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Everything posted by a.greene

  1. I'm trying to set up a melee hit effect that lowers morale by one with each hit. I'm trying to use opcode 23 but I note in BGEE and BG2EE it's labeled as reset morale while in IWDEE it's labeled as bonus morale. According to Nearinfinity parameter 1 and 2 of opcode 23 are unused in BGEE/BG2E, this I'm unsure how to set it up, any assistance would be appreciated. Cheers Adam
  2. @jmerry I ended up using the following, although suggestions are always appreciated.. BEGIN ~Restore Two-Handed Spear Damage (PnP)~ ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~enginest.2da~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP "^.+\.itm" override PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71 BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x31 prof READ_SHORT 0x1c type PATCH_IF (prof = 98) BEGIN LPF ALTER_ITEM_HEADER INT_VAR header_type = 1 dicesize = 8 dicenumber = 1 END FOR (index = 0x54 ; index >= 0x50 ; index -= 4) BEGIN READ_LONG index valid PATCH_IF (valid < 2147483646) AND (valid >= 0) BEGIN READ_STRREF index description PATCH_IF (~%description%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~1d6~) = 0 BEGIN INNER_PATCH_SAVE new_desc ~%description%~ BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~1d6~ ~1d8~ END SAY_EVALUATED index ~%new_desc%~ END END END END END END
  3. Good morning I'm trying to increase the damage for all spears from 1d6 to 1d8, for some reason while I'm copying all spears the patch is failing to change the dice size? Any ideas? Thank you BEGIN ~Restore Two-Handed Spear Damage (PnP)~ ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~enginest.2da~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~SPER.*\.ITM~ ~override~ PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2d3 BEGIN LPF ALTER_ITEM_HEADER INT_VAR header_type = 1 dicesize = 8 END END END
  4. @argent77 @Graion Dilach Thank you for your replies, this definitely sounds more involved than I thought and definitely above my abilities.
  5. Good evening, Would anyone be able to assist me in how I go about implementing a custom inventory screen item paperdoll. Assuming I have the .bam file... Any assistance would be appreciated.
  6. How is as weapon with slashing or piercing damage represented within the game? Does it take into account the target creatures damage resistance when selecting if piercing or slashing damage is done? Does THAC0 play a role at all? Thank you in advance. Cheers, Adam
  7. @jmerry It appears I did not accurately describe what I wanted to do... Is it possible to only add the kensai flag to magical weapons, and not to all magical items?
  8. I've tried to extended a AR1900.bcs with the following code, but on Tazok's death, Kivan's dialog block is intermittently (unpredictably) being triggered... IF InParty("Kivan") Global("CanKillTazok","GLOBAL",0) HasItem("MIHP1","Tazok") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("CanKillTazok","GLOBAL",1) ActionOverride("tazok",DestroyItem("MIHP1")) END IF Global("FoughtTazok","GLOBAL",0) HPPercentLT("Tazok",50) THEN RESPONSE #100 ClearAllActions() StartDialogueNoSet([PC]) END IF InParty("Kivan") !Dead("kivan") Dead("Tazok") Global("TazokDead","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Wait(2) ActionOverride("Kivan",StartDialogueNoSet([PC])) SetGlobal("TazokDead","GLOBAL",1) END I have similarly added the following to Kivan's dialog file APPEND ~KIVANJ~ IF WEIGHT #-1 ~ Global("TazokDead","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN TazokDead SAY #32796 //It is done. Deheriana, amin liy, esta aul i' haly en' Arvandor. May you find peace... and I find acceptance. IF ~~ THEN DO ~ EraseJournalEntry(32894) EraseJournalEntry(27212) EraseJournalEntry(32760) AddJournalEntry(%Kivan's bandit hunt Kivan was finally able to avenge his wife. May Deheriana find peace and Kivan find acceptance.%,QUEST_DONE) SetGlobal("TazokDead","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("bd_tazok_dead","AR0125",1)~ EXIT END END I have attached the relevant files for review, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, a. Setup-Kivan.tp2 AR1900.baf Kivan.d
  9. If I wanted to edit all instances of Kivan's creature file would it be best (cleanest) to use: COPY_EXISTING ~kivan.CRE~ ~override~ ~kivan4.CRE~ ~override~ ~kivan6.CRE~ ~override~ or COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~kivan.*.CRE~ ~override~ or something else?
  10. I love the new portrait!
  11. I'm trying to restrict a kensai's ability to use magical items weapons via the following (edited) COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP "^.+\.itm" override PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN READ_LONG 0x64 ex_off READ_SHORT 0x68 ex_co READ_LONG 0x60 enchantment PATCH_IF enchantment > 0 BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x2f "use" WRITE_BYTE 0x2f ("%use%" BOR 0b00000100) END END Would it be possible to use the magical item flag instead of enchantment > 0? If so could someone assist me in re-writing this? Thank you Cheers, a.
  12. Well that is annoying but thank you for your reply, I can confirm that even if I add a melee weapon, the bonus damage is still not applied, thus it appears to be your first point around implementation of the EE UI.
  13. I recently edited the SPCL141.spl file and changed THAC0 bonus (278) and Attack damage bonus (73) to Melee THAC0 bonus (284) and Melee weapon damage modifier (285) and subsequently noticed that Melee weapon damage modifier (285) does not display correctly in the inventory screen (see attached), it should display a +2 bonus in the damage field. Interestingly, melee THAC0 bonus displays correctly.
  14. Playing devils advocate, are we sure that the the description is not actually correct and the CLAB file is incorrect?
  15. Would it be possible to have battle automatically trigger a spell effect for example: Item X equipped, each time that character (with item X equipped) enters a battle, they automatically receive the benefits of a spell for a predetermined duration (haste for 1 round)? Thank you in advance.
  16. @Jarno Mikkola @jmerry @Graion Dilach Thank you for your replies, this sounds well outside of my current capacity, I'll file this away for now...
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