with elemental damage from weapon or damage from my mages.



  11. 5 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    You sure ? Cause I hear you prefer the IWDEE and I suspect the BG1EE+SoD, rather than the originals... :D

    And those have a font size selection in the options menu's graphics section.


    in game option will change all fonts together. But I prefer to change each type of font separately. For example, bigger for dialogue, smaller for item description etc

  12. is there any mod that makes Edwin has more friendship talks in bg2? I could only find Edwin romance, not sure whether is there any point to install this if my charname won't romance him...

    It could be weird if both charname and minyae romance him at the same time.


    I think I may also use this thread to ask for help (if any) for my modded iwdee game for this year.

    Just asking first, is there any mod that will make iwd battles more challenging and fun? I know scs does not support iwd...

  13. 12 hours ago, jastey said:

    No idea, sorry. There should be a main rule about tweak mods and SCS, I would assume SCS comes last but I am not sure. For the two tweak mods I guess it doesn't matter, but that's a wild guess as I'm not even sure what exactly EET Tweak does.

    I know this component should be part of the eet mod. If someone install this component via eet, when will it be installed? eet game weidu log may have that info but I don't have (dono how to install) eet game at the moment..


    Thank you for explaining re in details, I understand now. Anyway, it seems like safer to install manually and let the weidu installer picks all components automatically ...

  14. On 3/3/2021 at 5:50 PM, jastey said:

    I sorted some of the mods a bit differently in a list for "my" mods but the only hard rule in there is Endless BG1 before bg1re which you considered so it should be ok.



    Thanks for confirming😀

    May I also ask for your opinion on the install order for EET tweak (to change xp cap and xp gained). I'm not sure whether it should be installed before / after SCS and Tweaks anthology...


  15. 42 minutes ago, jastey said:

    The reason why it sufficces to choose the install choice if you install the mod by hand is that the weidu installer asks what to do with the components: "ask about each one, install all, or skip them". That all components will be installed directly is because you chose "i"nstall all - if you press "a"sk about each one instead, you will have to confirm every one individually.

    So, no, just ticking the choice from the first component in PI won't be enough, you'll have to tick all components you actually want, too.

    So, let use the following as example.

    1.  Bardolan's Briefing, by berelinde (mature content / teen version)

    I see it has mature / teen version in the readme. If I want to install the teen version, what should I do? It seems like no option to tick mature or teen version under number 1 in PI.

  16. I think you may be confused that you have to set the language after installing all mod. It is actually no such step after mods installation.

    Just run the fresh game once, ensure that it is in English language, then start installing your mods, normally the mod will ask you what is the language of your game first, just select English during installation, and you should have no text error later.


  17. 2 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    Well, ... I don't give a cheese if PI can use it, but you can definitely manually install the mods this way, so I would expect the PI to be able to... but like I said, I don't give a flying monkey ... if the tool can do it.

    And expecting a mods own readme to be updated to even 1/100 of the information gathered in the moding community is a way too much to ask. So everyone of the readme's that say they know install info is, by default, wrong in every one of their points just for principle, that things change.

    Thanks for explaining.

    I tried installing TSFA in a fresh game (with DLC merged) without following the readme, and loaded a save, it seems like the MOD contents are there. Should be safe to install with PI then.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Cahir said:

    Yes, it's exactly because of that. Patch 2.5 made most of the BG1 Unfinished Business components obsolete. Some are still worth installing, though. But I believe those obsolete components will be skipped during installation if you choose them, so no harm doing that.

    Thanks, I remember I just installed everything for my previous playthrough (last month) and didn't realize anything goes wrong.

  19.  BG1EE+SOD Load order draft: (kindly advise me)


    0. DLC Merger

    1. Dragonspear UI++ v2.41

    2. BG1 Unfinished Business v16.3
    - Install all components
    3. The Stone of Askavar V2.2
    - Default Version
    4. Northen Tales of the Sword Coast 4.2.0
    - Install all components
    5. Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters V23
    - Install all components
    6. Ascalon's Questpack V3.0
    7. Balduran's Seatower
    8. Endless BG1 6.1
    - Install all components
    9. Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters 6.0
    - Teen version and skip components with warnings
    10. Lure_Of_Sirines_Call V16

    11. The BG1NPC Project V25
    12. White 2.11
    13. SharTeel NPC v1.4
    14. Verrsza 5.3
    15. Vienxay 1.62

    16. The Tweaks Anthology
    - Several components
    17. EET_Tweaks v1.12
    - Disable xp cap
    - xp for killing creatures 50% (can it be too low?)
    - xp for quests 75%

    18. SCS
    - All AI components

    19. Portrait:
    Artaport 4.0

    20. Enhanced Edition: Cosmetic Enhancements - v1.0.1


    The parts that I have highlighted in red color means I'm very unsure whether they are "parked" correctly in the order...

    Kindly help me.

  20. 29 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    See the answer is in the question, you install DLC Merger... yes, it's a mod that does this. You can always rely on the readme's being out of date. See there was a Modmerge mod before the DLC Merger, and it wasn't a mod weidu could see, so ... the readme recount on this thing.

    Sorry for confirming again, I hope I understand you correctly, so can I ignore the readme instructions and install TSFA using PI if I have merged BGEE and SOD with DLC merger MOD previously?

  21. Finished SOA BG2 for my current game, starting TOB. It's time to prepare for my next BG1 playthrough, start with reading all readme and prepare for an installation order.


    1. A question for The Stone for Askava. I saw this in the readme but I don't quite understand:



    If you have the Siege of Dragonspear installed then you need to extract the contents of the mod archive to the Siege of Dragonspear main directory.

    I thought dlc merger will make BGEE and SOD into one game. How to install TSFA with Project Infinity if I have to extract the contents to SOD directory?


    2. Question for installing romantic encounter via PI:



    I know that if I select "teen version and skip warning components" when installing directly (without using PI), that is the only option I have choose, the other things will be installed automatically.

    However, if I use PI, it seems like I have to tick all components individually? or I can still just tick component 100 and ignore the componenets 1-44 such as how I did in my screenshot:




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