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Everything posted by a.greene

  1. Curious question, would it be possible to build a fighter kit that could pick pocket using the SKILLBRD.2DA TABLE? I suspect this may be possible with @Bubb EEex mod but I'm on a macOS thus am unable to install it currently... Thank you in advance for any assistance.
  2. Thank you, I appreciate your patience and your response.
  3. @Jarno Mikkola @jmerry @Graion Dilach Follow up question if I may? How do I restrict installation of a component to a specific game for example BGEE vs BG2EE? I've been reviewing other mods and tried using REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME IS ~bgee~ but that just returns an parse error Thank you in advance, any assistance would be appreciated. BACKUP ~Tome/Backup~ AUTHOR ~Greener~ VERSION ~1.0~ ////////////////////////////////////// BGEE //////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Tome of Experience BGEE~ REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME IS ~bgee~ COPY_EXISTING ~BOOK07.ITM~ ~override/WA3BOOK.ITM~ SAY NAME1 ~Book~ SAY NAME2 ~Tome of Experience~ SAY DESC ~Studying this tome teaches the reader skills and techniques never imagined possible. As if this isn't enough, the reader also gains 25,000 experience points. Unfortunately, the tome is consumed after a single use. STATISTICS: Experience: Raised by 25,000 points permanently Special: The book is consumed upon use Usage: Place into quick item slot Weight: 5~ LPF ALTER_ITEM_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 6 check_headers = 1 new_opcode = 104 parameter1 = 25000 parameter2 = 0 END SET newref = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~<GABBER>has gained 25,000 experience points.~) LPF ALTER_ITEM_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 139 check_headers = 1 parameter1 = newref END IF_EXISTS ////////////////////////////////////// BG2EE //////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Tome of Experience BG2EE~ REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME IS ~bg2ee~ COPY_EXISTING ~BOOK07.ITM~ ~override/WA3BOOK.ITM~ SAY NAME1 ~Book~ SAY NAME2 ~Tome of Experience~ SAY DESC ~Studying this tome teaches the reader skills and techniques never imagined possible. As if this isn't enough, the reader also gains 25,000 experience points. Unfortunately, the tome is consumed after a single use. STATISTICS: Experience: Raised by 250,000 points permanently Special: The book is consumed upon use Usage: Place into quick item slot Weight: 5~ LPF ALTER_ITEM_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 6 check_headers = 1 new_opcode = 104 parameter1 = 250000 parameter2 = 0 END SET newref = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~<GABBER>has gained 250,000 experience points.~) LPF ALTER_ITEM_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 139 check_headers = 1 parameter1 = newref END IF_EXISTS
  4. Kagain is exactly who I would give a mercenary kit to... I've been mucking around with the following: MERCENARY: Mercenaries are soldiers who sell their services to the highest bidder. Traveling great distances in harsh conditions for coin and fame, the mercenary is a man or woman who must master a variety of weapons and styles to satisfy his or her employer's needs. Advantages: – Begins proficient (one slot) in single-weapon style and sword and shield style (in place of Begins with two extra proficiency slots at 1st level.) – No solution for the extra proficiency slot at 6th level – Kagain specific bag of holding with limited capacity in place of carry weight increased by 50% Disadvantages: - May not exceed High Mastery (four slots) in any weapon.
  5. @Jarno Mikkola @jmerry @Graion Dilach Thank you.
  6. Good evening, I'm trying to create an item (tome) that when read will grant the reader 25,000 experience points. I have modelled it after the tome of leadership and influence replacing the charisma bonus with an XP bonus. I'm struggling to edit the effect Display String (139), I would like it to say '<CHARNAME> has gained 25,000 Experience.' Currently it returns 'no such index' I have attached the files for review, any assistance would be appreciated. BEGIN ~Tome~ ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee~ THEN BEGIN ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~enginest.2da~ BEGIN ////////////////////////////////////// ITEMS /////////////////////////////////////// COPY ~Tome/Items/WA3BOOK.ITM~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Book~ SAY NAME2 ~Tome of Experience~ SAY DESC ~Studying this tome teaches the reader skills and techniques never imagined possible. As if this isn't enough, the reader also gains 25,000 experience points. Unfortunately, the tome is consumed after a single use. STATISTICS: Experience: Raised by 25,000 points permanently Special: The book is consumed upon use Usage: Place into quick item slot Weight: 5~ SAY 0xDE ~<CHARNAME> has gained 25,000 Experience.~ END END Tome.zip
  7. @morpheus562 fair point I understand, perhaps we could put our heads together and figure out something in line with with the spirit of the kit?
  8. @morpheus562 Brilliant work! Would you consider reworking the kits from IWD2? I would be most interested in the Mercenary Kit MERCENARY: Mercenaries are soldiers who sell their services to the highest bidder. Traveling great distances in harsh conditions for coin and fame, the mercenary is a man or woman who must master a variety of weapons and styles to satisfy his or her employer's needs. Advantages: * Two extra proficiency slots at 1st level. * One extra proficiency slot at 6th level. * Carry weight increased by 50%. Disadvantages: * Unable to start with Weapon Specialization. * Unable to achieve Grand Mastery in a weapon.
  9. Do you think it would be possible to create kit specific experience tables instead of class specific experience tables? and/or Allow for certain kits to gain addition weapon proficiencies instead of the entire class?
  10. Would it be possible to create kit specific experience tables instead of class specific experience tables?
  11. @temnix Thank you! If anyone would be able to assist with the technical side, I would appreciate it. I'm currently reading through various UI.menu files although I'm not having much success table.insert(recordInfos, {1,""}) table.insert(recordInfos, {1,t("RESISTANCES_LABEL")}) table.insert(recordInfos, {1,characters[currentID].proficiencies.resistances}) The above could work, although I'm not sure how to link critical hit threat range?
  12. Would it be possible to display critical (hit) threat range on a character record?
  13. I agree, replacing Kivan's proficiency with halberds for proficiency with spears would be most appropriate in my opinion.
  14. Hi, I've recently transitioned from a 2013 MacBook Pro to a 2019 MacBook Pro running the most recent version of macOS 10.15.7 After completing a fresh install Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition via Beamdog client, I'm now getting multiple permission errors when attempting to use the most recent version of NearInfinity. I've included my Debug Console below: As you can see, I'm getting the the following error: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /Users/greener/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Portraits: Operation not permitted I've tried setting folder permissions via sharing & permissions tab to Read & Write without success, I've tired reinstalling BGEE, I've tried multiple versions of Java, I've even tried giving Java full disk access via security and privacy tab in the system preferences menu, all without success. I was some how able to grant specific folder access to Java on my old computer, but seem unable to do that again. I've scoured the internet without success, and I'm now humbly asking for assistance. Cheers, a.
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